Youkai Trunks
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Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Falalalala, la la lala!
Well guys, I feel strange. My heart has been stolen (again... >>;), and I feel sick. Oooh, god I feel sick... well, with the help with trunksluvr14, I decided what to name my Bearded Dragon(F.Y.I., one of the ladies at the pet store sold him, so I have to get another one, an I may get another lizard totally), and it's Wesk Pranyte. A Kaiju name and a Cat-being name >> wierd. But it sounds cool! Well... I feel really bad for goku162002. I checked over his site, and GOD is he depressed... if you guys could, ya know, try to cheer him up for me, i'd be SO grateful, because Lukie helped me so many times while I was going through depression, and I'm not so good with advice ^^'
Well, my story is STILL growing, and I only got one comment on my picture. It's really sad... And my friend doesn't like it T_T BUM. *swears viloently while throwing a tantrum* *pant* *pant* ...... okay, I'm done now ^^
Okay, so now my new favorite character from my newest anime is Briareos. From Appleseed. He's a cyborg, but he's.... well... you know! Well, maybe you don't know, but who cares! HAHA! ... Okay that sounds just dumb.
Ruin Explorers is fun. I DON'T like Fam though, she's soooooo..... annoying. Ihrie's fun! And Nigel (shit, I hope that's how you spell his name... I only saw it last night for the first time in forever!) is just so stupidly funny. I like him ^o^ Lyle is just too angsty. He's not fun enough ; ; Anyways, There's another thing I've added to my wide collection of anime I watched ^^
Wow, I'm #133 out of 40789... That's pretty impressive! I'M GOING TO THE TOP ^O^!!! YAAAAAY! ... *cough* Anywho...
Trunks: Haven't you blabbed on long enough?
Me: TRUNKSIE! *slap*
Trunks: ....ouch... *fakes*
Me: Humph, bastard...
OO Sorry about that. My partner is giing me trouble ^^ OPh, hey, that comic i'm doing with my friend Shayla, it's... well.... OO NOTHING IS DONE TOT She won't give me the script, and it's been months since she started on it. No fair...
*glomps vegeta dude* FANK KYOO FOR LETTING ME SEE JOOR PICCYS! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthank YOU! Me wuffs Twunksie *huggles pictures found* Faaaank yoooooooo....
Ah, I forgot, I wanna give you a sneak peek into my story. A spoiler if you will. *ahem* Here:
He opened his mouth to speak, but as soon as he did, there was an explosion somewhere deep in the rock. The maids all shrieked, and clustered together. The celing started to cave in. All of the others gathered around the small fire, Kartora, Sabin, Xyan, Alar and Knath in the center. Alar waved his hand, and the fire went out, and then in another gesture, he sat on his knees, and flung his arms up into the air. A spectral green aura surrounded everyone, bathed in an eerie light. As the celing gave way, the shield held, giving off electric zaps as it was touched... Sabin covered his head instinctively. As the rumbling and zapping stopped, there was silent again, except from a steady hum of Alar's aura. It was dark up above, and there was nothing below. But everyone could see themselves perfectly, and there was no illumination. Alar's arms started to shake, and he collapsed, falling forward, the shield dropping...
Dun dun DUN! Nice huh? I did that part yesterday, so it's really fresh! Maybe if someone wanted I would post the story...
;_; No one wants those 'married an anime character' things I was making... oh well, three was nice ^^'
*sigh* This feels like I've been going on for hours... okay, I'll stop. It's almost Chriiiiiiistmaaaaaaaas....
May it Last
Youkai Trunks

Merry Xmas!
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Thursday, December 8, 2005
I watched Appleseed >=3 ME LIKES DEUNAN! And I also wanna see Samurai Champloo. And Tenjo Tenge XDD
Oh, my story has another chapter. It's up to 8 chapters, and 64 pages ^o^ I'm so good. And Wow, you wouldn't belive it, but I got a NEW PICTURE UP! OMGWFTAAAAH! RUN! RUN! I GOT A PICTURE! ^^ I'm silly. Well, I'm undercover right now, as I'm at the school. I gotta go now, gotta work :P Well, I'll seeoo guys lata, eh?
May it Last
Youkai Trunks
P.S. Sorry I haven't been to your sites, THANK YOU FOR STAYING MY FRIEND! *hugz* I'll come soon, honest!
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Monday, November 28, 2005
So here's the story. My lizard was dead, so we were getting replacements. I got my replacement, but it was WAY to dehydrated. So now,... *sniff* (T_T) I can't have a Water Dragon. Instead, I got a Bearded Dragon. It's cute, but it's 3 months old, so I can't be with it from the start, but oh well. NEED MONEY! P|-|33R MY LACK 0F |\/|0|\|3Y! I got a box set of .hack graphic novels. 3 of 'em, the complete set. And I got Princess Ai, Tarot Cafe', and the second last volume of Alichino. Pretty good ^^ And lots of DBZ goodies. I LOVE MONEY! I LOVE BUYING THINGS THAT MAKE ME HAPPY! I LOVE TRUNKS! ^O^ Funneh. Oh, and I'll have a new picture up soon, and button. I've been working hard ^^.
