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Youkai Trunks
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Alberta, Canada
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Having $500 for Animethon
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I was 3. Praise Japan for Sailor Moon.
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Gankutsuou, Loveless
Beading, drawing, sewing, music, reading, writing
| Youkai Trunks
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Sunday, April 3, 2005
Leaveing... again.

Hey there peoples... Nice day? Good for you. I don't have one. And won't have one for a while. See that picture up there? Remember what it means? I'll be gone for a while. A family emergency came up, and I mean, BIG emergenccy. So i'll be not here for a while... oh, and I did another cool picture. I won't tell what it is though ^__^. I'll keep you guessing for a while. And i'll make special avitars for friends, if you ask me. I made ladykagome309's avi of Faye D. Flowright. Mine is Kurogane ^__^. Well, enought of my ranting, I guess I got to get going. Unfortuneately, I can't tell you where we are. I'll post pictures some time soon. I'll be about a week, or sooner. I don't even know, and I may update one every... few days. But don't expet something regular. God, I feel like a fugiteive.
I just found my Chaos Duel Disk...
Oh, and me and LadyKagome309 have claimbed our own anime characters, and gave them pet names. For me:
Trunks - Trunksie
Kurogane - Aijin
Hiei - Chibi Plushie
Shiryu - Cuddle Kitten
Marik - Wolfie
Kai - Dude
Zoro - Santo-ryu
Matt - Rocker
Lyserg - Sweetie
And LadyKagome309, can you remind me of anyone i've missed...?

My present. Mine, all mine...

My Rex too, even though I didn't claim him.
If someone out of all of you read this whole thing... I LOVE YOU AND GOODBYE!!!
Blood Will Tell
Youkai Trunks
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Thursday, March 31, 2005
Muahaha, i'm now the founder of the "Anti-Pink" Rebellion. LadyKagome309 is the co-founder, and we are making a site as I speak. I got one banner and i'm making one right now. No to Pink-ness! XD no offence to pink lovers...
May it Last
Youkai Trunks
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Friday, March 25, 2005
And it's my little bro's b-day
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got only pictures here. these are form a doujinshi called "Love Call"

That's from "Loce Call". And This picture (one of my faves ^_^) is from "Trunks Only". But it skrunk O_o It's so sad looking.

And here is the funniest and most DECENT yaoi picture I have EVER seen.

