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myOtaku.com: Youkai Trunks

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


HEY THERE PEOPLES! Like my new set-up? It's nice, no? I just wish I could find out how to change this text to black ^^' I'm not that smart yet. ANYWHO, mom helped me make my new style here. Goku ^-^ Some time, after I do a little tweaking, I'll have a new style too. I have a special purple theme, but I just tried it and MAN am I DISAPPOIINTED. It was too colorful, so the text didn't come up. A little more time please ^^ So, I made a couple new music videos. Look at them at:


that was the first good one


I have another one, with an evanessence song, but I have NOCLUE if it works of not, i'd have to get a smart computer to do it. So thanks everyone for sticking around with me for so long, and I hope to hear from you! I'd like new private messages, and if someone couple e-mail me that would be even better. So i'll see you around PEOPLEZ!

May it Last

Youkai Trunks

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