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Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, August 9, 2006
Man i have to go back to school tomorrow.......and i'm not really looking forward to it. I have a feeling that tomorrrow is going to be so boring! But then again I'll probably be wrong afterall I'll be able to see all of my friends again, so that's soemthing to look forward to, because i absolutely love all of my friends! Actually I'm excited now because i can't wait to see them all! But i'm not so excited about my classes...........i know they're going to be extremely though, because i wanted to be better, and i signed up for alot of college type classes. Basically it's like i'm taking college courses........and some of my classes are going to be at the college that is nearby the high i'm going to have to walk back and forth alot. But i'm not going to let that ruin my mood ^-^.
Ohh and i don't know if i'll be able to get on tomorrow since i will most likely be busy, but i'll try my hardest.
So when are you guys going back to school. Well if you still go to school anyways!
Alright well i'm off to visit your sites......well those who updated! Ok well good-bye for now everyone, and i Hope you have a Great Day!
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Monday, August 7, 2006
no subject today
well today i'm just a little bit bored and right now I'm really tired because i just finished walking my two dogs.........and it was hard to walk them by myself because they're really strong for such little things, amd they kept pulling me everywhere. Not to mention it's really really hot outside....and i forgot to take some water with me.
Man i'm so tired i wish this day would end already because there still so much time left in this day.......but i also have so many things left to do.
Well since i can't really think of what to say, I'll end my post here..........ok well sorry for writing an uninteresting post.........and thanks for reading it ^-^, well i think i'm gonna go take a nice nap.....well i'm gonna try because mr.waffle and nibbs won't stop barking!! Ok buh-bye everyone! take care and i hope you have a great day!
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Sunday, August 6, 2006
Hey everyone
well i'm sorry that i didn't get to visit any of your sites! I was really really busy yesterday. Since school is about to start....i had to go and buy new clothes. I hate going to the mall on tax-free week-end though, it's so freaking crowded...and the lines are sooo frustrating. But i did manage to buy alot of nice things......but i was so tired afterwards.
And then afte the mall i went to my cousins house.......and my other cousin had just gotten home from work and she was going to throw a party (a small one) so me and her sister went to a meat market to get fajitas and all that stuff......but we're idiots and didn't know anything about ordering meat. I felt so stupid........but we mangaed to buy the meat, the plates, cups, forks, cakes, sodas, chips, beer.......did i say beer i meant more cake.
But the party was alot of fun because i'm really close with my cousins........and they had been nice enough to give me so smirnoff, it was great i love it.
But i got home really late and i was really tired......i bet you guys are surprised my mom doesnt' care that i do that kind of stuff and she honestly doesn't because she knows she can trust me, which is really cool. Ok well i'm so sorry if the post is too long......i'm gonna stop now.
Alright buh-bye everyone! Have a great day, i love you all!
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Friday, August 4, 2006
New Puppy
That's right i got an adorable new little puppy. My other dog Mr.Waffle had puppies with anohter dog named there was 3 new puppies. Foxy's owner sold 2 of them for quite alot of money, but we get to keep one to ourselves. It is the cutest thing ever, in my opinion. I even got to name him....his name is Nibbs.
But the sad thing is that alot of people want to buy him from us, and my mom is actually considering it....I don't want to lose my new puppy. But she said that he's a puppy and needs lots of care and attention, and since i'm starting school and i have my job too....i won't be able to take care of it. She has a really good point but still, i want to keep him.T_T
I don't know whats going to happen but as long as the puppy is taken care of........ok well i'm sorry for talking so long about a little puppy.
I hope that everyone has been having a good day, so how have all you been?
ok well i'll stop typing now since i have nothing to say....sorry that this was a boring post
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Wednesday, August 2, 2006
Hey everyone!
wow i got on late today, in fact i haven't been on in quite a while, so sorry for not visiting your sites. I'm kind of mad right now because i want to read my private messages but for some strange reason i can't.
ohh i had a nice day today, i spent pretty much the whole day with my cousin because it was her birthday. And i bought a really nice gift because she really deserves it......she's always so cool with me and takes me wherever i want, whenever i want.
But my day got a little worse after, because my computer doesnt' want to work.....and then my dad came to visit us and he was mean, and only gave my littlest sister money. Me and my other sister didn't get a single cent. So me and my other sister are in a bad mood towards him for being so unfair and playing favorites. ok well i'm going to go and visit your sites now.......ohh and to whoever sent me the pm, i'm sorry but i can't read it right now. Ok good-bye everyone and take care!
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Thursday, July 27, 2006
change you freaking picture......CHANGE!!
I'm really frustrated, my picture won't change, it's still haku. I keep trying to change it to another one, but it never changes T_T. I've already tried changing it 14 times...and i'm tried of not getting any results.
Ohh well forget that dumb picture. Well I'm not really doing anything right now, but i'm kind of worried because i could've sworn that just someone in my backyard, but i checked again and there's no one or anything out there.....i guess i'm just imagining things (well at least i hope)
ohh i'm going to add my radioblog thing to my site...well if i can remember my password.
Ok well good-bye for now everyone and i hope you have an amazing day!!
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Wednesday, July 26, 2006
I'm Back!!
Hello everyone!
yes I'm finally back home after a long vacation......I had such a great time, swimming, relaxing, and the occasional shopping. I had so much fun, and i thought that the trip would have been boring.
Well some of the things i did was go to a mall there, they had tons of cute stores, but of course since i'm only 16 and don't have money my mom only bought me a few things. We also went to this seafood place, and i don't like fish. I'll eat shrimp, lobster, crab, and crawfish but that's it. When we were eating there my mom order octopus!! o_O who eats octopus...YUCK!! it was all gray and stuff, because it was broiled or soemthing like that....and i touched it and it was squishy and i almost threw up when my mom took a bite.....i don't want to think about it anymore so let move to a different subject.
Ohh the hotel we stayed in was amazing it had great pools (one inside and another outside) i went to the one outside because i was hoping to get a tan, because i'm so pale, but it didn't work at all. I actually think i'm paler. Ok well I want to go and see all of your sites today so I can't really wirte to much....alright well i'll post again tomorrow hopefully so buh-bye til then!!
P.S. New theme.....i'm sure you noticed, my new theme is ANIME FLOWERS!!!
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Monday, July 17, 2006

