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myOtaku.com: youko

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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wake2Z (06/09/05)


Thanx fer signing my gbook!!!! I luv your site!! Adding ya as a friend!



princesssuzaku (03/06/05)


hunnixbunni (11/14/04)

hello and welcom to my idiotical idiotness..... i am the lady of all idiots so heed my wrath of my all powerfull idiotness! fwa fwa fwa fwa!!!! *attacks u with the greatness of idiotness* diiiie! *clears throught* well then.... i just had to get that out of my system.... but im okay now! heh heh..... anyways.... i added u as a friend cuz i wanted to.... i dont know why.... cuz your kool i guess..... anyways.... so.... stop by my site cucomber cumberdil! and sign my guestbook! well... l8rz..

lupin the 44th (07/14/04)

Konnichiwa! Your'e artwork is really cool and thanx 4 the pointers ^_^ P.S. It's my evil scanner (it fights with me because i'm sexy ^_^;) but anyway saiyonara

xMsxMerrixDeathx (07/04/04)

I like your art work and I like your site!

Yuurei (07/03/04)

I just came across your site. =D So....Hi. Yeah, I'm a pretty boring person. XDD

Little Trigun (07/02/04)

Hi!I like your drawings.If u don't draw more soon i'm,gonna miss your drawings.I'll + u as a friend & sign my Gb plese.~Little Trigun~

Nataku1 (06/29/04)

whats up? ive never seen you around, but i stumbled into your site and thought it'd be proper of me to sign your book....see ya around...

Yuske Moto (04/18/04)

Add more posts.People(mainly me) might wanna get to know ya more!
pEaCe OuT
Yuske Moto

Teia (04/06/04)

HIII!!! YAY! YYH IS BEST!! YAY FOR KURAMA FANS!!! YAAAAYY!!! Your pics. are cool. I like 'em. YAAY FOR COOL PICS.!!! Yup, I'm weird. Heh. I'm addin' ya as a friend! Please come by my site! THANX A BUNCHES! YAAAYYY!!! ^_^

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