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Alberta, Canada
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Having $500 for Animethon
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I was 3. Praise Japan for Sailor Moon.
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Gankutsuou, Loveless
Beading, drawing, sewing, music, reading, writing
| Youkai Trunks
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Saturday, August 12, 2006
Well, tomorrow i'm going to went ed mall. Funness. Gonna be with my new best friends Jessica. She is = teh COOLNESS! But.. she hates Sephiroth... that's the only thing we disaggree about. 'Sephiroth OWNZ n00bs! Sure, he was OWNZED by a n00b, but that's history' to quote Seanfish ^^ Anywho, I put a new pic up. It's hard to keep up with everything... anywho, I signed up with . Me ish = demon-saiyajin
Me = cools xDD Anyways peoples, I gotta run. BTW, fangirls, check out Loveless. It = pretty xD Later!
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Thursday, July 27, 2006
Hey guys. Hailey here. Well, nothing new really. I did a few new drawings, and they'll be up soon. Don't have time for a long post, so i'll just leasve now before I get onto something.. like cloud... Clooooooud.... OO' There I go. Anywho, i'll take my leave new. And yes, I said new. Well, byes everyone.
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Youkai Trunks
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Saturday, July 22, 2006
Yo! Whazzaaaup dawg?!
hey people, me here. Like the new style? It's kinda mimatched, but I had to do it in 5 minutes! Spent two hours at the lake today. I don't like outside... too many bugs. Anyway, that's all I can say for now. Check out my new art! People haven't commented on alot!
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Youkai Trunks
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Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Yo ^.^
Yo peoples, sorreh I haven't been around. Just got back (in one piece, thankfully) from my first anime con! It was awsome, and I'll put up pictures of the cosplayers I took pictures of ^^ It was awsome. And -ALSO- I got a scanner, so now new pictures are up! YAY! xD
Well, I gotta go. Things to do ^^' I'll be around sometime in the next couple days. Sorry fo' makin' yeh worreh'!
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Youkai Trunks
P.S., I got a hitai-ate, a TRUNKS keychain, and ears and a tail from the con ^^ and presents for Kira and Sean, my best friends. I cosplayed to, but you won't see meh! XD
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Here it is, Paikuhan spazzing at Janempa ^^
It's FUCKING FUNNY! I mean, every time Paikuhan goes 'OI!' it cracks me up ^^ Anyway everyone, please accept that little clip, it's been the only funny thing in my week. Things aren't going very wekk, and it's been raining, my friends are all stressed and spazzing.. so it's just really hard to keep up with things.
Oh, and I found this.

He's so cute!
Well, i'll see you guys later.
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Youkai Trunks
(P.S., i'm working on a music video right now, i'm just so angry with mom's laptop. It freezes too much >_< then all my dadt gets lost, and I gotta do it again... I got the Halo soundtrack for the music of my new one ^o^ GOTTA LUV HALO!)
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Monday, June 12, 2006
Hey there everyone. It's me again. Well, don't expect a music video any time in the really near future, i'm totally frying my brain-cells trying to make enough clips and find a song that actually fits. Oh, yeah, I just remembered. I made this little video/audio clip of Paikuhan spazzing at Janempa. It's funny as hell even if it is only 16 seconds. I'll put it up next time, kay? Well, i've been really happy. Kinda strange compared to when I was really sad, eh? xD
Iolis: ... You're a stupid, emotional, bitchy piece of dirt under my shoe...
Me: *deathglare*
Kartora: Gee, if looks could kill, he'd be 6 feet under right now.
Me: He should be...
Xyan: I like grapes!
Me: ... Oh, I forgot to fix him...
Xyan: .. *walks around in circles* Panties, panties, panties..*echo*
Samui: ... make... it.... stop...
Me: *sigh* Well, I'll see you all later folks, I got a bat to fix. *takes out screwdrivers and such* G'byeeeeeeee!
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Youkai Trunks
P.S. I wuv you all... you're so kind!
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Saturday, June 3, 2006
Ho... ly... shit... I'm Senior Otaku... HOW THE F*** DID THAT HAPPEN?!?!? WHAT THE HEEEEEELL! I had no idea what was going on, and I just went and visited morbo86, and looked at one of his posties, and I read I was chosen with 599 others to be a Senior Otaku!!! COOLS! *throws confetti everywhere* Happy!!! ^0^ And it doesn't really help i'm already bouncing off the wall because i'm gonna be able to meet my best friend Sean, -AND- a guy gave me... ^^ *giggle* PRESENTS! A bunch of picutres that he drew! *is kerWHEE happy!* Anywho.... yeah, that's really it.. 'sept I drew Iolis in Alucard's clothing ^o^ Mmmm... Alucard.... xD Anyways, wish I could sees yous guys, hope to hear from you, and I'll try to get to commenting soon ^^ btw, I made a really big mistake. ma7ad ekleemnee made a picture for me for my birthday, and I didn't see it /..\ Untill about a week ago. So if someone else did it.. please tell me... I rarely look at art nowadays because i'm so busy... gomen nasai *bows* Well-p, laters you peeps!
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Youkai Trunks
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Monday, May 29, 2006
*dances* Lalalalala, forget you ever saw that last video if you watched it, I -HATE- it. I'm making one with Godsmack 'Whatever', and it's gonne be great... all new stuffs ^^ Anyway, i've been drawing alot, and my mood has gotten brighter ^^ And THANKYOU morbo86 FOR BEING SOOOOO NICE! *taclkehugcling* xDD
Iolis: ... *twitch*
B.T.W., Luv yah DtotheAimo for commenting on my art ^^ I really -LOVE- it when someone comments ^^
New stuff is gonna be coming up, so please watch carefully for a certian beautiful angel-guy ^0^ His name is Pahxoblanael, and GOD IS HE GORGEOUS! And Vahil is SO hot.... half-dragon detective ^^ Anyway, seeoo guys later! And if you keep coming here and I haven't signed your guestbook... SORRY! PM ME AND I'LL GET TO IT!
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Youkai Trunks
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Saturday, May 13, 2006
*laugh* Well, I changed my theme again. And also thanks to morbo86, I know now that those links didn't work so well, so here:
I call it PARTY TIME! And as you can see, I changed my theme again. I jsut can't get enough of those Saiyuki Boys! BTW, if anyone likes this new layout (yellow was a bit much for me...) Please tell me! I'd like a comment or two on it! Anyway, I gotta go you peoples! Seeya soon! And please wait for me to visit, i'm a very busy woman here~!
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Youkai Trunks

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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

HEY THERE PEOPLES! Like my new set-up? It's nice, no? I just wish I could find out how to change this text to black ^^' I'm not that smart yet. ANYWHO, mom helped me make my new style here. Goku ^-^ Some time, after I do a little tweaking, I'll have a new style too. I have a special purple theme, but I just tried it and MAN am I DISAPPOIINTED. It was too colorful, so the text didn't come up. A little more time please ^^ So, I made a couple new music videos. Look at them at:¤t=Justicebydemon_saiyajin.flv
that was the first good one¤t=08PartyTime.flv
I have another one, with an evanessence song, but I have NOCLUE if it works of not, i'd have to get a smart computer to do it. So thanks everyone for sticking around with me for so long, and I hope to hear from you! I'd like new private messages, and if someone couple e-mail me that would be even better. So i'll see you around PEOPLEZ!
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Youkai Trunks

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