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Larka Gaia Account `Ookami Yasha`
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I First Saw Sailor Moon Lol
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Host Club, Loveless, Sukisyo, Hellsing, Evangelion, Yami no Matsuei, Gravitation, P, Angel Sanctuary, DN Angel, Fruits Basket, Naruto, YYH, Shaman King, Chobits, Gundam Wing Favourite Game Kingdom Hearts 1&2
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| Yoh Asakura Fan
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Sunday, April 3, 2005
Stupid day light savings time....
Im not used to the time change!!! I had a sleepover at Angela's house last night, and in the morning we played monopoly with her sister and brother. At first, I was winning, and people were in my debt...but in the end of the game, I owed Angela $5,777 ..... and that was after I paid off all my other debts and used up all my money. (She ended up having over $20, 000 not includling my debt...)
yeah it was fun, I have school tomorrow!! *cries* SPRING BREAK IS OVER...NOOOO....but I get to see my friends again....I better go get ready for tomorrow, buhbye.
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Saturday, April 2, 2005
Walking time!!
I have a big urge to go on a walk today, even though the weather isnt very nice (it rains on and off) Maybe Ill phone Angela!! (My walking buddy haha no one else likes to walk)I have one of those 'step counters'. Right now its at 72, 541!! Hhaaa I shud reset it soon...maybe today.
Yeah...Im just on msn now...funfun...talking gonna go er... do sumthing, ill post later!! Dont forget about me :P
Hey, why dont you go visit Angela!! Her username is Angela12!!!
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Friday, April 1, 2005
I babysat O_o Haha from 8:30 am till 2:30pm and I got paid 40 dollars!! YAY Im so close to getting a PS2!!!!!!(I have to buy it for myself hahah and for sum reason I dont want a PSP Has anyone heard of the game Star Ocean??? I want it so badly....yeah...
For my birthday I get the DNAngel and Peacemaker Kurogane dvd sets that I wanted!! yeah..soo uhhhh not much else to say..buhbyes
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Thursday, March 31, 2005
I went shopping today, with Jessica and Joanne....I bought a Fruits Basket manga, and then we went into a different store. We were trying on sunglasses (for no reason)and so I put my bag (w/the book) down...then we left the store, but I forgot it!!!! Then when i finally remembered that I forgot it, It was gone!!!!!!!! WAHHHHHH We asked everyone, and customer service !!! *cries* O well, Regreting it wont change what happened....
We did have a good time dancing out in the rain (on the main side walk of the street in public!!) And this guy walked by and complemented us on our dance HHAHAHAHA it was so much fun!! Anyhoo buhbyes^_^
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Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Heres a little survey I found on KuramasGirl's site. How bout you take it too!!
01.) Name:: Larka (haha not tellin)
02.) Middle Name:: Not telling, sry
03.) DOB:: May 8th 1990
04.) Age:: 14
05.) Location:: Here...
06.) Eye Color:: Hazel/grey i think
07.) Hair Color:: Brown
08.) Hair Length:: shoulder-length-ish
09.) Height:: 5'6”
10.) Shoe Size:: 10...haha
11.) Glasses or Contacts:: err neither...(but contacts wud be cool)
12.) Braces::Yep!! And damn proud of 'em
13.) Single or Taken:: Single
14.) Bad Habits:: Haha mood swings-ish i guess...
15.) Fears:: uhhhh hmm carnival rides...i dunno
16.) Screen Name::Ookami Yasha, Larka, uhhh...and others, but i use those the most
::_**_:: School ::_**_::
17.) Where Do You Go to School:: A place
18.) Whats Your School Mascot:: Sabre..hahah
19.) Whats Your School Colors::ERr...I have no clueO_o
20.) Whats Your Favorite Subject:: ART!!!
21.) Whos Your Favorite Teacher:: Mme. Dixon I guess...(dont really have a favourite)
22.) What Do They Teach::French
23.) Who Sits Next to You In Math Class:: I dont have math this semester, but last semester it was Rachael ( i was on the last row *cries* )
::_**_:: Love Life ::_**_::
24.) Do You Have a Boyfriend/ Girlfriend:: Nope
25.) If So, Whats There Name:: ...
26.) If So, How Long Have You Been Together:: ...
27.) Do You Have a Crush:: not telling
28.) Do They Know:: ...
29.) Have You Ever Broken Someones Heart:: nope
30.) Have You Ever Had Your Heart Broken:: nope
::_**_:: Favorites ::_**_::
31.) Animal::Wolf or Deer
32.) Color:: Black or red
33.) Person::Err..I dunno
34.) Subject::Art (this has already been asked...-_-)
35.) Season::Winter!!
36.) Holiday:: Christmas
37.) Hobby:: Drawing/playing piano
38.) Sport:: Badminton, tennis, and curling
39.) Feeling:: Tired
40.) Saying:: Heyo!!
41.) Word:: Uber, or Dandy
42.) Month:: May
43.) Clothing::My Viva la Bam shirt
44.) Jewelry:: Dont have a favourite
45.) Food::Sushi, Pasta, salad...
46.) Snack:: Jelly beans!!!
::_**_:: Friends ::_**_::
47.) Best::Dont have 'best friends'
48.) Daringest::Err Kathryn (??)
49.) Funniest:: Everyone is funny!!
50.) Tallest:: Hahah Me I think...
51.) Shortest::Uhh Jessica (maybe)
52.) Loudest:: Hmm...
53.) Shyest:: Uhhh...dunno, used to be me, but not anymore ^_^
54.) Smartest:: Jessica!
