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Member Since
• 2007-01-23
• Cat fluffieness tester *squeezes cat*
Real Name
• The Master Of The Meowers
• Becoming the world's BIGGEST cat lover!
Anime Fan Since
• I came out of the darkness into the light of the world called "ANIME"!
Favorite Anime
• NARUTO! Oh, and as of recently, FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST!!!!!!!
• PHOTOGRAPHY!!!! (and cats) Oh! And I hope to get withen 10 feet of Miyazaki, because anyone who gets withen 10 feet of him gets in his movies!
• MY CAT!!!! Hunting! ANIME! Writing Japanese poetry (haikus)! COOKING!!!!!! (Ihaven't killed anyone, yet)
• Yes! I am very talented! I love cats! I think cats are adorable! Oh! Do you mean something that doesn't envolv cats? Oh! Yeah! ^.^ I also suffer from undeclared OC! KITTY! KITTY! KITTY! KITTY! KITTY! KITTY! KITTY!
| YoshikoKitten
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Sorry! I know I haven't posted in a while...
Nothin' much has happned. My mom was goin' to take Cesteel and I to the mall, but totally rained on our parade. Then she began yelling at me for turning it into a big deal when all she did was metion it in polite conversation. Even though we had an enite conversation about it. OH!!! and strange soul, cesteel and I are writting a manga!!!!!! It's soooo much better than the one I was originally writiing. *discouragement* MEH!!!! I can make mine better. Hopefully. I'm really bored. SCHOOL'S OUT IN TWO WEEKS!!!!!!!! I get to miss half of the last week of school, too!!! I'm goin' to DC!!!!! My Admin. class is having a bake sale too!!! Each team gets to man the conccession stand at different times on the day they don't have a class. It's a contest to see who can raise the most money. WE'LL WIN!!!!!! Won't we, Cesteel and blnladybug??? I totally forgot what I was supposed to bake!!!!!!! And WE'RE the first team tomorrow!!!!!! I know I'm baking the majority, because I love to cook. And I know I'm bringing THE SECRET WEAPON, too. Cesteel? Do you still have that list? Oh. The other day I place my head on sniper217's cat, and she just jumped up and started attacking random people's shadow, even her own. O.o She's never done that before, but you never know what to expect with her.
-YoshikoKitten =^_^=
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