Birthday 1990-06-06 Gender
Female Location USA Member Since 2004-12-20 Occupation Senior in high school next fall Real Name Rebekah
Achievements Learning how to use chopsticks. :) Getting good grades. Last, but certainly not least...finding out about Gackt! ^_^ Anime Fan Since Forever! I'm not really sure. A LONG time! XD Favorite Anime INUYASHA, Full-Metal Alchemist, FLCL, Wolf's Rain, Cowboy Bebop, DNAngel, Ghost in the Shell, Fruits Basket, Saikano, Bleach, Chrono Crusade, Ouran High School Host Club Goals Finish writing my book called EVY KARA. Become a famous author. Go to Japan, China, S. Korea, & Egypt! Learn how to play the guitar & piano. Learn Japanese, Mandarin, and Korean. ^_^ Hobbies Watching anime Listening to music Talents Drawing anime characters, writing, & making websites younggrasshopper
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
It's been forever since I've posted here. Sorry about that. Though I doubt anybody actually visits here anyway. And for those of you that do...thanks. I really haven't had much time to come around here lately. So for those of you that do come sign my GB and such...I honestly don't know how soon or if I'll get around to returning the favor. But I do appreciate it. ^^;
I must say. I did have a sudden urge to watch Inuyasha earlier today. It brought back memories. And it made me smile. :)
But I have been busy with other things. My ex is still my ex. Though I wish he weren't. But alas, he still is. I do like somebody else now too. Unfortunately that situation is about as confusing as...well I guess I can't really think of anything at the moment...but it's quite complicated. Let me just leave it at that.
I've been working. At the mall. At a store that has coupons way too often. Which causes tons of people to complain to me when they cannot use them on an item they wish to buy. It's enough to drive you nuts. Those of you that have worked in retail know exactly what I mean...I'm sure. Not to mention I had the F-bomb dropped on me during like the second week I was working there. Brilliant. -_- But least I get a paycheck now! XD
Hmm...what else? Oh! I've officially decided that I can't stand my English teacher. I always tried to give him the benefit of the doubt while everyone else was bashing him behind his back. But he's pushed me to the edge. That's a long story that I don't feel like getting into though.
Other than the previously mentioned English hasn't been too bad. I already have 6 college credits and I'm still a senior in high school. By the time I graduate in June I should have 9. Umm...senior year is going well I suppose. I've been missing days a bit from being sick, but I'm doing better now. I've even been accepted into the college I applied to. Not to say it was the college I would have really liked to go to (even though it was the only one I applied to), but that's another story too.
That's about it I guess. I'd say that not a whole lot has changed, but I'd be lying. I really have become a different person this past year. Nothing seems the same anymore. I look at everything differently. I owe it all to my ex, and for that I really am thankful. Because if he gave me nothing else...he at least gave me a confidence and an outlook on life that I will try my best to keep for the rest of my life.
I suppose this is au revoir for now. Laterz! ^_^ ~Younggrasshopper
Black Stones
Yes. There are more, but I don't feel like putting them. Check out this site for more.
Ooook. So it's been a while once again. Almost another month has gone by since I last posted here. Not that anyone cares, I'm sure. Most probably don't even bother looking here anymore. Which is pretty obvious...since I've basically fallen off the top 50 members list. No surprise there though. *shrug* Maybe if I actually finish my book and I become famous...I'll get back up there. Since everybody will want to be my friend. >_> *cough*yeah right*cough* haha I'm sure there will be haters too. Just the way things go, ne?
So I've noticed I haven't been doing a whole lot in terms of the Asian scene lately. I haven't really been watching anime. No manga reading. Well...I did just recently finish reading the 5th MegaTokyo. Which was awesome. And now I'm wanting more. Blast it all! Anywho...also...I haven't been listening to Asian music much these days either. I'm hoping it's not because I just don't like it anymore. I'm pretty sure it's not that. I think it's just because...I haven't had a chance to buy new stuff and all the stuff I have is getting old? Or maybe it's just because I've been listening to other stuff. All I know's a little depressing that I just don't seem to care so much anymore.
Especially after going to the baby shower of my mom's friend from work. She's married to a guy who's half Asian. And her and my mom would talk about me and my Asian obsession, and my mom would tell me about her all the time. And I finally got to meet her yesterday at her baby shower. Her house was really cool. It had dragons and such. looked Asian. It made me sad to see that stuff and realize how far I've gotten away from it all. Maybe I've just made a new branch in my life. It's not that I don't like the stuff anymore. I just don't have as much time for it these days.
