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| Youkai Trunks
Friday, April 22, 2005
Hey, I can't update as much any more. I'm falling way behind in my schoolwork. I saw Evangelion: Death and Rebirth! It's great! I LOOOOOVE IT! It's really awsome, I reccommend it! It may have... 2 wierd parts, but HELL! IT'S AWSOME!
Oh, I did a small fanfic. Here it is:
It was Meant To Be
Chapter 1
It was always meant to happen.
The blue little marble of a planet; called Earth
Was always meant to and was destined to
Altough many tried to save it, attempts became more and more common
Soon, there was no one to protect to Planet
No one
Exept for one young man
He, in his hands
Holds the world's fate
At least
In his Time
"MOM!!!" Came the shout from a pale-haired young boy. His name was: Trunks. He called for his mom as his master lifted him up into the air and began spinning him around. His mother, a blue-haired beauty -even for her age- came running out of the building she had been working in. It was amaseingly run down, but it was home, and used to be the center of a great city, before it became the only building in the city standing. She laughed as she watched Trunks was being spun around faster and faster.
"Okay Gohan, that's enough! You'll make him lose what he had of lunch!" She said to the boy's master. Gohan laughed and stopped spinning Trunks over his head, and held him in his arms, bridal-style. Trunks wriggeled untill Gohan let him fall to the ground, face-first. Gohan laughed and poked Trunks in the side with his foot, making him run to his mom and hide behind her legs. Gohan shook his head and smiled.
"You know Bulma, that little boy there will some day be big enough to spin me around!" He said jokingly. Bulma shook her head.
"Now Gohan, don't start talking like that! He has no chance of catching up to you in strength!" She said. Gohan laughed and walked over, looking behind her to see little Trunks. Trunks gave a giggle and ran behind Gohan. GOhan shook his head.
"Now where is that little Saiyajin?" He asked, turning around, making Trunks move in the same direction, to keep hiding. "Maybe he's inside, waiting for supper? Or maybe...." He spread his legs and bent down swiftly, grabbing Trunks' feet behind him and sweeping his off of his feet. Trunks looked like he would burst he was laughing so hard, being held upside-down. Gohan put him right-side-up and patted him back to make him go.
"You better to get inside, and do some studying for now. You can play later." He said with a smile. Trunks laughed and ran inside with his arms spread like he was flying. Gohan sighed. He's lucky to be ten... He tought to himself. Gohan put his hands in his pockets and looked to Bulma. She gave a laugh.
"You know Gohan, I don't know if he sees you as a father, a big brother or one of those uncles!" She said. Gohan scratched his head and gave a sheepish grin.
"I think it's one of those uncles." He said. "I don't think he sees me as a father, and only maybe a big brother." He hung his head slightly at remembering his own father, Goku. Bulma walked over to him and patted him on the shoulder.
"There, there Gohan. It'll turn out right some time." She said comfortingly. Gohan gave a strained smile. There was a whooping sound from inside and Trunks came running out, a scarf tied around his neck and goggles in his hair. He ran around with his arms spread out like his was pretenting to fly. Gohan laughed loudly at the child, and Bulma joined him. Trunks ran over to Gohan and hugged him. Gohan looked over to Bulma with a shocked look on his face. Bulma smiled.
"It's a kid thing." She said. Gohan patted Trunks on the head. Trunks grabbed Gohan's hand, and tried to throw him over his shoulder, but only managed to lift him up onto his back, and Gohan squashed him. Gohan laughed and got up, brushing to grass off of his pants. Trunks was sprawled out on the ground. Gohan poked him in the side with his foot, and Trunks curled up into a ball, giggleing like he was four. He got up.
"Hey Gohan, want to go flying again?!" He asked, jumping up and down. Gohan put his hand on his head and looked him in the eye.
"Trunks, I have to go right now, there's something I have to do." He said. There was a loud explosion, and Gohan stood up straight, and looked behind him. A large mushroom-shaped cloud was riseing up from another part of the city. Bulma grabbed Trunks by the shoulders. Gohan looked back to Trunks. "They're here." he said. Trunks nodded.
"I may not be a Super Saiyajin like you Gohan, but I can help!" He said with a smile. Gohan reconized that smile. It was like the one Vegeta gave when he was pleased. Gohan shook his head.
"No Trunks. You can't come." He warned. Trunks growled.
"I'll come anyways! I have to help you!" He said defyantly. Gohan shook his head in pity.
"Trunks, that optimisim and nïevity is going to get you killed one of these days, and-"
"I DON'T CARE! I'M GOING TO HELP YOU!" Gohan blinked. Trunks bit his bottom lip and clenched his fists. Gohan stared at the boy for a moment.
"Fine. Just don't get yourself killed." he said. His face became hard, and he gave out a loud yell. His hair turned golden. Trunks also gave a yell, and his ki level rose amaseingly. They both took off from the ground at the same time, heading towards where the explosion came from. Bulma put her hands together.
"Please come back safely..." She prayed, and pleaded.
18 and 17 laughed as they killed another fifteen humans in one blast.
18 flicked her hair away from her face as she turned to her bother.
"17, this is getting on my nerves." She said angrily. 17 smirked.
"Simmer down sis. The fun is just starting." He said in a cold tone. 18 smirked as well.
Gohan and Trunks watched form above. Trunks swung out his sword from the scabbard on his back. Gohan looked to him and shook his head.
