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Your very own imagination, tis a great place!
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Student (gah... hate that word... it's so.... evil >.< lol )
Real Name
I don't have a name... =S Gimme a name!! oh yeah people, you guys give me a name! xD do it for the fun!
I won an art competition once if that's what you mean, twas pretty neat. Emmm I don't go any further
Anime Fan Since
3/4 years old?
Favorite Anime
Ouran HighSchool Host Club, Bleach, Angel Sanctuary, Heroic Age, Sailor Moon, Naruto, Trinity Blood, Death Note, Evangelion, RahXephon, Ghost in the Shell, Yami No Matsuei
Architect with a litle bit of an artist
Drawing, hanging out with friends, watching TV, sleeping... the normal stuff.
Eh..... no barawaging please haha
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 08/20/07:
What kind of fighter are you? ++++Pics++++

You kill even before they flinch! Be careful, you don't want to kill someone that didn't needed to die, now did you? From all the fighters, you are the most dangerous. Being dangerous is a good thing, being super-dangerous isn't. You're somewhere in between. Cool, I think.^^ Don't want you on my bad side. >.< Thanks for taking the quiz and rate if you want ^.^ bye. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/17/07:
Ouran Host Club Test! ( girls)
 You got the best choice!2 for the price of 1! You got Hikaru and Kaoru HitachiinThis brothers like to play tricks on people.They are cool and funny.Kaoru is the smart guy and Hikaru is the bad guy, the rebel one! hehe you really are lucky!! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/16/07:
What's your Ouran High School Host Club personality?
 The 'Not-so-common' commonerAn old school friend of Haruhi's.While shopping for a bag of Pocky, you ran into her, and a pile of boys who trailed behind her.Not being used to Rich people, you live in a quiet suburb of Tokyo.You quickly befriended them, and made regular visits to Haruhi on the weekends, or after school.You don't like the fact that Haruhi's gender is secret, and have held a grudge against the older boys.Tamaki:Loves the fact that you're a commoner. Now he has another daughter!Kyoya:Pities you. It's to bad that you have to have Tamaki following you, but he pities himself more. He doesn't trust Tamaki when he's out of his sight.Hikaru:Is enthusiastic about you being 'Not-Ritch'. Once made you explain why you wear such bland clothes.Kaoru:Thinks it's strange how their 'Twincest' does not work on you. Knows how many socks you own.Mori:Loves your cooking. Imagines that you'd make a great martial arts expert.Hani:Thinks you're cute! Let's you play with Bun-Bun often.Nekozawa:Has possibly never met you before, but has heard of you through a crack in his secret door.Haruhi:Appreciates you being her only female friend. Enjoys your company in the afternoons, and how you tend to keep everything under raps.Who you'd most likely end up with:Tamaki, Or Hikaru/Kaoru. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/16/07:
Whoa. . . I got both sweethearts. . . sweet! x]
what does ouran high school think of you?
 you are Kagami Midori.personality: you are not hot tempered and are caring. you love to be aroud your best friends and family (sometimes) and is very "easygoing". your only bad quality is that your you met the host club:you are haruhi's childhood friend. when haruhi started to go to ouran high you lost conection with her, but you promised yourself that you would study hard and go to ouran high so you can stay friends with haruhi, and you were excepted to ouran high school. your first day at ouran high school was hard you coulnd find haruhi anywhere! later the next day you say a boy with brown hair walk into the same class room you were going to. inside the boy with brown hair was sitting next to two twins. you took your seet still thining you knew him from somewhere. at the end of class you stopped one of the twins she was sitting with, and asked him if the brown haired boy's name was haruhi. he said yes it was and introduced himself as kaoru. you thanked him and asked him if he knew where haruhi was going. he said to the host club the same place he was going, kaoru invited you to go with him. you agreed kindly and was escored by the two twins. once you got to the host club you walked up to "haruhi" and asked if he was the girl she used to play with when they were little. haruhi looked stunned and yelled "kagami its you i missed you so much!" haruhi seemed as excited as you to see each other. you walked up to kaoru and thanked him. you vistited the host club every day and became very good freinds with the twins and haruhi.what the hosts think of you:tamaki:she's a good friend of haruhi's and she is now my second dauter!haruhi:i cant belive she got into ouran to see me again she's a good friend and she alos doesnt say that im a commoner!hunny: kagami is very nice and spends time with us when ever we ask she also helps out if we need it!mori:she's kinda but a little gullible.kaoru: i love her.. she's very kind and is doesnt have a temper, i think that i might ask her out soon.hikaru:i think that kaoru is in love with her and im happy he found someone he love's. plus i think she's good for him.kyoya:hmmmm... very kinda and hard working i see no problem with her being in the host club.people you love: kaorupeople that love you:tamaki and kaoru. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/16/07:
Which Ouran host club character is right for you? (for girls, with pics)
 Your guy is Tamaki. He is sweet, romantic, caring, silly, and a little slow. He loves cheese ball relationships, and lines like, "you are the fire that burns within my heart. without you, i don't know how i could live...." (Tamaki breaks down sobbing.) He takes thing very seriously, so careful what you say around him, he is very sensitive. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/07/07:
meh. . . I don't give enough damn about anything to get mad.
Result Posted on 08/07/07:
What are your wings? (detailed results w pics)
 a raven. your wings are that of a raven. you are beautiful, but not many people can get past the lies and stories woven around you. you wear you wings ruffled and up over your head to hide yourself from the people that attack you just because they dont understand you. once you open up you make a great companion... people just have to be patient and treat your feelings with patience and tlc. no matter how hard anyone tries, there'll always be a part of you that beleives those stories and lies, just try to trust the ones who stuck by you long enough for you to lower your wings.your element is water Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/07/07:
Are You Evil?>>With Pictures!<<
Result Posted on 08/07/07:
what kind of person are you? (with cool pictures!)
Result Posted on 08/07/07:
What time of the day are you? (Anime pics)
 DawnDawn people are shy, intelligent and day-dreamers. They don't socialize with others very well and try to avoid crowds--they stick with people they trust and have known a long time. Dusk people are better working alone because in groups they are often too shy to speak up. Take this quiz!
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