So the stuff that's going on in my life. My senior year of high school has started, and a big part of me wishes it could be over with already. I'm sure that once the time gets closer...I'll probably wish it wouldn't be there already. But right now I'm counting down the days. Only 264 days until my 18th birthday graduation. Wooo!
Umm...what else? I'm still going out with my boyfriend. I see him even less now. He not only lives about 3 hours away, but now he's working a lot more. So he can't come up every weekend like he was before. He can really only take off one weekend a month. :( So I'm missing him big time right now.
That's basically all there is. Other than school once again stressing me out. >.< I don't know how many people will actually come read this but oh well. Until next time...
TTYL! ^_^ ~Younggrasshopper
Black Stones
Yes. There are more, but I don't feel like putting them. Check out this site for more.
Oh wow! It's been forever since I posted here! I'm really sorry to those of you who might have been worried about me at all. I guess I'll let you know what's been going on since the last time I came around.
Well...I'm back with my boyfriend. It's kind of been an off and on thing all summer, but I just keep believing it will work. I just know it will. Especially this time. And I cherish every moment I get to spend with him. He lives about 4 hours away I don't see him as much as I used to. So when I do get to see really means a lot.
I actually went to see The Simpsons movie with him last night. It was pretty funny. XD It was either that, Rush Hour 3, or Superbad. The Simpsons was just coming on, so that's what we saw. I kind of wanted to be able to see Superbad so I could be like, "Ha! I'm finally old enough to get into an R-rated movie without an adult! Take that!" XD But we didn't see it...since it didn't start for about a half hour after we got there. Oh well. Maybe next time. =P And we were too late for Rush Hour 3...which is what we planned on seeing.
Then let's see. I've also been a bit worried about college and such. Since I'm going to be a senior in high school this year, and I really need to figure that out. Ahhh! So confusing! >.< But I'm also excited to be a senior. Finally on the top of the food chain. 8] Until college. >_> There are people I'll definitely miss around here though. Then again....there are also people I definitely won't miss too. But that's life. And the best part about my that it'll be on my 18th birthday, if things go according to plan. :D
Hmm...not much else has been going on. I just need to get working on my project for my AP English class. Since it's due the first day of school (August 27th), and I haven't even started reading the book in order to have it done. >_> <_< >_< I'll get it done though. ^^
Sorry to anybody who tries to talk to me on here. I'm really not on here that much anymore. I was trying to at least stop by every day to see if people had said anything, but lately I haven't even been doing that. If you really want to talk to me...just add me on myspace if you have one. The link is at the bottom of my page here. If I actually get a chance...I'll try to write back or stop by sites. Umm...that's about it. I hope all of you are doing well! Until next time...
TTYL! ^_^ ~Younggrasshopper
Black Stones
Yes. There are more, but I don't feel like putting them. Check out this site for more.
Hey everybody. Sorry I haven't been around in a long time. A lot has happened since I last posted here. Let's see. I've taken the SATs, gotten my SAT scores back, broken up with my boyfriend, had my 17th birthday, finished my junior year to officially become a senior in high school, attempted to get my boyfriend back [and failed], and now I'm worrying about Otakon while still trying to get over him.
Ok. I'll start from the beginning. The SATs. Well...let's just say...I plan on taking them again. >_>
Right. I broke up with my boyfriend two days before my birthday. What a wonderful present, huh? So basically...I spent the whole day upset about that. I'm pretty sure it was definitely the worst birthday I've had. About the only good thing was being able to have one of my friends come to my party that I hadn't seen in a long time. Mainly because I didn't have him to come...and nobody else could come either. It was at an amusement park. That was enough in itself to make me remember him...because we were supposed to ride roller coasters together. But I got through the day...and it wasn't completely horrible.
Anyway, two days after my birthday, and only four days after we broke up...we had our last day of school. I'm finally going to be a senior! I so can't wait to graduate. This town is driving me insane. Along with almost everybody in it. Including the completely inconsiderate jerk wads. The only thing keeping me going is knowing that I only have one year left to deal with them.
So my attempts of getting him back. My attempts that ended in failure. One reason we broke up was because he moved. Another is because he didn't like how I didn't talk to him about stuff. I tried to prove to him that I could talk to him if he gave me another chance. Now he's telling me we're just too different. -_- I personally think we're a lot more alike than he realizes though.
Now Otakon. I'm worrying about it because I'm still not sure I'll be able to go. I had been looking forward to it ever since I got in the car on the long drive home in August last year. But with all that's been happening, I haven't been paying a lot of attention to getting ready for it. So I don't have a lot of money, and I still haven't gotten a costume. Part of me really wants to go, but the other part just keeps saying, "what's the point?" Because all I've been able to do is think about him.