"Not now Trunks." He warned. Trunks looked over to Gohan with a confused look on his face.
"But why Gohan?" He asked. Gohan gave a smile.
"We're going to get them by surprise this time, and get in the first hit." Trunks gave a small smile. He floated slightly to the side. The red of the fire and the hot air from the explosion was hard to concentrate in. He rubbed his eyes as a small ash floated into one.
17 looked up.
"Right there." He said. "There's Trunks and Gohan..." 18 gave a smile.
"They think they're going to get in first hit? Well, they're wrong if they think they can just fly down." She said.
Trunks looked to where Gohan was last, and saw Gohan motioning to the ground. Gohan flew down and then threw an energy attack at 17, blasting apart the earth underneath everyone. Trunks swooped down, brandishing his sword over his head. As the smoke cleared, he could faintly see the outline of 18's head, and brought his sword down. 18 dodged. Trunks landed on the ground, bursting out of the smoke. three golden strands of hair floated in front of his face. 18 swore and pushed her hair behind her ear.
"You'll pay for that you little brat!" She shrieked. Trunks gasped as 18 dematerialized, and reappeared in front of him. There was an explosion, and Trunks was thrown backwards, only, it wasn't him that was hurt. It was 18! trunks looked around in the fire and smoke.
"Who...?" He asked. He felt someone grab his arm.
"Come on Trunks!" Said the ever-urgent voice of Gohan. Trunks got up and followed Gohan through the rubble. Gohan suddenly dissapeared from Trunks' view.
"GOHAN?!" He called. There was no answer. He felt a sharp pain in the side of his neck, then a whisper in his ear.
"This is for cutting my hair, you little urchin." Said the voice of Android 18. Trunks opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He felt his entire body freeze, and he fell on his face. He could smell the scent of burning ground and plaster. After a moment, he realised that 18 thought he was dead, so she left! Maybe 17 thought that too... He thought to himself. He got up and looked around. There was a drop if water on his nose, and a resounding crash called through the destroyed city. Trunks ran in the direction he heard movement coming from. He stopped as he saw Gohan and 17 fighting each other. Gohan was loseing. Trunks screamed out in anger and rushed forth, stepping between the two and he punched 17 in the face. 17's head only turned form the blow. Trunks gasped. Gohan tried to grab him, but 18 grabbed his arms.
"No getting away this time Gohan." She said. Gohan watched as 17 mercilessly tortured Trunks, slowly killing him. Eventually, the small boy fell on the ground, unconsious. Gohan couldn't take it anymore. He wrenched out of 18's grasp, and elbowed her in the stomache. He burst out at 17, attacking with all of his might. The fight ensued for many hours...
There was an annoying beeping sound in Gohan's ear. He wanted to say to knock it off to whoever was making the noise, but he couldn't open his mouth, or see. He decided to try to open his eyes. At first, it was all a blur, then he could see the faint outline of a person. Someone gasped.
"Mom! he's waking up!" Said a child's voice. Gohan screwed up his eyes. I know that voice... he thought. His vision cleared up, and he saw Trunks and Bulma leaning over him, The constant and annoying beeping came from a small moniter that kept track of his heart-beat. Trunks was on the verge of tears as he hugged Gohan tightly. Gohan gave a moan as he felt a sharp pain through his whole body. Trunks immedeately backed away.
"Gohan, your arm.." He whispered. Gohan loomked at his right arm in disbelief.
"What about it..." He managed quietly. It looked fine to him. Trunks shook his head slowly.
"Other arm..." He said. Gohan looked to his left... only to not find one. Gohan sat up and tore away the sheets that were covering him in his bed. He looked at where his left arm used to be.
"It's...gone!" He said quietly. He slumped down, laying his head against the pillow. He looked to Trunks. The young boy had a small patch on his left cheek, that was stained with blood, and one arm was in a sling, and one eye was just ever so slightly black. Gohan sighed.
"We look like a couple of baskets of fruit with all of these bruises and broken limbs." He said with a small smile. Trunks scratched his head with his good arm and smiled.
"Yeah, I know." He said.
"What happened when you woke up...?" Gohan asked. Trunks looked away.
"The androids were gone, and you were unconsious beside me... and I found that you... gave me that last senzu bean..." He said quietly. Gohan smiled.
"You do know i'll do anything to keep you alive, right?" He asked. Trunks nodded.
"I know Gohan... master.. But still, you have no arm!" He said, pointing. Gohan laughed, making his side hurt consierably, and he went quiet. Bulma came over to him and gave him some medicine. Trunks watched as she helped Gohan get comfortable again. They had chased off the androids... but at what price?
"Gohan..." Trunks muttered quietly. Gohan looked to Trunks as Bulma backed away, putting an ice pack on his forehead.
"What is it Trunks?" He asked.
"Thank you..."
"Don't worry Trunks. If I lived, and you died, it wouldn't matter. Your mom would kill me!" Gohan and Trunks laughed. Bulma kissed Trunks on top of the head and walked out of the room. After she closed the door, she muttered to herself.
"You got that right."
And that's it. Hope you like it. It's like the Trunks TV Special. Here's some pictures from it:

And that's it for now. Thank you Temple O' Trunks!!! ^_^
Oh, and goku162002, thank you for getting Wish I had An Angel for moe again. I really appreciate it. Domo Arigato whoever comes and is still my friend!
Blood Will Tell
Youkai Trunks
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