55.) Blondest:: Angela (literaly) but Emma (
56.) Craziest:: ME^_^
57.) Nicest:: Everyone!!!
58.) Sweetest:: Everyone i guess
59.) Weirdest::Hahah lotsa people, and Me!!
60.) Flirtest::Er.. I dunnnnooo
::_**_:: Have You Ever ::_**_::
61.) Had a Wish Come True:: yup i think
62.) Had a Dream Come True:: No
63.) Broken a Body Part:: Yes!
64.) Fallen in Love:: nope
65.) Done Something You Regret:: who hasnt??
66.) Tripped and Fell in Public:: Yes....
67.) Sang in Public:: Sorta...yeah
68.) Cryed in Public:: yeah
69.) Kissed Someone Besides Family:: nope
70.) Been in a Car Crash::witnessed one,but wasnt in it...
::_**_:: The Last ::_**_::
71.) Thing You Did Before Getting on the Computer:: Ate dinner
72.) Person You Yelled at:: *insert name*// hahah angela will know//
73.) Person You Hugged::Uhh my dog..
74.) Person You IMed:: Vivian
75.) Time You Cleaned Your Room:: Hahha today
76.) Song You were Listening to::Pro-test by Skinny Puppy
77.) TV Show You Watched::CSI
78.) Movie You Watched::The Notebook
79.) Time You went to the Movies:: A month ago?? more maybe..
80.) Time You Cryed:: long time ago Unles...
81.) You Took a Shower::today
::_**_:: This OR That ::_**_::
82.) Coke OR Pepsi:: Dont care
83.) Tall OR Short:: Im tall, but I want to be short...
84.) Flowers OR Candy::Flowers ^_^
85.) Math OR English:: wait...
86.) Blink 182 OR Sugarcult:: Uhh dont know Sugarcult..dont like Blink182
87.) Mickey OR Minnie:: Mickey
88.) Middle School OR High School:: High school
89.) Boyfriend OR Girlfriend:: Boyfriend
90.) Single OR Taken:: single
::_**_:: Word Association ::_**_::
91.) bead:: braclet
92.) bed:: sleep -_-
93.) sexy:: er...
94.) phone:: lonely..(dont ask...haha)
95.) tough:: rubber!
96.) neato:: awesome!
97.) leather:: dead animals...
98.) weird:: Me...and cows
99.) so:: yup
100.) easy:: ..uh.. sleeping?
101.) test:: worry
102.) nerd:: pocket-protector /Muhahaha/
103.) falling:: dying
104.) air:: invisible
105.) hot:: summer
::_**_:: Random ::_**_::
106.) do u sleep with a stuff animal:: sumtimes....^_^
107.) do u like snowballs:: yup
108.) are u in school:: yes
109.) do u like to swim:: Ahhh no!!
110.) are u funny:: dont ask me..
111.) wut do u think of water:: for drinking its fine...other wise I dont like it
112.) are u a blonde at heart:: Not sure
113.) have u ever been to maryland:: Nope
114.) have u seen “chasing liberty”::no
115.) are u happy this survey is over:: yeah, Im pretty happy!
Your turn to take it!!
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Tuesday, March 29, 2005
ooo Im tired...I just got back from a friends house. We watched the Notebook...Its, not really my type of movie -_-
Not much to say today, Its my last week of spring break *cries* but Im sorta looking forward to school ^_^
Im working on a new picture, drawing on the computer is fun! I shud have it up soon, buhbiiiiieeessss!
//Random Weiss Kreuz Pic//
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Monday, March 28, 2005
I just got back from my trailer with Angela ^_^ It was really really rainy :( OOhhh yeah, Happy Belated Easter!!! I got lotsa candy from the..."easter...bunny"....yess....the easter bunny...*haha....haha..* I mean, hes totally real, of course!
Anyhoo...I went shopping too!! I got an Viva la Bam t-shirt **yay!!** and an Invader Zim shoes and a new black hat ^_^ And candy of course, cant live with out it!!
Anyhoo Im off to eat easter candy!! buhbies...
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Saturday, March 26, 2005
Hehheh I wont be here for a little bit. Im getting back on Monday, so it's not that long. Im going to my trailer in the US with Angela^_^
I added another piece of art. Hope you like it!!!^_^
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Friday, March 25, 2005
Hey, I just got back from China town, and Im sittin here with my friend Jessica (dont worry, she wont tell a long story just like Angela did :P) We had fun!!! I got 2 packs of Naruto stikers, 1 pack of Yu Yu hakusho stickers, and Two posters //DN Angel and Yu Yu Hakusho/Angel Sanctuary(ones on back)// Jessica bought two adorable pencils //she likes pencils...a little too much// OOHH YEAh and i have this cute little Hello Kitty lunch box, and its wearing out, and just by chance I saw the same one!! So of course I bought it Muhahah...yeah....
Then we had fun using my graphics tablet (shes never used one) Hahah she drew a "Hard Core Dragon" //dont ask...haha//
Mmmm...coconut bun....haha Oh yeah, and Im gonna go again, because they just sold out of the DN Angel DVDs I wanted, so I'll buy them next time!!
So how is//or was// everyone's Spring Break??
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Thursday, March 24, 2005
Hey peoples...Im happy today!!!^_^ I got to go shopping and I got the two belts Ive wanted for a while!!
Err...hmm nothing to say really...err I added another pic^_^ going downtown tomorrow with my friend Jessica (to China town)and Im gonna buy sum stuff....ill post 'bout it tomorrow, buhbies!
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