Now I understand I should just get over it. Trust me, I've been trying to. But I just keep thinking about how much I miss him. I felt like he was the one. I've changed. I'm not the same person I was before I met him. He helped me realize things about myself. And now I feel I can never go back to being the same person. The things I loved don't matter to me as much as they once did. Now all he does is tell me he never acted like he thought I was the one too. Which is a complete lie. My family saw him for what he was, but I couldn't. I stood up to him so many times...and all for nothing apparently.
Well...I'm sorry for any of you who bothered reading all of that. I know I need to stop dwelling on the bad things. I need to move on. After all, that's what life's about. It knocks you down, and you just need to get back up and keep going.
So on a good note...I've found out about Gackt's new song! Haha! Hmm. And I'm hoping to get the NANA 2 movie as soon as I can. Once I actually get enough money. >_> I want to see it so bad! Umm...I might be getting a job soon. So that will help with money. But I need to get my license soon or my permit is going to expire. >.<;;
Ok...I guess that's it. If I've learned anything lately, it's that nothing in this world is certain. Expect that what you think will happen, may never come to be. And don't give your heart away too easily. -_-
Sorry for no pictures or anything. And sorry for not getting back to people on here. I'll try to get around to it. Well...until next time. TTYL! ~Younggrasshopper
Black Stones
Yes. There are more, but I don't feel like putting them. Check out this site for more.
Why, hello people. It's been a while again. Sorry 'bout that. >.<;; have you been? I've actually been pretty good. Except for the fact that I've been being exiled at school. But that's stopped least somewhat. And the best part of all since my last that I finally have a boyfriend. ^^
It's funny how much trouble I was having finding one, and then all of a sudden I was able to find him. Actually, I wasn't the one who found him. You'll probably think I'm crazy if I tell you who did, so I won't go there. :P But yeah. I kind of talked about it last time I posted, but it hadn't been official yet. Now it is, and I'm very happy. :] I just still can't believe it though. It's like "whoa!" XD
Ok...other news. I really want another Japanese iTunes card! I so want to buy more Japanese's killin' me! Haha! And I've been listening to this song/video lately:
It's really nice. =) In my opinion though...the video is way too long. It's a lot longer than the actual song, and I don't really like that. ^^;; But it's still a really good song.
Hmm...what else? Oh! Once again, teachers are cramming a billion projects and such in at the end of the year. I hate that. It drives me insane. Ugh! But at least we only have like...34 days left. Then the next time I'm in school, I'll be a senior. Wooo! ^^
Ahhh! I can't forget to tell you about my college class last night! Well...we watched Borat in it. O.o What the heck? Last week...I can't even remember why...but somebody was like "why don't we watch Borat next week?!" And my professor said it would be ok. She had even seen it before yesterday too. Let me tell you, I saw a lot more than I wanted to see in that movie. My eyes have been scarred for life! XD But umm...yeah. Last week was supposed to be our last class, but then she decided to make us go two more weeks. Last night was to hand in our finals and to watch the movie. Next week, we're getting our finals back and going over this packet thing she handed out a while ago. I'll be glad when it's over. She's a good teacher and everything, but I didn't really want to take the class in the first place. Oh well.
So that's basically all I've got for now. I'm sorry to those of you that have recently signed my GB, and I have not gotten back to you. Or for those of you who have tried to contact me in any other way lately, and I just have not said anything back. I haven't been paying much attention to this site lately. I'm sorry about that. >.<;; And no...I haven't really been paying much attention to myspace either. A little more than here, but not much. I guess getting a boyfriend helps take up enough time like that. Hehe.
So I guess I'm done now. TTYL! ^_^ ~Younggrasshopper
Black Stones
Yes. There are more, but I don't feel like putting them. Check out this site for more.
Why hello my friends. I'm sorry I have once again taken forever to post here. Ahh! It's terrible! ;_; I've just been really busy lately.
Last week was really busy. And this week seems to like the idea of following in last week's footsteps. I had another blood drive to work at until 7:00PM on Tuesday last week and my college class on Wednesday. I must college class was pretty interesting last week though. One of our topics happened to be prostitution and pornography. Quite interesting indeed. XP And just so you class is a "Social Problems" class (or basically sociology) you don't think I'm some weirdo who likes learning about those things. Haha!
