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myOtaku.com: Yotama

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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SaiyanPunk (07/20/04)

hey kool site and greeting cards
*makes mental note to try your quizzes later*
lol cya around ^_~

Silly Me (07/11/04)

Heyazzzz~~ supsup?Z?Z LOLZ~ LOVE the coconut pineapple theme its so...HEALTHY -.-'' sryz bad at describing ehehe ...-.-'' Wellerz~ Glad to know that someone saw my greetings =P but they're sorta useless you see -.-'' lolz~ wellerz~ thnx for signin my G_BEE and cyahz ^_______^

annoyin' lil' [# .K.a.y. #]
reminds you to LAUGH IT ALL AWAY!!
heh...that RHYMED!! BYE...!!
i would stay but...
*gets dragged out by men in black*

lovegoddess (07/03/04)

i love your site and your quizs too.

can you can me as a friend and sign my guestbook too.


Yama453 (06/24/04)

Thanks for adding me as a friend! Love your...um...apple backround. I'll add you too. I see you know PhoenixClawth...she was in my class. Very interesting girl, isn't she?

Inu-yasha_fan (06/19/04)

your quizes are so FUN!!!! PLZ HURRY AND MAKE ANOTHER PLEASE*GIVES BIG WIDE BLUE PUUPY DOG EYES*I WANT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS!!!im sooooo making you a friend!;);););)

ghost SJ (06/15/04)

thanx for commenting on my story i dont get many, lol. i like your site. ill put up the first part just so you now wots happenin and i mite continue it. i gues i misse ur lemon fad, lol. ^_^ c ya

ghost SJ

JCTiger03 (06/11/04)

i don't sign a lot of guestbooks but i hafta say that is one freakin cool duck.

you should leave him up for a while so everyone will benefit from his awesomeness.

animeartist36 (06/06/04)

hey, i haven't said hi in a while, so, HI!
i like your lemony yello site. Very summer like. It makes me feel happy/
Anywayz, i just came over to say have a nice day.
(Now i gotta go. )

deadfirescythe (06/02/04)

whoah, i thought i signed your gb, anyways, cool site. you're kinda obsessed w/ lemons when you should be obsessed with limes, oh well. cya. ^_^

katanagirl907843 (05/30/04)

woah ur in the hundreds? *blush* i'm in the 4,000. ^_^ that is alotta visitors!!!

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