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Cat fluffieness tester *squeezes cat*
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The Master Of The Meowers
Becoming the world's BIGGEST cat lover!
Anime Fan Since
I came out of the darkness into the light of the world called "ANIME"!
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NARUTO! Oh, and as of recently, FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST!!!!!!!
PHOTOGRAPHY!!!! (and cats) Oh! And I hope to get withen 10 feet of Miyazaki, because anyone who gets withen 10 feet of him gets in his movies!
MY CAT!!!! Hunting! ANIME! Writing Japanese poetry (haikus)! COOKING!!!!!! (Ihaven't killed anyone, yet)
Yes! I am very talented! I love cats! I think cats are adorable! Oh! Do you mean something that doesn't envolv cats? Oh! Yeah! ^.^ I also suffer from undeclared OC! KITTY! KITTY! KITTY! KITTY! KITTY! KITTY! KITTY!
| YoshikoKitten
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, October 8, 2007
I don't have much to say... There's not more to than I've been really depressed. And haven't slept. I've been REALLY procrastinating on homework and I'm severely FLUNKING Old Testemant. T_T BUT I DID GET EMERY'S NEW CD!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LovE LOVE IT!!!!!!! It has a lot of techno. O_o It's like third Day with screaming. In a Way. I've been in Santa Fe, too. We didn't do much. We got up at 5 to go to the Balloon Feista, but got there at 9, due to traffic and saw the very very end. Then we went back and slept forever. It was slightly disappointing. Then we ate at a restaurant called La Cantina. THE WAITERS ARE ALL GUILIARD (SP?)GRADS!!!!!!!!! The would serve you then sing a song from Broadway. It was amazing. At one point, our waitress was singing and I glace over at my parents wine glasses to see them quivering. I was about to duck behind My plate!!! Well, SEE YA!!!
Oh, wait! ICONS!!!!!

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Friday, September 28, 2007
Does anyone visit????
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My internet has been dead for a week!!!! BUT I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My birthday is soon. But I feel really sad. I feel as though another year has gone by= NO productivity. That makes me sad. I haven't improved my life at all. I feel like a horrible horrible horrible horrible person. Like God will smite me at any moment. Any moment... But I know better. T_T Still... I feel like a horrible person. With bad morals and habits and I almost don't want my freinds to hang out with me, because I feel like a bad influence. O_o Isn't that weird??? I mean, I don't do bad things, like steal and break laws, but I feel like a bad being. And I can't stop repeating things. I feel lonely. Benje has come to stay with us for a few weeks. My gramma is on vacation. ISN'T HE ADOREABLE CESTEEL?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Admit it.
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Friday, August 31, 2007
I Survived the first week of school! YAY! Cesteel is good bye for the weekend. She's been locked in a moving car for 16 hours with snper217. LOL No escape!!! Finally, peace and quiet. WHY CAN'T I EVER ENJOY IT WITH CESTEEL?!?! She rid me of my brother but condemned herself. Oh well. She's on an awesone hiking trip! alas, I can't walk 5 miles uphill, with a non-stopping, non-slowing guide. D: Cesteel, you're so impressive! Be sure to "accidently" trip and push sniper217 off a cliff. JUST KIDDING!! DON'T KILL HIM! If you can help it. 16 hours in a car...
Icons of the day:
    LOL I hope you like these!
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Monday, August 27, 2007
 Hosted By
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I SURVIVED THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! XD XD XD I also updated my quiz, SO PLEASE TAKE IT!!!!!!!! I'm trying to decide what to wear tomorrow. >_< Silly me. ACTUALLY, Algebra is going to eat me alive. *hides from algebra* DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT A DOMAIN IS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?! (mathematically speaking) I'm gonna die...
Icons of the Day:

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Saturday, August 25, 2007
NOT SCHOOL!!!!!!!!! I'm going to die!!!!!!
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Sunday, August 19, 2007
THIS TREE JUST FELL ON MY GRAMMAS HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SERIUOSLY! A few hours after we left we found out a tree fell and took out her deck and part of the over-hang from her roof!!!!!! She and Benje (her dog) almost got hit! T~T AAAAAAAH!!!!!!!! O_O The tree is gonna kill me...
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I'm IN CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not really! ^_^
I take back everything I said. My cousin's son was very polite and nice (except for those moments that everyone has), Ans his little sister was very sweet. She couldn't remember my name so she called me "Girl". We played many boardgames that that the liitle sister couldn't play, but we played them at night. I got BEAT at Risk. Risk is serious in my family. Objects have been known to fly. I **enjoyed** my time with them. Although I still don't know my cousin. That's okay. My cousin's son treated me like a idiot. Explaining every detail of everything! Sorry, Cesteel. I do that. But he explained to me MY OWN VIDEO GAME! O_o ??? I think I know that much. *no comment*
I FINALLY GOT THE NEW ANBERLIN CD ON MY COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was about to get violent. I made sniper217 angry when I started crying. ^_^" King told me to stop being emo and Music does not equal Life. But I got it and I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! Cesteel would like it. I looked outside and the two chairs and a table at the bottom of my pool. O_o
AAH! they're cooking kitty!!!!!!!!!!
That's me!
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Friday, August 17, 2007
I have to go spend the weekend at my grammas house for a family reunion! D: My cousin and his family are coming down for california. HIS SON'S SUCH A FREAKIN' BRAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've NEVER enjoyed him!!! This time Their 2-yr. old daughter is coming. And I'm holding a gridge against her because of her brat brother. The kids deprived and BRATTY! O_o He's not allowed to drink coke or go places without mommy, or watch TV or, or, or, or... AND THEN HE ACTS SO BRATTY! -_- T~T I don't even know my cousin!!!!!!!! Just his kids. I mean I've seen him, and know his name and location. But I don't know him. ON TOP OF THAT, I'm stuck in a house full of Dems and now CALLEES!!!!!!!! I CAN'T STAND DEMOCRATS!!!!!!!!!!! It
s not that I don't love them!!!!! I'm gonna die. or commit suicide. Or run away to Canada. You coming, Cesteel? PEOPLE, SAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
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