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Charissa Nolastname
Straight A's
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Forever...well since i knew it existed and what it was....
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Cowboy Bebop, Bleach, Inuyasha & Wolves Rain, ANGEL SANCTUARY THE MOST!!!!!!
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Sunday, September 25, 2005
Well i've found the code isn't exactly workin. However, I have very little knowledge in HTML, so I'll just get a different one.
well today we have been cleaning. Moving stuff. etc.
hmm poll winner was A.
New Poll: Have you had a cleaning day recently?
c)i don't remember
e)That's a stupid question
Actually that is kinda a stupid question lol
do you guys know if anyone makes Sesshomaru clones?
O_O I was just thinkin about whether to listen to my iTunes Linkin Park Music or the radio and i turn on the radio and it has Linkin Park oO weird
Bye bye
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Saturday, September 24, 2005
Hey Y'all
Sup? I have finally finished all my hw and now im here
so, i think i got to ur site. If not, I'm sorry.
i have a stretch, and I am gonna make a clay figure :) yay its fun
Im gonna take the PSAT too. lol and im only in 8th grade. :D that makes me feel smart ^_____________^
School has been okay ^^ except i have a teacher who makes everythin like out of a 100 points O.O and so if there is only 4 problems (and he grades on if you get it right or not) and you get it wrong, you get a C even if you put the effort T_T o well I have at least a B or maybe even an A- whoo!
I'm listenin to Linkin Park right now...
O yeah
Poll: Do you like the song "Wake me up when September ends"?
d)haven't heard of it
Well I do!
Please pray for the victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
O yah plz vote and comment on my fanart thanks!
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
src="" border="0"
src=""> |
style = "width:464px; height:360px; overflow:auto;">
hi! hope you all are havin a happy sunday
ironic, while typing that, I was listenin to Linking Park's "Papercut" and it was goin "I'm about to break!"
well anywayz today I just went online and finished watching "Armegededdon" (sp? that movie where the whole world almost ends) It was good, but I didn't like how that father had to die.
hmm hopefully i got to ur site
height="40" width="240" title="HUGS">
victimsofkatrina more *HUGS*
Get hugs
of your own
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Saturday, September 17, 2005

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Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Today is Wednesday, but we have late start (1 hour later) so I have time to post while waitin for my dad to finish gettin ready
Sorry I don't go on as much, stupid school! well maybe not stupid
wednesday: up side is late start
down side is havin a teacher that makes u sing and dance to stuff u don't want to and who wouldn't admit she was wrong (it took 15 min to convince her! I posted about it a while back)
today is advocacy so yeah it's Ms. Lopez im talkin about. -.- she's also my spanish teacher.
nm else.
poll result was...don't remember xD
o yah im puttin up the katrina victims hugs meter thing
give victimsofkatrina more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
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Monday, September 5, 2005

Anybody know how to get the code for the hugs meter for Katrina victims?
well anywhoo on the 9th, im goin to a barbeque from church
hope you're havin a good labor day
alex comin home today
poll result: people procrastinate sometimes
new poll: Are you in school yet?
hmm some ranks:
Total Visits 1270
Popularity Ranking # 675 (out of 34,392 active sites)
Guestbook entries: 113
yeah kinda sucky rank but o well it is cuz school
i g2g
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Sunday, September 4, 2005

nm here today...Although I love that it's a 3 day weekend
I got assigned a book report on thursday, and I finished it yesterday, although it's due the 14th. lol i just didn't wanna end up procrastinating.
okay poll result week was okay
New Poll: Do you procrastinate?
me: sometimes. But i get it together in the end.
oooh i think, unless somebody is already doin this, I'm gonna make sesshomaru clones! I'm gonna see if anybody is doin this, and if not, ^_^ i can!
hmm thats all.
Hope you like my new theme.
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Saturday, September 3, 2005
Hey Y'all!

Sorry I have been gone, school takes up all my time!
well i'll briefly tell you my week:basically monday was forms, and the rest was getting back into regular stuff. I don't like my spanish teacher though. She made us (more like tried to make us)dance and sing. And she wouldn't admit she was wrong when the whole class knew she was wrong. Took us like 15 min of tryin to explain to her for her to understand. However, I really like my Humanities teacher. He's cool, and not boring, and he's on the board for our town so he can tell us some stuff about what's goin on in our town. And the politics of stuff. ^_________^
So...alex is gone this weekend for camp, which u probably know about. Plz go to his site even if he didn't get to urs cuz he just can't get to sites. But I post for him ^^
that's about it.
Poll: how was your school week?
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
hi there

This is destinyssweetman posting :) I'm posting for my sister, ^^, and I think most of you know who I am lol. Well my sister is over at a sleepover and she should be back in a few hours. ^^ hmm what else to say...I dunno if she'll be able to get to sites today. take care everyone. bye
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Saturday, August 27, 2005

I'm sorry I can't get to sites, I am going to a sleepover/party...^^; have fun y'all!
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