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nothing that's really all that great
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forever (really since i was 5 or 6)
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Full Metal Alchemist, Naruto, Inuyasha, DNAngel, Chobits, Fruitsbasket, TokyoMewMew, Yugioh, Scryed, Cardcaptor Sakura, Bleach, .Hack, Azumanga Daioh, Sailor Moon, Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, all of the Miyazaki films, Zatchbell, and so much more,
waching anime, some sports like soccer and softball
i know i have some, i just don't know what they are >_<
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Monday, July 10, 2006
I might be bored but I'm still happy ^^

Hey there everyone.
well I know i haven't updated in a while and it's because i haven't had anything intersting to say. Yeah i've been pretty bored lately, i was expecting to have a really fun summer.
But i did have some fun yesterday. Me and my cousins went bowling.....I've never been bowling at all (well until yesterday) so i was really bad at it. It was so embrassing because when i tried to throw the bowling ball it only went a few feet and then stopped, I was like ???!! o_O "i didn't know it would stop in the middle of the thing"! I must be really weak or something. I was kinda happy towards the end though because i was getting better.
Well today has been pretty boring for me, so tell me about your day....I'm always talking about me and my life, so now i want to know about you guys!
Alright well buh-bye everyone and have a great day!!!
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Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Hello everyone! Well I didn't get on yesterday since it was the 4th of july and i was very very busy....but i had sooo much fun. We had bar-b-que and chocolate cake, and vodka (which doesn't taste good with chocolate cake..YUCK) And of course there was fireworks!! LOTS and LOTS of fireworks, i actually burned myself once or twice...but ohh well. What sucks though was that my mom and youngest sister weren't here (if you read all my other post then you know that they're in mexico). So yeah it was just me and my other sister and all my relatives that had gone to my aunts house, to celebrate!
Ohh yeah i guess you guys noticed the new theme! It's SPIRITED AWAY!!! I love that movie it's so great! I'm recently obsessed with it after i read a great fanfiction about it, and i was also tired of that team 7 theme. Alrighty everyone I'm off to see what i can find that i can use to make this site look nicer so good-bye and have a great day!
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Saturday, July 1, 2006
I'm all alone...............

Well I'm not really alone, my stupid sister is here. (man she's soo annoying) Ohh yeah my mom left this morning. I had to wake up at 6:00 to say good-bye and i'm not a morning person. I must say I'm gonna miss her, afterall she'll be gone for 2 weeks, but I probably won't miss my youngest sister who left with my mom. I'm not trying to be mean but she's really a handful so it will be nice to take a break from her craziness. Ohh no now my other sister is being dumb, she just put a trash bag on her head and is running around like an idiot. Good thing i have the internet to keep me sane. Ohh god now she's singing, man i need to find some music or something to drown out the sound of her voice... alright i really got to go now everyone, my sister is out of control...i have no idea whats wrong with her o_O !
Any help would be appreciated, don't just sit there reading this help me!!
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Thursday, June 29, 2006
Very cute and funny pics


these pics took my mind off all my problems (read post below).... well for a few minutes at least
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Hello.........hey where are you people?

Wow I haven't updated in a while, or been on theotaku in a while. I've been having quite a busy week.
My mom and youngest sister are going to mexico this saturday, and me and my other sister didn't want to go. Yeah it's kind of sad really because i haven't seen my grandparents in years, but i don't want to go to mexico during the summer (when it's even hotter over there than it is here) at least here there's the ac. I know it's a very bad excuse for not going to see my grandparents, but I'm going to go to mexcio in the winter. And also i don't want to be in mexico on my birhtday. which is july 19 and my mom plans staying over there til july 21. so i decided to stay here, with my dad and sister. But the problem is that my parents are seperated so my dad doesn't live with us, and also he travels out of town alot. So me and my sister might have to stay with my aunt (and over there's no internet T_T). And another thing is that my brother is coming home on july 15 (he's a marine and comes to visit us sometimes) so I don't know where he's going to stay??.......... this is too much, my head is hurting from just thinking of it all.
sorry to everyone that read that long story, I know it was really confusing, well maybe not to you but to me it is
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Saturday, June 24, 2006

Yes Mexico plays today!! They're going to play against Argentina in the world cup.
Ohh yeah for those of you who didn't know I'm mexican, and love soccer. Weird how a mexican loves soccer huh >_<
well yeah I really hope that mexico wins but I'm not too sure. I'll have to admit that mexico isn't the greatest team ever.
it's kinda of weird though, i'm here at my house all alone, my mom and sisters went to a wedding and won't be back til monday (yeah I can't believe my mom trusts me alone) but it's not like I'm going to do anything bad...... well after the game I'll probably try to go somewhere since I don't want to stay at home all day. Ok well the games about to start so buh-bye everyone. Ohh and have a fabulous day ^_^!!!!
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Friday, June 23, 2006
it's raining, it's pouring, blah blah blah...............

*sigh* I wanted to go outside so badly today and take a break from the computer, but it's raining outside T_T. so now I'm trapped inside because it's raining so hard, i actually love the rain, but since it ruined my plans I'm upset. well hopefully the lights don't go out because I'm downloading an episode of Naruto right now.
So how's has everybody day been, hopefully well.
ohh i just remembered my mom and little sister are leaving to a wedding in austin this weekend, which means I have to stay here at home by myself. I didn't want to go to that wedding because I know I will be bored there. Yay!! i get to stay alone at home with no one to tell me "get off the internet, you've been on all day". But wait what am i going to do for food o_O, i don'y want to starve, I hope my mom goes to the grocery store and buys me some microwaveable meals or something. alright well i'm done talking or now so buh-bye everyone!
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Tuesday, June 20, 2006
new bg

Hello!! So how has everybody been?
As you can see I put up a new background today, I was so bored and I was also getting tired of the old one.
Ohh I also registered on that Gaia online thing today, but I'm clueless as to what I'm doing. soo now that I'm done with this post I'm gonna go and try again to do something.
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Thursday, June 15, 2006
Hooray for me!

I finally submitted my first ever fanart, which was my secret little goal and I finally did it yay! of course since this is my first ever fanart, it's not a masterpiece, in fact it's on lined paper and it's just a headshot. I tought it would be better if I started off easy. But my fanart still hasn't appeared on theotaku fanart thing, grrrr.. how long is it gonna take?!?
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Wednesday, June 14, 2006
complete randomness

*sigh* I've been really busy lately, it's crazy how you can be bored at home one day and then the next you just want to relax. Well the reason I've been so tired is that I'm looking for a new job, I had quit my old one cuz the people there were big jerks, and now I have to go search for a new one, I've gone to so many places to look and there's no place hiring right now, and without a job I'm broke (yeah I'm not rich, I wish I was but I'm not) I have to work hard if I ever want some money. Well later today I'm gonna go and see if they have a job opening at Baskin Robins (for those of you who don't know what that is, it's an ice cream place) so wish me luck, cuz I need a job.
Ohh also I've been trying to see if I can draw by making some fanart, and I'm actually pretty good at it, so when I'm done I can finally submit my first ever fanart yay! ohh and thanks for reading my boring little ramblings
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