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myOtaku.com: yu yu girl

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HEY everynoe and welcome i was origanly kagome girl27!!
but the system died and well, i count enter so here i am know !! as yu yugirl!!!!
ti love yu yu hakusow!! and inyuasha cant forget that!!!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

   ello all!!!
hi every one!!!1 or should i say ello!!!!!!!!!!1
ello is such a great word
it ryhmes withb jello and yellow!!!
me and my friends have so much fun saying it!!
well i hope you make ello apart of your lives and macke the world a happer place!!!!!

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Monday, March 6, 2006

"that night i relized to stop loving risa.........would be even harder...... than getting her to love me back"

"if i think about risa......... my dna will react and i will transform!"

"HMM.....he's been really out of it ever since lunch ...... his stupidity level is up 50%from normal levels.!!!"

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i got a new kiiity. we named it jazzz its so cute!!!
its really funny when she hides becausen shes not good at it!! uaslly her butt is sticking out or its just plain easy to spot her!! lol!!

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i got a new kiiity. we named it jazzz its so cute!!!
its really funny when she hides becausen shes not good at it!! uaslly her butt is sticking out or its just plain easy to spot her!! lol!!

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happpy yelllow month wich only lastes twio weeks lol!!!(to many ideas to add in the school year!!)
next month ( next monday) will start purple month
(each color has a meaning althought they are weiord so if you wany in on the inside joke pm and i will send you the meaning and you can wear them in your outffit to)

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Sunday, February 26, 2006

The act

I was in an assembly for black history month and I had to go through the curtains to exit and I couldn’t find the opening you could here the laughter of the kids!! I laughed about my self!! Lol
So If you laugh to I don’t mind!!

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Monday, February 20, 2006

my friend
i visited my friends site to day and its like he is from another planet!!
he filled out one ofthose thing were you tell about your self it was so funny

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a little about me
thing about me
Three Things
Three things that scare me:
1: homework
2: teachers
3: aliens taking over the earth
Three people who make me laugh:
1: Marianne
2: Sofia
3: Jess
Three Things I love:
1: friends
2: anime
3: family
Three Things I hate:
1: anime haters
2: preppy people(expect beca boo she is cool)
3: pink lol
Three things I don't understand:
1: preppy people
2: math
3: people
Three things on my desk:
1: pencil
2: paper for passing notes
3: anime book
Three things I'm doing right now:
1: aim
2: filling out this form
3: taking on the phone
Three things I want to do before I die:
1: rule the world
2: visiting diff. places
3: graduating and getting my degrees when I get older
Three things I can do:
1: dance /party
2: go crazy
3: drama
Three ways to describe my personality:
1: happy
2: crazy
3: hyper
Three things I can't do:
1: draw :(
2: math
3: stand preppy people

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my sis is so weird i think she is from a dirffrent planet!!!

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i have 3 asome keychains tha i wear on my id bageand i just got sesshumare and inu(i also ihave hiei) and my friends like you cant have them on the same chain they will fight iam like i know it was really funny!! iwonder what they are yelling about know and what shippo would say about it!!!
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Monday, February 13, 2006

HEY everyone!! please comment or i will have your head!!it will look great on my wall so for your safety please commet!!
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Featured Quiz Result:
weell at least they got the music right(you so dont ant to see my other results)lol
Dance the night away by karchan85
What you Look like
The MusicRock
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What anime quote are you? by blackenedrose
Favorite Color
Anime Character:Ichigo
Quote:"Nya! ah! what am i saying? Nya!"
Quiz created with MemeGen!