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Plattsburgh, NY
Member Since
Real Name
Amber Cross
None that's worth mentioning...
Anime Fan Since
As long as I can remember...
Favorite Anime
Heat Guy J, Naruto, Angel Santuary, Chobits, Record of Lodoss War, etc.
Don't have one yet, but I guess I could say to live a full and ideal life...
Drawing , Reading (manga and novels), watching anime, searching the internet, playing video games, making beautiful and amazing
Photoshop Junkie, and I have a taste in having some witty humor at times...
| YoukoxSanjixZoro
Hey there. Welcome to my page.
I really don't have too much to say that is not mentioned at the sidebar, but, since I want to fill this up, so it looks like I have a lot to say, I'll do so.
But, I deo want to say, that I want a future career in graphic design. I think it would be lots of fun to design some things for lots of money. Here's an example:
And ummm...that's all! ^_^
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Yay for Photoshop! ^_^
Yeah...I'm officially bored, so here's some...err...
Banners...or whatever...for myself...

Not much, but I thought I did a good job on them...
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005 and poems?? That's a new one...
The Murder of an Angel
Lost in eternal darkness
she searches for a way out
barely able to see
the obvious exit
In her mind
she knows where the exit is
but her spirit couldn't take
what was beyond that door
Behind the rusty hinges
she can see her heart
being thrown to the wall
by a familiar face
the face of a former ally
Her soul froze in place
like an eroded statue
her face came into more shock
when her soul became human flesh
The man noticed the girl, and walked toward her
with a knife in hand
his cold hand tightly wrapped around
her small, brittle neck
He raised the dagger above her head
she looks up st the sharpened metal
it was not clean of the blood
from his last victim
the tainted blood stained her pure face
The dagger slowly lowered down
ready to carve the face
of the angel
who didn't do anything wrong
He decided to make it quick
and started to thrust the sharp metal
into the girl's face
blood splashing in all directions
The grasp of his fingers loosened
her pale, cold body dropped down
onto the concrete
he slammed his foot into her back
forcing her to cough up blood
The girl's gray wings started to form
smacking the man in the face
the man was furious
and ripped the wings off like they were paper
He threw the wings off to the side
this man wasn't finished
he picked up the dagger
and threw it directly into her back
He walks away
not looking back
at the innocent angel
with the broken wings
who did nothing but tell the truth
All of this happened
just to cover up the truth
and spread the lie
turning every one against her
No one came to her funeral....
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Wednesday, September 14, 2005
The completely random randomness thingy...
I've moved up for ametuer artist to intermediate!!! The manequin technique works wonders!!! ^_^
Now I can draw fanart as I please! (I just need a scanner O_o")....
Sketchbooks filled with yaoi pictures, here I come! ^_^
(Random, huh? I thought so...)
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