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Rikuzentakata, Japan
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VIZ Comic book translator/editor
Real Name
Yoshiru Manasuke
...Editing novels?
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
X , Yami no Matsuei, Death Note
To enlighten the fools of the world...I have a lot of work to do.
collecting swords and knives
manga drawer/ quadlingual (Chinese, Korean, English, German)
I live in Rikuzentakata, Japan (look on a map if you do not know where it is).I am a translator for VIZ; you may find my name on their japanese site, but I do not know about english.I have worked on character design with the Fire Emblem series.I do not consider myself part of any religion.At one point, I was Shinto, I am not... WARNING: YOU ARE ABOUT TO ENTER A SITE THAT HAS LITERATURE THAT YOU MAY THINK IS OFFENSIVE.
If you are not comfortable here, you may be more comfortable here:
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Check out the little video I put on my profile if you have never heard of the anime "Death Note". It will blow your mind!
Here is another copy of it:
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Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Hello from Tokyo
Hello to all of my friends. It has been a while since I last posted, and now that I look, it apppears most of those on my friends list no longer log in much either. I am just making a little post from my office; I do not have much to say. Work is as usual, and I hope I can find more time to stop here. Akusura and I are doing just fine, and we both will try to take time off to come here more often. See you.
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Friday, February 10, 2006
Back Again
I finallly found some time to add something to my site. It is more articles on the crookedness of fundamentalism/religion. But before that I just wanted to say to all of you to ask me to vist your sites sometime. I forget to vist a lot of peoples' sites, so ask if I haven't been to yours in forever, and I can go there whenever I can find time to visit this website.
Anyways, here is the article.
"It has been observed that one of the characteristics of fundamentalism is that among patriarchialistic religions, at least, chavinism is a clear, almost defining characteristic. Indeed, it has been my experience that the degree of chavinism within a religion seems to closely parallel the degree to which the organization could be charactarized as fundamentalist.
Based on that observation, I hereby propose what I'm somewhat laughingly calling "Index of Fundamentalism." Here is just a measure of the degree to which women's rights are abrogated by the religion's doctrine and the culture that the religion creates. It is scored like this: If a religious organization is characterized by each or any of the statements below, add the points indicated to the score.
-Does the religion deny to women the same religious privileges and authority it accords to men (such as denying the priesthood)? If so, add 2 points
-Does the religion seek to deny women secular (i.e., usually political) power (e.g., the right to vote, run for office, etc.)? If so, add 3 points.
-Does the religion impose greater 'moral' burdens on women than it does men (i.e., promote a double standard)? If so, add 4 points.
-Does the religion seek to promote unquestioning submission of wives to their husbands? If so, add 4 points.
-Does the religion promote involuntary marriage arrangements (such as arranged marriages, involuntary polygamy, denial of divorce initiated by the wife, etc.)? If so, add 5 points.
-Does the religion discourage the participation of non-parenting wives in the workforce? If so, add 3 points.
-If the above question is no, does the religion discourage the participation of parenting wives in the workforce regardless of economic circumstances? If so, add 3 points.
-Does the religion discourage the education of women? If so, add 4 points.
-Does the religion encourage women to remain at home, with contact with other women and men in the community discouraged? If so, add 5 points.
-Does the religion accept or promote the treatment of women as property or a commodity, or treat wives as servants? If so, add 5 points.
-Does the religion seek to deny women their reproductive freedom (taking a "pro-life" position on abortion, or discouraging or interfering with artificial contraception)? If so, add 5 points.
-Does the religion seek to deny women the full right of self-determination, dignity and self respect that they accord men? If so, add 4 points.
-Does the religion publicly humiliate women who violate the prohibitions that apply only to women? If so, add 3 points.
By applying this little index, it will help measure the degree of intolerance and bigotry associated with a fundamentalist religion. This, then, becomes an index to how dangerous a religion is.
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
Why Religion causes Ignorance
This is a good article I found that explains somewhat of why religion causes hate and ignorance due to their "fundamental" views. P.S. If you do not understand this, do not comment.
-Fundamentalism is variously described by various authors, but to me it really boils down to a rather simple test: In my view, a fundamentalist religion is a religion, any religion, that when confronted with a conflict between love, compassion and caring, and conformity to doctrine, will almost invariably choose the latter regardless of the effect it has on its followers or on the society of which it is a part.
Fundamentalist religions make this choice because they uniformly place a high priority on doctrinal conformity, with such force that it takes higher priority than love, compassion and service.
Indeed, many fundamentalists are so caught up in doctrinal seriousness, that love, service and compassion seem scarcely to even be a part of their thinking. As one correspondent said to me regarding a certain Christian sect's converts, "Its like they go in and surgically remove any sense of love or any sense of humor."
This emphasis on doctrinal conformity seems to be the result of the belief in the requirement of absolute conformity to doctrine to achieve salvation. Yet at the same time, many will also officially claim that simple acceptance of that sect's doctrine is sufficient for salvation. This dichotomy is often seen in the same sect; some of the fundamentalist Christian sects being good examples. The contradiction seems to go unnoticed or if it is noticed, it is ignored.
It seems that another facet of fundamentalist thinking is belief in the correctness of their thinking. Invariably, they will make the claim that they are right to the exclusion of others, even all others, and that they, and they alone offer the path to salvation.
Fundamentalist religions regard their missions with great seriousness. Many claim that the salvation of the world depends on them, and some will seriously contend that the earth will end without them.
It is this overwhelming seriousness about religion that seems to be one of the hallmarks of the fundamentalist. He is concerned not only with his own conformity to doctrine, but the conformity of the rest of society to it, too. Many fundamentalists will not hesitate to intervene in the political process to ensure that society is forced to conform to the behaviors their world view requires, if not accept that world view. The belief that they are right, without any question, justifies, in their own minds, taking upon themselves the right to impose their point of view, by force if neccessary. An example is the attempt, by some Christian fundamentalist groups to shut down, by force, abortion clinics that are operating in accordance with the law. Some have gone so far as to threaten and intimidate employees, and even murder doctors working there.
Fundamentalism isn't restricted to Christianity or Islam, the two major religions on which it has had its greatest impact, but it is found in every major religion, ranging from Judaism, to Hinduism, to Sufism, to Buddhism, to even Zoroastrianism.
In Christianity, though relatively small in numbers, it has overtaken the legitimate sects in influence, and has become the dominant force, particularly in the United States, much of Latin America, and in the Christianized African nations. Most (though certainly not all) "evangelical" Christian sects have succumbed to fundamentalism.
In Islam, which has always eschewed the separation of church and state, it has amalgamated with political forces to institute a particularly harsh set of rules as political law. Called the Sharia,this code of law is the law of the land in Iran, the Sudan, some of the sultanates of the Persian Gulf and lately in Afganistan. Its advocates threaten to institute Sharia in Algeria and Egypt as well.
In Judaism, fundamentalism represents only about 1/10th of those who call themselves Jews, but it certainly makes the most noise, especially in Israel, whose constitution and political situation almost guarantees a major voice to fundamentalist sects in parliament and government, even though they are only a small portion of the population.-
I will post some more later. In the mean time, think about it.
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Friday, December 16, 2005
Hi everyone. It's been awhile, but I have found the time to get on the Otaku. I am okay; I have just been busy with work. When I find more time, I will add more posts and tell you what's up in Rikuzentakadai. I have to get back to work. See you around.

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