May it Last
Youkai Trunks
P.S. Sorry for all that waiting for a post, and I got 7 chapters for my story, and right at this very moment, 54 pages. EXPECT MIRACLES! Oh, and mucho thx to everyone who gave me trunx and doujin pix ^^ DOMO ARIGATO! *throws confetti*
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Tuesday, November 1, 2005
Me sad about me dead lizard... and a replacement hasn't come in yet... Sorry about the pic last, I was pretty sad that day... and I still am, but I won't burden you. I read new books... the 'Obsidian Chronicals'. Good series, alot like the Count of Monte Cristo. Gooood movie... Well... nothing mcuh left to say... oh, bad news, i'm getting depressed again. Got a whole bunch-a wallpapers coming up. And I got some pictures... me liiiiikes Trunks. I'm not crazy about Jin anymore! ... Which isn't good, because I have to draw him alot because me and my friend paired him up with my Kartora. Kinda wierd, as Jin is a devil, and Kartora's a Saiyajin A.K.A. alien, but hey, wierd things happen... *remembers back to Mao and Sabin (other two characters in RP)* .... *cough* Anyways... I got no new pictures to put up, i'm perfecting my wallpaper-making skills then i'll put stuff up. And REVAMP MAH PLACE! BOOYAH! ... okay, i'm still depressed, but hyper, so... LEAVE ME ALONE XD
I'll get new stuff up for yas soon... im the meantime, can everyone who reads this do me a WORLD-SIZED favor and find pictures from the doujinshi 'Trunks Only', 'Final Battle', or 'Pre-Battle'? Pleeeeease... I had the entire set on my computer but... it crashed TOT Well, enough raving, i'll say bye bye... Bye bye!
May it Last
Youkai Trunks
(Oh yeah, bringin' back the siggy baby!)
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Thursday, October 27, 2005
*sniffl* *cries*
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Friday, September 30, 2005
Okay, new stuffs. I'm changeing the theme, so excuse the background. Here's some RG Veda stuff for yeh.

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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Okay, I am offically obsessed with RG Veda. They're all Saint Seiya clones! It's like... wierd, and yet coolness ^^ So... oh, my lizard is a male, and his name: *drumroll* ... is Seagaru! Yeah, Seagaru. Got a problem wif it? He's the cutest thing you ever did see ^^ And I got MORE new books. Knights of the Zodiac (Saint Seiya) 1 and 3 (my very first #3 issue EVER *shock*), and Sakura Taisen #1 was the other one I forgot. I also got like... 4 Dragon Ball Z magazines. Like, original-likeness. Little tiny ones with about 2 chapters per book. It's pretty cool... Oh, my previous partnership with LadyKagome309 (she deleted herself) is going smoothly with our new doujinshi crossover. Dragon Ball Z and Inu-Yasha. It's pretty cool. Inu-Yasha is fun to do with unbuttoned shirt/jeans and Trunks as a vampire >=3 I ish evil. So, I finally got a computer with unlimited time, but I wanna be a goody-goody and log off right away. It's been about...52 mins, and I get 60. So, anyways, thanks alot for your comments on my art, and sending my greetings, and all that other stuff... oh, and downloading my wallpapers ^^ You're all living dolls... *gets flashback from Poke'mon episode where Team Rocket dressed up as Poke'mon Princess dolls* ... *coughs* ANYWAYS... well, see yah all later folks. Expect new artwork soon! Oh, and comment about my new style, please? I'm working on an avi at the moment, so new stuff to come!
May it Last
Youkai Trunks
P.S. I got over 30 manga stuffs ^^ I want doujinshi, can someone give me some as a present for staying on myO for so long??? Anyone???
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Monday, September 12, 2005
New books.... Got Alichino #2 and something else I forget... I wanted something, but I forgot.. sorry ^^'
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
New-Ness Update
Wow, an update...
GUESS WHAT?! I'M GETTING A NEW PET! .... No, not a neopets thing.. a REAL NEW PET! A little Water Dragon! It's sooooo cute... It's all green and it's got purple eyes... SO CUTE! It's really adoreable! You should see, if you like lizards that is >> I'm freaking out about it ^^ Oh, and i'm getting very talented with drawing pictures on the computer. I actually did almost a perfect one of Kartora. And I got new books!! RG Veda # 2 (awsomeness and so sweet ^^ Read it!), D.N.Angel #4 (*drools over Dark* O.O), and Cardcaptor Sakura #5 (cute-ness). Read them all! Except... well, D.N.Angel was a little too hard for me to follow >> Maybe that's just me. Well, anyways guys, thanks alot for coming. And that you SO MUCH iluvsasuk for coming around again and sticking with me ^^. Hats off to yeh. ... *looks to fanart* Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I think i'm gonna... burn all of my old pictures and have a party. Well >> Seeya all lata folks! DAS ALL! *is being dragged away by a pissy Vegeta* HEEEELP MEEEEE!!!
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
... Okay, I lied. Couldn't get a disk, so no cards, but new fanart!
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