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• 1988-07-30
• In front of the computer! ^_^
Member Since
• 2006-01-23
• High school student ( In currently in my senior year!)
Real Name
• Ashia ( pronounced Ay-sh-uh)
• I started to write my own spin-off of Gundam Wing...
Anime Fan Since
• 1999
Favorite Anime
• Gundam Wing^_^ , DBZ, Ninja scroll, Naruto, and FOOLY COOLY!!!
• To be a famous actress
• acting, writing, many things...
• acting, writing
| Yuffie Fan 10
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, September 21, 2007
GOOD LORD! IT'S BEEN AWHILE! I hope that you all are doing fine! I've been super busy! With school, and publishing literature, I've just been all over the place! I just hope that you all are doing great! You probably are, but just in case you're not, I hope that everything gets better for you. I'll still be around. Just PM me if you wanna talk about ANYTHING! I think that sometimes people just need someone to lend an ear to them. I changed the theme and layout, because it's about time I did. It's been a long time, and there are alot of new interests that I would love to share with you all! I'm in a very nostalgic mood, and I really miss the old times. I really do. I had so much fun back then. I just wanna leave you all with a question..." What did you miss about the the 90's?"
Catch you all later! ^_^v
~Ashia aka. YF10
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Wednesday, June 27, 2007
I'M BACK!!!!!!!
Yeah, it's been awhile........a long while...but I'm back. I'm really bored. It's raining outside my house. LOL. The Disney channel is on my TV. Cory in the House. LOL. I wanna go outside and just chill. But i can't right now, I'll just cure my boredom with posting on this site. Let me know how you guys are. Later! ^_^v
~Ashia aka, Yuffie Fan 10 ♥
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Monday, May 7, 2007
Just dropping by....
Hey all! Well it looks like I'll be taking a little break today. I'm going to see Hot Fuzz. I can't wait! The commercial looked so funny! LOL. Then I'll be going out with my mom later. So take care of yourselves and enjoy Monday! I am!!! Later! ^_^v
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Saturday, May 5, 2007
Sorry I haven't been on, I've been very busy dealing with school work, and I won't be on MyO much right now until I graduate on May 21st. But I will still keep in touch. Maybe I'll post up some pictures on this site....Well I'd better run along. I'll be in touch!!!! *runs off*
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Friday, April 27, 2007
* * * * XD * * * *
Should I make a manga for my life? A friend of mine once made a manga for us at school, concerning the things that we all go through while we are at school....well it was the bus. LOL. That sounds cool. What do you guys think?
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Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Site changes...hopefully.
Hey, all! I'm just trying to make some changes to my site, so, If you happen to come back and see a change later, don't worry about it....not that you will, but yeah. LOL. ^_^v
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Yeah! It's 9:00 in the morning!!!
Well I'm just at the computer typing while the telephone guy fixes the phone wire to my house. In case those of you don't know what happened to me yesterday read yesterday's post to my original site, gwinggirl100. So everything looks ship shape, now. I'm really bored....bleh.....So I'm off to visit sites now. Catch ya Later! ^_^v
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Sunday, April 22, 2007
I made this!!!
I sketched this 2 days ago. I thought that I should've done alittle more with it, but I thought that it turned out okay...

What do you guys think?
Later! ^_^v
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Saturday, April 21, 2007
I made this!!!
I sketched this yesterday. I have to say, I liked how it came out.

What do you guys think?
Later! ^_^v
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Friday, April 20, 2007
Just making some changes...^_^
Hey, guys I've made some changes to my site as you can see. If any of you need any help with anything, just know that I can help, alright? I love this song. It's from Fooly Cooly. I love all of their songs. I'll add hem as the day goes by. Later! ^_^v
~Ashia aka YF10
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