may it Last
Youkai Trunks
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Thursday, March 24, 2005
new banner... should i make?
I got 900 hits now. I wish Someone could make a banner for me ^_^ oh well ^_^ well, i'm still sick. I can't talk, and i still mis my dog. well, i must say bye bye. I miss you all, and please dont stop comiong to my site, i shall get to you soon! my computer is crashing, so going to some sites is well... dangerous. too much info to download ^^ well, g'night
May it Last
Youkai Trunks
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Wednesday, March 23, 2005
who will make a moveing button for me?
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
bored yet again. and almost depressed.
I'M BORED!!! TAKE ME AWAY MADNESS! I can't get a hold of my friends T.T nobody wants to talk to me! And i'm getting depressed again...
may it Last
Youkai Trunks
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Sunday, March 20, 2005
new story and new character
Okay. I read my books. There's Alichino, Fushigi Yugi, and Tsubasa #4. I also read Ranm 1/2 now. I5t's kinda.... '_' revealing o.o and wierd. Well, i'm going to get xxxHolic next time i'm at Chapters, and I was wondering if anyone knows what anime characters are 14? Well, that's all for now. Oh, and Khillah Goku wants to kill himself. Can someone help me convince him not to? Oh, and I've told everyone about my made-up character for Dragon Ball? Well, she's Goku's sister for those of you who don't know ^-^ and I made a WICKED picture of her kinda demon/saiyajin/bat/tiger. It's awsome. I think the right words for her... Would be 'Babe'. lol. Well, i'll be seeing ya soon.
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Saturday, March 19, 2005
problems not so bad
well, the dude's leaveing me alone for the most part, and I bought 3 new book with my birthday left-over cash. I got rid of my dog, and well, i don't know what im gonna do about my room. I'm alot sick with the flu, and I actualy can't talk -_-
~Trunks: Aww, poor baby.
Ahem... I made a new comic in my absence (sorry bout that) And I realise now that Mirai no Bejita is a real pain in hte ass. He's impossibe to talk to sometimes! Even if it is aout Dragon Ball Z! Well, enough ranting form me. I'll get my pictures up soon, so please wait a little longer. I'ts going very slowly.
~Vegeta: Luckily calmly too.
~Me: Yeah, you got that right Veggie...
Locke: What just happened here? *blinks*
~Trunks: *gasp* AIJIN! *glomps*
~Me: I got competition... *brings out chainsaw* Must elimate..
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Sunday, March 13, 2005
fuck... 'sucse my french...
i wanna kick in the fucking wall at that fucking condo...why? Here:
1: i hate my room
2: i hate the man who aclls himself my 'dad', but got me thrown into jail, and nearly thus killed me through my depression
3: i miss t.v. i know it's not important, but hey, how else do you keep yourself busy with no schookwork, no nintendo, no gameboy and no drawing stuff hmm???
4: mom's giving my only dog away. i have to get a lizard cuz all my old birds died, i hate fish cuz they die too easily, and i cant get a cat (im allergic). another dog is out of the question. unless it's a shitzu.
5: i cant get my msn to work. no signing in...
6: my computer is crashing
7: I CANT GET A HOLD OF SHAYLAAAAAA! mr. evil cut off long distance..i cant talk to anyone not local. they have to call me, and i cant et a hold of her T.T
8: (never had to count this high anymore) I CANT DRAW!!! My drawings are worth shit now!
and that's what's wrong with me. oka, so how my site is doing:
Total visits: 788
Popularity ranking: 724 (out of 22,373)
Guestbook entries: 140
Times wallpapers downloaded: 162
Total comments on all art: 35
Times e-card sent: 196
well, thats how im doing...
whaaah, i wanna die again... *sts on floor and sucks thumb* *whimpers while rocking back and forth* this is too stressful... I can't stand it I tellz ya... oh, so i can save myself alot of work, does anyone know of any anime characters that are 14 years old? I do this every ear to find out who i'm old as, but i still fail. can someone else help me...? oh, wooh is me.... ogm i'm seeing things.. i'm faint from hunger... I haven't eaten anything since my one slice of birthday cake I had...exept for a little peice of danish.. oh swet kami in the other world, help me live...
Kami: Shit you seem down.
Me: O.O damn, im too young to go senile.. *rubs eyes* okay, on a lighter note...wait, there is no lighter note.. exept..oh, i got a bag of bertie botts every flavor beans! And trust me, you don't want to buy a pack o' those... i had a 'salmon' flavored one, thinking it would be some kind of trick, but IT FRIKKING TASTED LIKE SALMON! buttered popcorn was good.. but im too scared to try the *gulps nervously* vomit flavored one.... eeeeeww... well, im also gonna get another dragon ball Z graphoc novel. I saw the original of whan trunks died, it was more, 'oh. wel, trunks is dead. too bad.' for other people, but for vegeta he was like 'OMGWTFAAAH!' and freekin' goes out of control! lmfao! and i saw when trunks goes back to his time... *droools* seeeexy.. O_O I DIDN'T SAY THAT!!!
well, here's a few pictures for entertainment.

Aww...who could stay mad at a face like that, huh?

i'm, singin' in teh bathtub!

*gasp* aww... it's just like in the movie where icarus comes in, with turles, onlt there's piccolo!


hugs, and snuffles, and kisses ^^

Shocking image #1

Shocking image #2

Aww...he's so happy about his: 'love machine' ^^ i have no clue where that came from...


awsome and sexy...wait, cross out the word thingy..

Mah lucky numba 7..

Have you seen these chibis? Call your nearest Z senshi if you have. Thank you.

evilly cute

i dunno wat this picture is about, but it looks kinda cool...

Aww, soo huggable and squeezeable looking..

duo in red suit.. he's cool ^_^

and thats all...I gotta get home now...
May it Last
Youkai Trunks
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