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• 1984-05-22
• Qu�bec, Canada
Member Since
• 2004-09-08
• History student
Real Name
• Jacinthe
• Ahhh, I don't like to brag. ^^
Anime Fan Since
• The summer of 1998 (It's all thanks to Sailormoon...^^)
Favorite Anime
• Inuyasha, Wirch Hunter Robin, Gravitation, Pretear, Fushigi Yuugi, Gundam SEED, Kyuuketsuki Miyu...
• Apart from what I should do for a job, I'd love to become a published author.
• Dancing, drawing, writing, signing...and of course sleeping.^^
• All of the above, especially sleeping.^^
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
ahhh, rest at last...
really you have no idea how sweet this day doing nothing has been for me.^^
The show went very well. We had to be there at 2:00 for a practice so that the technicians could play with the lights and music and make sure everything runs smoothly for the show. That part was a bit long and rather boring, but after that everything went very smoothly and my dad even said that in his opinion this was the best show he's seen in the 2 1/2 years I've been doing them, so that's good.^^
But the best thing is really that now that the show is over and Mother's Day's over, I got to relax and do absolutely nothing for the entire day today. Ahhh, heaven.^^ So now I can finally go back to doing things that I like to do, namely wallpapers, drawings...oh yes, and getting lots of sleep.^^
So how have you guys been?
Anyway have a nice day ^_^
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Thursday, May 5, 2005
Well I still haven't got any rest really...
You know, I was so glad school's over. I thought "Great, now I can finally relax and not think about anything"...Ha ha, think again Jacinthe. It turns out I spent the last days working on puting the finishing touch to our costumes for the show (belly dancing). Oh yes and my teacher came to me not 2 weeks ago telling me that she had found the material for my costume (we have this dance where we were missing one costume, and since I'm center stage for that one it was decided that it was ok if I didn't exactly match the others). Now I thought she knew someone who could do the sewing but no, she came to me and she was like "so you know someone who will make your costume, right?". I thought "yes I do but I'm very shy to come to her and tell her that this has to be ready in like a week. But anyway this lady I know is a very nice lady and she made it for me. So tonight I had to go over to her house to try it on and thanks goodness it looks great so at least I don't have to worry about that anymore.^^ But I still have some sewing to do, and I have a friend coming over tomorrow (hmmm, no that's today actually ^^) to practice this dance that she has trouble remembering. So yes I really didn't get any rest since school is over. *takes a deep breath* I feel better.^^
Well I'll talk to you again after the show I guess.^^
Till then take care of yourselves ^_^
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Friday, April 29, 2005
FREEE!!! (At last...)
Finally school's over.^_^ They had us exercice our hands yesterday: I had 2 tests and for both we had to write about 10 pages in like 2 1/2 hours (my poor hand...*rubs hand*). But well at least it's done now.^^ And today I went to school to hand out the last 2 projects that I had to do. So freedom at last!^^
So of course now I have no excuse not to work on everybody's wallpapers.^^ Hmmm, I do have a belly dancing show next week and I still have to finish the touch ups for one of our costumes...Uh-oh, I guess this means just a little more postponing.^^ But after that is done I PROMISE I'm going to get to it.^_^
So how have all of you guys been doing?
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Monday, April 18, 2005
Just wanted to...
wish you all a nice day.
I have to go to my French Revolution class today.'s been awhile...^^
And I took a quiz, for those of you who are patient enough to read it.^^
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Oh nice. Great. Awesome
I had a nice surprise last night when I logged on and had a look at my messages to find one from theOtaku staff informing me that they had deleted one of my wallpapers. So of course I read that message first and they said it had been deleted because of "plagiarism". I was quite insulted because they accused me of using someone else's work. I did use someone else's work but I always make sure that the name and website address of the artists whose work I use are visible on the wallpaper for the very purpose of not being accused of plagiarism. In my book, plagiarism is using someone's art and claiming it as your own, which I absolutely would never do.
