Yoh Asakura Fan
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Sunday, January 1, 2006
Happy new year everyone!! I m sorry I dont have to visit anyone today because Im cleaning up all the Xmas stuff...sorry!! Tomorrows also my last day of the holidays..tuesday I go back to school!!
Shin-nen, akemashite omedeto gozaimasu! Kotoshi mo yoroshiku onegaishimasu!^_^
Lol thats a mouthful! Anyways, take care!
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Saturday, December 31, 2005
Happy new years eve!! Wow, I can still remember getting out of school in the summer...Man, I miss that time.
The other day i said i'd add some fanart, and I didnt...that always happens. Heres the reason:
I draw something, and I like it...then I'll look at it another day and say it looks like crap....haha...
Anyhoo...Umm not much else to say...I want to buy the Yami no Matsuei dvd set...but what would my parents think about it...~_~ I highly doubt they'd "approve" of it..haha hmm..
Anyways, I really have nothing else to say, I hope everone has a great day, and night XD
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Thursday, December 29, 2005
Ahhh my days of freedom are almost gone -_- I have to go back to school on Tuesday...then come Provincial Exams..I have Math and Science this semester..ahh Im doomed.
The average percent (last year) for the math exam was 50!! Ah!
Anyhoo. Today Im buying FF7, for PS1. I cant wait to play it^_^ I also want Dirge Of Cerberus, but its not out yet..
I hope next year I can get a summer job (at least) Then I can buy more anime sutff! (Dont think my mom will be to happy bout that XD)
Anyways..I hope everyone has an awesome day!! Take Care!
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Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Hello everyone^_^ How are you??
Todays a lazy day for me...I think Ill just watch TV or draw.. perhaps I'll add a some new fanart (I always say I will, but never do...)
I really wish it would snow..its way to warm though..on christmas it was 14C!! Too warm...
I went to buy Fruits Basket Vl.11 today, but they were sold out -_-
I bought an issue of Shojo beat instead.
Anyways, I hope everyone has a great day!!
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Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Xmas!!!
Happy Merry Christmas to everyone!! I hope you got what you wanted!! I know I did!
I got FF7: Advent Children!! (and sum other stuff) Ill Be watching it allll day!
Anyhoo Ill try and get around to visiting people after breakfast!
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Saturday, December 24, 2005
Merry Christmas Eve!! eve at last!
Heres a little card for all my friends (or anyone passing by my site) (Im sorry that im to lazy to PM everyone....)

And I want to say thank you to Inugirl16 for this card:

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Friday, December 23, 2005
I just did a good deed ^_^
I was heading home from a walk with Angela, when i saw a random dog walking around. It was a big black poodle!!it looked friendly enough, so I went over and petted it. It had a collar on, so I went searching for its house!! Turns out, the dog's owner lives just down my street! ^_^
Anyhoo....2 days....yes!!! So exited~
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Merry Early Christmas!!
5 more days!! I can't believe it! I probably wont be updating much because I'll be visiting family and friends.
I want to say thank you to Nordic Angel and Master Loki for the christmas cards^_^ Ill put them in at the end of this post.
Anyhoo...I just got a subscription to Shojo Beat (my Shonen Jump one ran out...and it was getting boring)
I might add some fanart later today...depends if I feel like scanning stuff.
I also feel like changing my might look different by the end of the day^_^
Well...Im running out of things to hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!!!
From Nordic Angel:

From Master Loki:

Thanks guys!
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
Dance: the subect in PE the everyone hates. I hate it too...but its funny because Ive done really well in it. In square dancing the other day, I got the 'dancer of the day award' (haha im such a nerd) and today, our dance group for 50/50 on our dance!! And....our teacher wants us to do it again tomorrow! Ha...ya...It was to Rudolph XD
Yes...anyhoo..Ive been lucky this week!
I dont think I did too well on the math test...I already know i got 3 wrong >_<
Ummm....10 days till christmas!!! Kyah so excited....
What did you ask for for christmas?
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Guess what!! I won first prize in a poster contest!! We had to draw a poster about internet/computer safety!! Heres a pic:

The quality isnt great, because the real image is ALOT bigger! And...yes...I writing is uber sloppy...but hey..who cares..?
Anyhoo...I also beat Star Ocean: Till the end of time! Yay...
I have a math test tomorrow...maybe I'll do well on it...
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