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myOtaku.com: YoakeNoOokami

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

   Eocs?! (school rant)
Well, you know how EOCs=End Of Classes, for highschool? Well, now there having them for Middle school!!! How F---- up is that!? (sorry bout that language...) but really! We now have to worry about EOCs, and EOGs!!!! >:( We have to take a math EOC and a math EOG!!! Thats so dumb! If you fail even one of the tests, you fail the class!! Yeah, I know it woulden't be so bad if I actually learned more than what my friend has taught me. My Math teacher isn't even a certified math teacher, she's a certified Sicence and social studies teacher! But she was the only one available for the job! -_- She is really cool though, just not a very good math teacher (in my opinion) Next year 8th graders will have to take a science EOC.... do you know just how unfair that is? I wanted the science EOC!! *pout* Oh-well.
I feel sad for thinking this but one of the only things cheering me up right now, is most of my class is probably staying back in the 8th grade next year, sad but almost all the students in my classes (core) are failing, There all(most of em anyways) are dirty theives and liers! Gah. Even my friend Taylor might stay back b/c he was always drawing instead of paying attention in class, always forgetting his S.S. book, and, instead of studing maby playing his X-box 360. *sulk* although he is starting to turn around. ^_^ ah, but I've godda go now, 7:31 Buss!! Later!

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