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Sunday, October 17, 2004
Well, um...Oh I have a hugs thingy so if u visit my site anytime anyday or everyday, please click on the link & give me hugs!
 Your soul is bound to the First Totem, Ares: The Dove.
Ares appears as a pearl dove. She embodies love, peace, balance, and devotion. She is associated with the color pearl, the season of transition, and the element of love. Her downfall is idolization.
You are most compatible with Wolves and White Stags.
Which Animal Spirit Totem Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Grandma's doing better...
If anyone out there knows how to draw fingers on hands, plz pm/comment cuz i need help w/ a drawing...
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Saturday, October 16, 2004
Hey ill check ur guys' sites in a min...my grandmas doin better, the stupid doctor made the stupidest mistake in the world...long story...well im not at mpm cuz my parents thought after visiting my grandma, i didnt work enough on a project from school and theres weekend homework, so they said 4 me not to go but do homework and project which i finished in 30 min but im not tellin em that i gtg Ja ne!
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Thursday, October 14, 2004
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Reverse Minimum Day&Bad News...
I'm posting cuz at my school cuz their takin the PSAT school doesn't start till 10:45 and bus doesn't come till 9:45...Now for the bad news...
I'm unhappy cuz my grandma is in critical condition in the hospital & they say she might die. That's why i got early dismissal yesterday, my parents wanted to go there immediately and wouldn'tve been able to pick me up... :(
I really hope things get better. Ja Ne.
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Tuesday, October 12, 2004
As u can see, theres no subject...cause it'd be 2 long...
HA-HA-HA-HA! Okay, I'm hyper, excuse that. No, I'M NOT WEIRD! Just hyper...*sigh*
Well...life's okay...but now that I think about it...never mind...
Well, Anywayz, Ja Ne!
P.S. To Lord Big Doggie: If u see this on Oct. 12 2004, I'm fine...Just got early dismissal...Ask me tommorow at the bus stop or whatever...
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Monday, October 11, 2004
Oh, yeah, 1 last thing...
I will be checking ur guys's posts every other day (if u post that oftern) since i only have 30 min a day...I'm doing 1/2 my friends 1 day, other half the next...Ja ne!
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Oh, yeah, 1 last thing...
I will be checking ur guys's posts every other day (if u post that oftern) since i only have 30 min a day...I'm doing 1/2 my friends 1 day, other half the next...Ja ne!
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 Your anime hair color is green.
What is your anime hair color? brought to you by Quizilla
My friend made an otaku plz visit it here's the link: http://www.myotaku.com/users/lord_big_doggie
Ja Ne!
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Sunday, October 10, 2004
Sorry, I can't check ur site xosweetpunkox cause my internet keeps quitting when I try, I dunno why...anywayz, life's okay, more like boring...ja nei! (did I spell that right?)
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Saturday, October 9, 2004
Dang it!
I am currently having computer problems...my internet keeps shutting down so i am getting frustrated because then it takes SO long to check otaku and post...and my mouse wouldn't work, so that's why i havent been posting...maybe i got a virus on my computer...Can anyone out there help??? Please comment w/ suggestions if u have any. Thank you.
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