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Yu-Gi-Oh! Hands down!
To be able to draw something that doesn't take 3 months to finish!
Drawing, Writing, Singing, Watching Anime
Incredible Patience with Little Kids, Drawing, Writing, Singing, and Being Able to Act Civilized to THE MOST Annoying and Snot-nosed People on the PLANET!!
| Yu-Gi-OhFanatic88
Hi, peoples! I'm very hyper and I have little to no life! ^-^; I have very little idea what I'm doing and I'm deadly afraid I'm going to blow something up. Hopefully I'll be able to actually put up some art before I get all wrinkly! ^-^;;
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Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Hey, guys!! I'm back! With lineart! =) Anyway, I just posted my first /real/ submission, so I want you guys to check it out! ^-^ Lookie lookie!!
 Sasuke & Hanaru Pencil Lineart Hosted By
PLEASE look at it and comment!! ^-^
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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Yo, Peoples!! ^-^
Hi!! I just got back from camp and it was SOOO AWESOME!!!! ^-^ Sorry for not updating for so long, but I've been really busy! ^-^;; Anyway, I was just popping in to say HII!!!! ^-^
P.S.- Can everyone do me a favor and visit this site for me? Pretty please and Thank you in advance! (Don't worry, It's completely safe!)
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Sunday, May 6, 2007
Puzzle Piece Number One
Hi. As I've already explained to Simpleplanlver, the story behind my upcoming depression is a very long, intricate one. It's actually more of a puzzle than anything else. I have decided to reveal this story to you in bits and pieces, hence the post's title.
I know that not many of you actually care what's going on in my life, but I really don't give a flying dog crap right now. These are all of my emotions that I have buried and hidden for the past three months, and I believe it's finally time to let them out.
This post is going to be the first of a probable many pieces, so here goes nothing...
Some call me pathetic,
While others call me weak.
But really, I'm just very shy.
And really, I'm just meak.
Someone calls me desperate.
They say, "It's gotta end."
But really, all I really want
Is to be even half-a-friend.
A person calls me clingy.
They say I have nothing to gain.
But if I let this friendship go,
I'll be in so much pain.
One person says to just give up,
That I've lost you just this year.
But I cannot let your hand go,
For I'm filled with dread and fear.
Another says I'm stupid,
That I should give it up right now.
But really, to tell you the honest truth
I'm not exactly sure how.
You call me an embarrasement,
Like a small child at play.
But tell me where that small grave is,
Where our shattered friendship lay.
You ignore me in the hallways,
And shrug me off at school.
But I will try and try and try,
For no one is that cruel.
I persist throughout the schoolday
And try, hard as I may.
But you always brush right past your friend
Every single day.
You say you are a friend to all,
And, at first, it was alright.
But now it seems I'm in the dark,
Just like an eternal night.
Now, you walk past in the crowd,
Tripping over my foot.
But when you look at me that way,
I feel like a pile of soot.
I try and try as hard as I can
To think of things to say.
But no matter what I think of,
Inside my mind it's sure to stay.
And then, once that school bell rings,
It's all back to normal, the works of a clock.
But it's only a while, so I must savor it,
Just like, way back in Kindergarten, when
Cody stole your block.
You ask me if I'm mad at you,
And you've got it in reverse.
But, if you wish, I will repeat
That simple, second verse.
I feel you are my best, best friend
Afternoon, evening, and night.
But when I return to school again,
It's as if we had a fight.
I want to end this squabble,
I want to know what's wrong.
But I hope I'm not too late to salvage
This friendship that lasted so long.
I really tried to mend things,
I wanted to so bad.
But you just turned away from me,
As if you were very mad.
I tried and tried, so hard it hurt,
Like a burning in my throat.
But you just drew away from me
And dug a deeper moat.
I see you with the other girls
And you see me, the weak.
But you just look away from my smile,
And you turn the other cheek.
Like I said in the verse before,
Our friendship's falling apart.
But I cannot help a wry smile at this,
For it reminds me of my heart.
Now I repeat what I said before
As I now near the end.
I would do anything in the entire world,
Just to be half-a-friend.
I hope this clears up a few things for people. I don't really have anything else to say right now. You can leave if you want.
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Saturday, May 5, 2007
Hey guys!
Hey, peeps! I have a feeling I'm about to go into an extremely large state-of-depression either today or tomorrow, so I just wanted to say hi to everybody before I curl up in a corner and die.
*deep breath* HI PEOPLE!!!!!! *laughs* Sorry I didn't update as early as I wanted to, but I had ZERO time! ^-^;; Anyway, Spain was absolutely AWESOME!! I LOVED it there! Everybody in my group basically came down to, "Can we move here?" It was SOO much fun!! ^-^ We tryed to talk Spanish most of the time, but our idiot tour guide was from Ireland and he barely spoke ANY Spanish! ^-^;; We had fun, though!
Ugh...We had SOO much pork and ham there, I think I'm set for a couple MONTHS!! -__-;; Yeah, yeah. Laugh all you want, but you have NO IDEA how SERIOUS I am! ^-^;;
So...I'm back, and bored out of my mind! ^-^ But, I'm happy!! ^-^ I posted two fan art pics yesterday!! TWO!! They both look like crap, but I posted something!!! YAY ME!!! ^-^
My goal right now is to make two banners and a picture for Simpleplanluver, so I hould be set for the next little while! ^-^; I also have a few pics to upload and a couple ideas for others! Damn...I better get started... -__-;;
P.S.- Sometime somewhere between the next few hours or next day or two, I'm probably going to post something that's going to be a complete 180 from what this post is, so be prepared. I'm not sure how long this one's going to last, but I have a feeling it's going to be a long one this time.
I'm serious, it's going to be like a completely different person, but it's still going to be me. I'm going to feel like a completely different me, a 'yami' if you will, but it's still going to be me. I'm usually back to normal a few hours after it starts, but I have a feeling that, for this one, I'm not going to be back for a few days.
Well, I better start packing, cuz I feel it coming. *teary-eyed* See ya later, guys! *weak smile* Ja ne!
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007
HI PEOPLE!! In case you didn´t notice, I´m in Spain right now! I have to type SUPER fast cuz i only have four minutes left!! O.O;; Anyway, I´m alive, alright, and thinking in Spanish! ;) lol it´s SOO confusing here!! we use euros here and they´re soo COOL!!! Anyway, I got three minutes left, so TTYL!! ^-^
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Featured Quiz Result:
Bulbasaur? YAY!! "Solarbeam. Total pwnage!!" ^-^
Yay! Misa a doggy!! ^-^
What kind of animal are you? (anime pics)
*blinks* ... *starts laughing hysterically while pointing at the screen* lol XD I LOVE that pic!! The description's scarily accurate, though... O.o;;;
What's Your Personality?
 You don't really know a lot about yourself. You have a million different sides to show. Hyper, depressed, quiet, silly, funny? It all depends on how you feel and who you're with. You're both book smart and creative, and very expressive. However, you often underestimate yourself, and let your self esteem plummet. You certainly can't be labled, and you know that's a good thing! Take this quiz!
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