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ZWAHAHAHA!!!!!! Like...none? Student?
Real Name
Charissa Nolastname
Straight A's
Anime Fan Since
Forever...well since i knew it existed and what it was....
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Bleach, Inuyasha & Wolves Rain, ANGEL SANCTUARY THE MOST!!!!!!
To become a Biologist
swimming and animals and reading too!
singing, school
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Monday, December 12, 2005
long time since i've been on...darn school...
alex came home on friday! but probably most of u know that already
^_^ it's 6:56 AM, and I'm waiting for a friend who i carpool with. But she's not supposed to come till 7:15. lol early *yawn*
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Saturday, November 26, 2005
hey. nooo thanksgivin break is almost
I caught a cold from my cousin...cuz he blew his nose on tissues and threw them at me! >D
nm to talk about
Do you go on xanga?
a: yes
b: no
c: used to
d: sometimes
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Friday, November 25, 2005
Hey y'all
I'm gonna change my site, or maybe when ur reading this i already changed it. *shrugs*
I like this quote:
"Am I or the others crazy?" --Albert Einstein
lol tis a cool quote
I hope y'all had a good thanksgiving!
cya later
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Thursday, November 24, 2005
happy turkey day!
whoohoo! Today my grandma is comin over and im makin fruit salad.
I'm thankful for my family and my friends and not alex J/K LOL I am thankful for him and everything I have and my life and my happiness and all of you.
^_^ ja ne!
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Saturday, November 19, 2005
Birthday Girl!
Today is my bday! Yah!!!!!!
well sorry i've been gone, schools been like...ugh!
4 projects, tons of homework, and they just HAD to put HONORS SCIENCE and ALGERBA in the same term!
honors sci is smushing 8th grade and 9th grade sci in one grade...but today is my birthday so I decided to relax
ooh for presents I got Green Day "American Idiot" from my parents, Linkin Park "Meteora" from my best friend Brittney, gift card from my friend Karli, $20 from my uncle and family, and $12 from my grandma. ^_____^
Today I went to MPM (ugh my mom made me go, stupid, doing 2 hours of math on my bday on a saturday!) and then we watched "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" then we had to go lunch from "the Old Spaghetti Factory" (One sausage and spaghetti, one meat lover spaghetti) and that brings me to now
see you all later!
~Birthday Girl
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Sunday, October 9, 2005
This is an experiment
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Well...maybe that quiz was too hard, the best anybody got was one out of five, which was what swtanimechick and sabbycat93 got.
so, answers:
1) What's my name? Charissa
2)What shirt am I wearing? purple Kate Fashion shirt
3)What are my favorite shows? LOST and NUMB3RS
4)what kind of a computer do I have? iMac
5) What languages do I know? LOL this is gonna scare you cuz it's crazy i know so many: English, Cantonese, Spanish, and some Mandarin. lol, 4 languages.
Hmm so that was funny to see your guesses..maybe i should have a question of the day thing to see how much you know about me...yeah, i will!
Today's question: Who is/are my siblings(say his/her/their name/names)?
Today was pretty boring. I'm going to go to church later...and then i don't know.
well, ja ne!
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Saturday, October 8, 2005
Hey Y'all
I got this idea from Alex. ^_^
A quiz about how much u know about me! The hard ones are multiple choice. oh, no peeking at alex's answers. cuz he would know all except one.
2) What shirt am I wearing?(hehe got this from alex too. )
a: A purple Kate Fashion shirt
b: A red, white, and blue polo shirt
c: a shirt with a face on it
d: a shirt with the alphabet on it
3) What is/are my favorite show/shows?
4) ooh hard what kind of a computer do i have? (I have said before)
a: iMac
b: Windows
c: Dell
d: Gateway
5) What language(s) do I know?
a: English
b: English and Cantonese
c: English and Cantonese and some Mandarin and Spanish (crazy)
D: English and Japanese
Hehe good luck!
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Monday, October 3, 2005
Well, Saturday's post didn't work too're suppossed to vote for which quote you like best
Oh well...
Today not much happened...I got a 100% on my math test yesterday! ^__________^
Poll: Are you good at math?
a)im good
b)im okay
c)okay to good
d)I suck at math
e) no, don't remind me of math!
Song quote:
"Now I can't breathe, No I can't sleep, I'm barely hangin on"
ugh tomorrow we have Pacers in P.E. ....bleh.
Then on Friday we have the!!!
oh well...
hmm im tryin to think of a new signature any suggestions?
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Saturday, October 1, 2005
I just thought of a cool idea, I'm gonna put song quotes and have you vote for the best one
"Heeeeeeeey ya! Heey ya!...."
--Hey ya
"Look at this photograph. Everytime I look at it it makes me want to laugh..."
"She's bittersweet, she gets me...She's just the girl I'm lookin for...."
--Um i don't remember what song
"I've found a reason for me, to change who I used to be, a reason for me to change who I used to be, and that reason is YOU"
--Dunno what song
"Wake me up, when September ends..."
--Wake me up when september ends
yeah i got those from while listenen to the radio while goin to sites and writin this, and one from the wallpaper on my computer
please vote ^^ i g2g or i'll never get to sites
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