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Alberta, Canada
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Having $500 for Animethon
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I was 3. Praise Japan for Sailor Moon.
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Gankutsuou, Loveless
Beading, drawing, sewing, music, reading, writing
| Youkai Trunks
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Falalalala, la la lala!
Well guys, I feel strange. My heart has been stolen (again... >>;), and I feel sick. Oooh, god I feel sick... well, with the help with trunksluvr14, I decided what to name my Bearded Dragon(F.Y.I., one of the ladies at the pet store sold him, so I have to get another one, an I may get another lizard totally), and it's Wesk Pranyte. A Kaiju name and a Cat-being name >> wierd. But it sounds cool! Well... I feel really bad for goku162002. I checked over his site, and GOD is he depressed... if you guys could, ya know, try to cheer him up for me, i'd be SO grateful, because Lukie helped me so many times while I was going through depression, and I'm not so good with advice ^^'
Well, my story is STILL growing, and I only got one comment on my picture. It's really sad... And my friend doesn't like it T_T BUM. *swears viloently while throwing a tantrum* *pant* *pant* ...... okay, I'm done now ^^
Okay, so now my new favorite character from my newest anime is Briareos. From Appleseed. He's a cyborg, but he's.... well... you know! Well, maybe you don't know, but who cares! HAHA! ... Okay that sounds just dumb.
Ruin Explorers is fun. I DON'T like Fam though, she's soooooo..... annoying. Ihrie's fun! And Nigel (shit, I hope that's how you spell his name... I only saw it last night for the first time in forever!) is just so stupidly funny. I like him ^o^ Lyle is just too angsty. He's not fun enough ; ; Anyways, There's another thing I've added to my wide collection of anime I watched ^^
Wow, I'm #133 out of 40789... That's pretty impressive! I'M GOING TO THE TOP ^O^!!! YAAAAAY! ... *cough* Anywho...
Trunks: Haven't you blabbed on long enough?
Me: TRUNKSIE! *slap*
Trunks: ....ouch... *fakes*
Me: Humph, bastard...
OO Sorry about that. My partner is giing me trouble ^^ OPh, hey, that comic i'm doing with my friend Shayla, it's... well.... OO NOTHING IS DONE TOT She won't give me the script, and it's been months since she started on it. No fair...
*glomps vegeta dude* FANK KYOO FOR LETTING ME SEE JOOR PICCYS! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthank YOU! Me wuffs Twunksie *huggles pictures found* Faaaank yoooooooo....
Ah, I forgot, I wanna give you a sneak peek into my story. A spoiler if you will. *ahem* Here:
He opened his mouth to speak, but as soon as he did, there was an explosion somewhere deep in the rock. The maids all shrieked, and clustered together. The celing started to cave in. All of the others gathered around the small fire, Kartora, Sabin, Xyan, Alar and Knath in the center. Alar waved his hand, and the fire went out, and then in another gesture, he sat on his knees, and flung his arms up into the air. A spectral green aura surrounded everyone, bathed in an eerie light. As the celing gave way, the shield held, giving off electric zaps as it was touched... Sabin covered his head instinctively. As the rumbling and zapping stopped, there was silent again, except from a steady hum of Alar's aura. It was dark up above, and there was nothing below. But everyone could see themselves perfectly, and there was no illumination. Alar's arms started to shake, and he collapsed, falling forward, the shield dropping...
Dun dun DUN! Nice huh? I did that part yesterday, so it's really fresh! Maybe if someone wanted I would post the story...
;_; No one wants those 'married an anime character' things I was making... oh well, three was nice ^^'
*sigh* This feels like I've been going on for hours... okay, I'll stop. It's almost Chriiiiiiistmaaaaaaaas....
May it Last
Youkai Trunks

Merry Xmas!
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