So there was that last week and some other stuff that I just can't remember at the moment. Now this week. I've had two books to read. I didn't even read one of them though, and I came really close to finishing the other one. But alas...I did not. Oh well. And now tomorrow I need to job shadow for my graduation project. Sometimes I really hate PA...with its stupid graduation project. -_-' Actually, that's not the only reason I hate PA, but I won't get into that right now. XP Yeahh...I even need to go to my college class tomorrow too. I'm really hoping I won't be late for it. >.<
I'm so tired. This last weekend was really busy too. I went to the mall on Saturday. It was pretty cool because...I finally got a new iTunes card. And I finally got the Shoxx magazine I've been wanting forever. I found it at Hot Topic. =D So yeah...that was cool. I even went to church on Sunday. I like...never go to church. But I actually didn't mind it so much this time.
It's funny how when you just sit back and wait...things seem to just come to you. I've tried way too hard in the past. Wayyy too hard. And when I thought I'd never get a chance (at least in this town), and I was about to give up....something happened. And now I must say...I am quite happy. :] Of course nothing is definite yet...but there's a chance now. The best chance I've had my whole life I do believe. I just need to wait. The funniest part about it is how it happened. I won't go into details though. I'm sure I'm confusing you enough as it I'll stop with my crazy talk. Just know that if you feel like giving up...start going with the flow. It helps. ^-^ I never would have believed it before...but now I do. I just hope things don't take a wrong turn now. *must think positive!*
So anyway...I've had this great desire to watch/listen to this video a lot lately:
Ahh...80s pop music. Isn't it awesome? XD Don't ask. =P Haha! Sometimes I seriously wish I could have been born at least one year earlier...just so I could say I lived in the 80s. XD With all its...unique...stuff...there was actually some pretty cool music. haha
So I suppose that's all I've got for now. I just wanted to let you know once again that I am still alive. I think I may go lay down now though. I've become very tired over the last couple of weeks. Tired...but also happy. So the happy part is a plus. Alright. TTYL! ^_^ ~Younggrasshopper
Black Stones
Yes. There are more, but I don't feel like putting them. Check out this site for more.
I swear I'm going crazy. I'm happy yet depressed at the same time. Is that possible? Er...I dunno. >_>
Yeah. I'm sure once I go to school again tomorrow...I won't be happy anymore...but oh well. It must be the lovely sounds of Hellogoodbye that's keeping me happy right now. Or maybe it's also the Monster energy drink I've been drinking. It's some good stuff. XD
But anywho...I got the Hellogoodbye Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs! CD yesterday. It's flippin' sweet! ^______^ Here's a pic of them:
Nerdy guys are the best! XD Hai! I don't care what anybody says. They are! XP Of course I think I'd be happy without them wearing the short shorts...but ehhh. Haha!
Oh yes! I got the The Protector DVD yesterday too. I still need to watch it. Can't wait! ^-^
Another thing...
I really want to go see The Number 23! Nobody ever wants to go anywhere with me anymore though. ;_; Either that or they're just too busy to hang out with me. It sucks. =/
So my presentation I mentioned before. I really need to work on talking in front of people. I can't speak right when I do. It's terrible. >.<;; But it's done, and I don't need to worry about it anymore. Wooo!
Ok. That's all I've got. I should go clean now. I was supposed to forever ago. >.<;; TTYL! ^-^ ~Younggrasshopper
Black Stones
Yes. There are more, but I don't feel like putting them. Check out this site for more.
Ni hao.
How has everyone been? I hope you've all been well. I have once again taken forever to come post here. I'm sorry about that. >.< main problem seems to always remain the same: guys
As the saying goes, "can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em."'s a very true much as I wish it were not. Guys are way too confusing. You think you have them figured out, and then they do a back-flip-side-jump-what-cha-ma-call-it. Yeah...that was a brilliant new word...but that's off topic. XP So basically...I don't know what to do anymore. =/
And now I shall show you some Nana Kitade video action...just because:
Sadness. ;_;
So I have a presentation to work on. For this college course...thing. It's due tomorrow. It would have been due a week ago, but a snow day caused us to get behind. Now it's due tomorrow, and I haven't really even started yet. My lack of will power is the cause of this. And the cause of that is once again...guys. Go figure. I have even had trouble eating because of that problem. I'll get working on it though. Hopefully once I'm done typing this up. If I don't pass out because of how tired I am. >.<
So I should probably be getting around to that. I just thought I'd let you know I'm still alive. Hardly....but I am. So there you go...
TTYL! ~Younggrasshopper
Black Stones
Yes. There are more, but I don't feel like putting them. Check out this site for more.