Hey there everyone!! Well i'm in florida now, i don't know if any of you live here? But it's fun i really want to go somewhere, so far i've just been wandering around the hotel.......i actually found a library place, and i'm on one of the computers that they have here. Actually i'm not sure if this place is a library but it does kinda looks like one. But i've been having alot of fun even though i'm just at the hotel, they have a nice pool here, well pools actually.........and i got lost a whole bunch of times. That's how i found the library, i was looking for my sister who said she was gonna go to the spa place. I guess i'll go find her later.
ok I'm gonna try to go and visit sone of your sites, sorry if i don't go to all of yours, because i really don't have alot of time. Alright everyon buh-bye and have a great day!!
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Friday, July 14, 2006

I have to go on vacation, so I won't be on the computer or myO for a while, I'm sorry that i won't be able to comment on all of your sites....i really wish i could but i dont' know if i'll have time during my vacation, but I promise i'll try.
*yawm* i'm writing this at 1:00 a.m. because i leave tomorrow, (actually today) at 10:00 and i won't have time to write anything for quite a while........alright everyone buh-bye for now, i'm gonna go and sleep
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Tuesday, July 11, 2006
I don't know!! What do you think? (this doesn't make any sense I'm just bored)

Wow I don't think my day can get any more boring....I haven't done anything all day except getting on the computer. Hopefully my day will get better, afterall doing nothing the entire day is really depressing. Ohhh well enough of that, lets see what am i gonna do today *starts to think deeply* ohh that's right i have to go with my cousins to the mall, we have to find my aunt a gift for her birthday (july 15)and it's really hard to find my aunt a gift because she's soooo picky. I mean it's the thought that counts right....well not to her she always wants a perfect gift. well hopefully we can actually find something that she'll like.
Man i'm starving right now (well maybe not starving) but i am hungry and we haven't gone to the grocery store yet. I blame my dad he's so lazy he didnt' want to go to the store yesterday instead he just ordered a pizza......and me and my sister are tired of fast food. I've been breaking out alot lately, there's pimples all over my forehead and my sister isnt' doing any better. He better go to the store today...I'M NOT EATING ANY MORE JUNK FOOD!! ohh i just had a great idea, i'm gonna go over to my friends house and steal her food hehehehe and it's lunch time right now YAY! Alright everyone i'm of to my friends house so buh-bye!!
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