Anyway I wrote to them and told them I did not agree with their accusation at all and explained why. I hope they'll consider my view of it and not start deleting all of my wallpapers...Oh and I was particularily mad when I found out that the wallpaper they took off is my Sango/Miroku one (it had to be the one with the most downloads).
Anyway I hope they write back to me soon...I have one or two more things to complain about...
Well that's about it, I guess I'm in a complaining mood, sorry to bore you all with my misfortune but I thought I'd tell you in case you wondered what happened to this wallpaper.^^
Have a nice evening, take care ^^
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
The strike is over...
And I'm not sure if I'm really happy about that. We managed to get something from the government but it's not what we were asking for, so yes I'm not happy actually.
Plus I arrived super late at the assembly so it was over when I arrived and I didn't even get to vote...-_- (stupid me left right after the vote last time so I didn't know we had to come earlier to this one)
So tomorrow I'll be putting the finishing touch to my 18 pages long "story" about Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette, and then on thursday I'll hand out 4 projects that were due 3-4 weeks ago (if there hadn't been a strike of course)...and then I can get started on my movie analysis, do the readings that I need to do prior to the finals, do the finals and then I'm all yours.^^ *sigh* Well my last exam is on the 28th, which is in about, what 2 weeks? So it's not that bad, I'm getting there.^^
But I guess I don't need to tell you I haven't been working on the walpapers lately (or doing anything anime-related anyway), you'll have to be patient for a few weeks...but then I'll be more than happy to get back to that.^^ (I'm telling you I have no idea what's been happening in the world lately other than the Pope's death and Britney's pregnancy...)
How have you guys been, enjoying yourselves? I hope you're all good.^_^ Take care!
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Thursday, March 31, 2005
I missed the 1000th hit...
Well I haven't been on a lot lately and, well, I missed my 1000th hit. When I came to my backroom to have a peek at my stats I saw 1012 hits. Well anyway I'm happy to say that I reached 1000 hits.^^ Yay! Thank you guys.^_^
Now about your thank you wallpapers, I only have 4 done...and I'm afraid it will be awhile before I can do the others. I'm still working hard on my projects and I spend my entire days in the charming company of Louis XVI...(^^) and then when I'm done with him which will probably be another week I have to move on to analizing a movie...and then study for the finals. So it may not be done until the end of April. I'm very sorry. -_-
Well I hope everything's good in your lives.
Take care of yourselves, till next time.^^
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Wednesday, March 23, 2005
If you want to know a little more about me...
you can take this quiz.^^
Take my Quiz on!
Have a great day! I hope to be able to get back to you guys soon...^^
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
I'm still alive...
but I'm also exhausted.
I just came back from babysitting, where on the bright side I had time to do some readings that I needed to do. I've been working on my projects 6-8 hours a day since the last time I posted and there's still a lot to do, but I'm slowly getting there.
Now a quick update regarding your wallpapers. I managed to find some time to work on that a bit too (makes a break from the projects^^), and I completed the ones for silversoulwolf, smoothlady15 and Lewna. Now I forgot to ask you to give me your email address if I don't already know it so I can send them to you. You can pm it to me if you don't want everyone to know it.
Well that's it for now, till next time guys, take care ^_^
p.s. Erin, I found some pictures of Ed and Al but I'm not really happy with them. Do you know a site where I could find good pictures of them? You'd help me a lot.^^ Also do you prefer armor-Al or human-Al?
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Thursday, March 17, 2005
Bare with me...
Hi guys.
I only wanted to let you know that I might not come around as much as I would like to for the next few weeks. The reason is I have a ton a school projects to do (that strike isn't such a good thing after all, everybody has just been doing nothing for the last weeks and now we're all realizing just how much there is to do...well it's my fault for being so lazy...-_-) But anyway I won't be able to visit you guys as regularly as I usually do so please bare with me. I'll try to drop by once in awhile.^^
Also don't forget to tell me what you want your wallpaper to be. So far I have silversoulwolf, Toki and Smoothlady's requests.^^
Well I hope you have a nice day, week...until I post again (IF I even survive that is...^^)
Take care of yourselves!
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