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Yu-Gi-Oh! Hands down!
To be able to draw something that doesn't take 3 months to finish!
Drawing, Writing, Singing, Watching Anime
Incredible Patience with Little Kids, Drawing, Writing, Singing, and Being Able to Act Civilized to THE MOST Annoying and Snot-nosed People on the PLANET!!
| Yu-Gi-OhFanatic88
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Goodbye! ^-^
Hey, guys! I just wanted to say bye before I leave for 10 days. I'm going to Spain with my mom and her AP Spanish Class. I have to leave in a couple minutes, so I've got to make this quick. ^-^ Anyway, nobody's going to get to talk to me for a while, cuz I'll have no internet access, phone service, nothing! ^-^;;;;; TTYL, people! ^-^
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Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Yo, Peeps!
OMG!! At my Easter Egg Hunt, I got the CUTEST things EVER!! ^-^ I got these three keychains that are stuffed-animal Peeps!! They is SOO ADORABIBLE!! I have two stuffed Peeps Chicks keychains, one blue and one yellow, and a pink Peeps Bunny one!! They is my BUDDIES!! *pets the Peeps* They is my PEEPS!! ^-^ Get it? *laughs* I know, corny joke. Hold on, lemme see if I can find a pic of one! ^-^
Why is it that when I look for a pic of a Peeps keychain, I get a picture of a baby bunny?? O.o;;; Anyway, they're the cutest things ever(besides anime characters) and I always have them clipped to my belt loop on my jeans! ^-^
Anyway, I guess I better go finish my homework, so bye! ^-^
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Saturday, March 24, 2007
EVIL Easter!!!!
Ugh...I never want to see another Easter egg EVER again!! I just spent five hours last night and three to four hours this morning, doing NOTHING but filling Easter eggs!! >.<;; First, I had to find two halves that matched together out of a good 2,000 pieces, then I had to put either candy, a toy, or a sticker pack inside of it, THEN I had to sort them into separate bins for different age groups of kids, while keeping track of how many were in each bin!! >.<;;;
Ugh... *shudders* ...OH NOO!!! Now I have to do even MORE of them when I wake up tomorrow!! NOOOOO!!!!! >.<;;; And my so-called 'friend', animegurrl_:), says she can't come over to help!! >.<;;; *laughs* JK, JK!!
Eh, no worries, hopefully I'll live. I know! I'm a very brave person, but I'll do it for the children! *walks off gallantly, then trips over her dog* ...Ouch... -___-;;;
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Friday, March 23, 2007
I DON'T HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROW!!!! WOO-HOO!!! Thank you, Teachers' conference!! ^-^ I can sleep late tomorrow!!
...Of course, knowing my little sister's friend, she's probably going to call at about 8:30... Blech... -__-;
*laughs* I just ruined my own mood! Cool! ^-^;;;
Anyway, I was depressed today. I don't know why. I think it was something about "life sucks, people give me headaches, and I'm not quite sure who my friends are." Yeah, I think it was something like that.
Alright, I just wanna say that if any of you like long, funny, Yu-Gi-Oh humor fanfics, just go to It's really cool!! (FYI, it's my site! ^-^;;)
Anyway, I think my brain's slowly frying from lack-of-sleepness, so I'm just gonna go now before I do something I'm gonna regret later. ^-^;;
Sorry 'bout that. ^^;;;;;;;
(Looking back: Whoops! What I meant was that I wouldn't have school on Friday. I thought it was still Thursday when I posted, but it must have been past midnight. Sorry 'bout that! ^-^;;)
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Hi peoples!! ^-^
Wassup people? I'm SOO BORED!! T-T And I missed Naruto!! NOO!!!
I just had to walk around the block with my bro to deliver "scouting for food" bags with him. Now my hands are frozen... *random muscle in hand twitches* ...And he made me miss Naruto!!!
It is SOO fricken' FREEZING!! I HATE it!! >.<;; And it's NEVER too cold for our teachers! They just prop all the windows open because it's "way too hot" while I'M stuck here in a slimsy skirt and a short-sleeve blouse! >.<;; UGH!! Some people!!
P.S.-This is a doll I made. I was really depressed when I made it. I felt very lonely and confused. Here goes nothing:

She's kinda like a confused, scared, and invisible angel/demon/fox spirit. She's very sad. Just like me.
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Monday, March 19, 2007
Um... *taps monitor* lol JK Hi! Um...Hm... *laughs* Sorry, i'm not very good at this kind of stuff. Anybody got any ideas? Comments? Questions? ...Advice? ANything? ^-^;
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