Hello once again my fellow otakus! XD
Yet again...I have been lacking the will to update here. I've just been busy with school...and sleeping because school is wearing me out. Oh yes! And I'm currently sick. I've been sick for about a week now, but thankfully I'm getting better. Plus there's the fact that I just haven't been around the computer as much as I used to be. I can't really explain it, but being around it seems to depress me a bit these days. I don't know why though. *shrug* Unless I find something cool to watch. But if I'm just looking around on myspace or here...I get depressed. I'm sure I'm not making any sense right I'll just move on to the next subject.
Ok. So anywho...I finally got my iTunes card for the Japan store on Saturday. Of course it was only worth ¥1,500. I really wish I had gotten one worth more. All I got with the 1,500 one was four videos. Grrr. I waited for almost a month for it to get here...and only four videos. Why didn't I get the more expensive one?! T_T Oh well. I'm still pretty happy about the videos I was able to get. I'm even listening to one right now! :D I believe I am now a fan of MUCC. Here's the video:
Such a cool song. Wish I knew the translation though. Does anyone know it? XD If it's not working for you, right here is the link.
They were at Otakon, but at the time...I didn't really know all. Now I like them. I guess it's a good thing that I didn't know them then...or else I would have wanted to go see them play. Why would that be bad you ask? Because I wasn't allowed to go to the concertness. -__- I wanted to see Nana Kitade, but I was not able to. Hopefully I'll be able to go to one of the Otakon concerts someday. I've never been to a concert, and I definitely think it'd be cool if the first one I go to is a jrock one. :] In fact...I don't really think I'd want to go see any others. Haha! I personally think most American music sucks anymore.
And speaking of Otakon. I really hope I'll get to go again this year. I swear...when I was there last year...I had to be the happiest I've been in a long time. Mainly because of the overwhelming amount of people just like me. That doesn't happen around here. Ever. Along with that was the fact that I was actually seeing the type of things I had only seen online before. Like cosplay for instance. I never thought I'd cosplay myself either. XD But it was really fun! ^.^
Hmmm...what else did I want to mention? Oh! The guy troubles I talked about last time. I'm over that. I realized he's not worth it. For many reasons. Especially one. But I'll just leave it at that. >_>
Two things I've finally been able to experience the awesomeness of:
~Tokyo Drift
~Devil May Cry
Yup. I watched Tokyo Drift and played Devil May Cry yesterday. Both very awesome! ^-^
Uhhh...I wanted to mention the fact that I haven't really been commenting on other peoples' sites lately. Or returning the favor of guestbook entries. Umm...I'll get working on that...
Sorry! >.<;; And thanks for waiting if you've recently signed my GB!
Well...I've got homework to do. Bah! I don't wanna do my homework. >.< But I must. And I could really go for a Crunch Wrap Supreme right about now. >_> <_< >_< Hehe. That was random. I'm really random today. Tis quite odd. it is. It's me! XD
Ok...I'll go now! TTYL! ^_^ ~Younggrasshopper
Black Stones
Yes. There are more, but I don't feel like putting them. Check out this site for more.
Hey everybody. I haven't posted in a while. Sorry about that. >.< I hope your holidays went well! I've been busy stressing over my history presentation and getting more and more confused with life every freakin' day. -_-
There is one thing that I'm happy to mention. I have finally gotten 10,000 visits here! I was going to make some kind of thank you thing...but I've just not felt like doing much of anything lately. =/ But thanks for all the visits! Here are my current stats (since I haven't put them up in forever):
Total Visits: 10,013
Popularity Ranking: #46
GB Entries: 294
Ok. So the sucky part of life. To be honest, I don't even know why I bother anymore. No matter how hard I try, it never seems to be enough. And the fact that Valentine's Day is coming up definitely isn't making me feel any better. Stupid guys acting like they have feelings for you. Or even telling you that they do. And then not too long after...acting like the things they said were never said in the first place. Maybe I just take things too seriously. I don't know. It just really sucks knowing that no matter what I do, it's just never good enough. presentation. I personally think I did horrible, but I was told it was good. I'm terrible at speaking in front of groups of people. I just can't get my words out right. -_- And I never did find a song. That's ok though. We could bring in food I made sushi. Making it was pretty interesting...let me tell you. >.<
Well...I guess that's about it for today. I'm feeling so crappy right now, I just don't even feel like looking for a picture to put up. Although I doubt any of you even care. Hardly anybody even comments here anymore. Oh well. TTYL! ~Younggrasshopper
Black Stones
Yes. There are more, but I don't feel like putting them. Check out this site for more.