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In front of the computer! ^_^
Member Since
High school student ( In currently in my senior year!)
Real Name
Ashia ( pronounced Ay-sh-uh)
I started to write my own spin-off of Gundam Wing...
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Gundam Wing^_^ , DBZ, Ninja scroll, Naruto, and FOOLY COOLY!!!
To be a famous actress
acting, writing, many things...
acting, writing
| Yuffie Fan 10
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Thursday, April 19, 2007
Hey, all. Don't be alarmed. I posted some of chapter 2 of my story on here for today. If you are interested, tell me what you think. It's long. LOL You can visit my original site, gwinggirl100. ( my button is in my profile.) ^_^
“Max, we never wanted you to follow in Irvine’s shadow, Max. We want you to do the right things on life. We don’t want you to fail in everything just because things get tough, we want you to be the exact opposite of Irvine. “ says Duo consolating his son.
“ Don’t get us wrong, Max, we love Irvine, we worry about him everyday. There is not one moment that goes by when we don’t think of a way to help him with his problems.” Says Duo.
“ I understand. This had always been on my mind, I just had to talk to you guys about this.” Says Max.
Some time passes by and Duo decides to go on the roof to look at the stars, but finds that Irvine was way ahead of him.
“ I wouldn’t expect you of all people to go star gazing” says Duo.
“ I didn’t have anything better to do,” says Irvine in a solemn tone.
“ Is that so? I would’ve expected you to just sit up in your room all night long doing absolutely nothing like you always do.” Says Duo.
“ Irvine ignores his comment and keeps staring at the night sky. Duo notices and joins him. After a moment passes by, Duo just decides to spit out the question he never thought he would ask his oldest son in two years.
“ Irvine, What’s wrong with you?”
“ Irvine reacts to the question. It’s not what he would’ve expected to hear at this moment, he would’ve expected this question to be asked whenever they would get into an argument, or a confrontation that was planned. But wasn’t planned for Irvine, Nor his Father.
The next morning is the usual; Hilde’s alarm clock rings at 7:00 a.m. she wakes up, Duo wakes up because of the alarm clock, he gets fustrated, tries to go back to sleep, Hilde notices and wakes him, She goes down stairs, cooks breakfast, Calls the children to get ready for school, they come down stairs, Chaos ensues at the breakfast table, Irvine comes downstairs, grabs only a piece of toast, walks out of the door without saying goodbye, Lily and Phoebe talk about Lily’s crush on Jin, Duo gags, everyone finishes and leaves out the door, the children board the capsule, Duo and Hilde go back to work on the Yard, they talk about their children, Duo has a new customer, hilde is always running around the neighborhood, they finish work, go home, the kids arrive, and more stress comes later in the day.
Lily and Misha walk through the town, while the other girls stayed at the little shopping outlet downtown.
" How's your dad doing?" asks Misha.
" I wish he was better..." said Lily.
" What's the problem?" she asks.
"'s Irvine. I think that they got into a huge argument last night." she says.
" Why?" Misha asks.
" Well, Irvine did have a rough time with Jetta." says Lily.
" Yeah they did, didn't they? " asked Misha.
" Yeah. I almost forgot about it myself." Lily says.
" I didn't. I pretty much don't care about the decisions that she makes..." says Misha.
" Why Misha? You ought to have a right to worry about the decisions she makes. I mean, she is your sister..."
Irvine walks around the town and is eventually spoted by Lei-Mei.
" Looking for your sister?" she asks.
" No." says Irvine.
" Well she's downtown with Misha just in case you were wondering." she says.
Irvine keeps walking and he sees Lily and Misha talking together.
" Lily I know who she is..." Misha says folding her arms.
" Well, you have a right to worry about her...Not every sibling in the world makes the right decisions."
" what are you getting at, Lily?" Misha asks suddenly.
" I want you to say it..."
" Say what?"
" That you're worried about her."
" I'm not saying that."
" Why not?"
" Because the decision she made was stupid, and I'm more angry with her than worried."
Misha then sees Irvine and she excuses herself.
" Irvine did you hear all that?"
" Every word." he says.
" Irvine, it doen't matter how callous you act towards everyone, we are still going to love you and care about you..."
" Lily, everyone should just stay out of my problems. I does'nt concern them." he says.
" why can't you just understand that we all want to just support you?!" Lily says.
She storms off and Irvine continues to walk in the town.
" Duo, where's Phoebe?" asks Hilde clearing the house of random things.
" Uh, I think she went to go with lily downtown.." he says.
" What about max?" she asks.
" Well I took him to the station to go to school, and he told me to go on and he had to go to the bathroom, and I left."
" You left him?" she stops suddenly.
" Uh...yeah.." he says.
Hilde looks at him for a moment and asks...
" Duo, are you helping him skip school?"
(To be continued)
This is not the end of this chapter. Some more will be posted tomorrow. Later! ^_^v
~Ashia aka. YF10 & GWG100
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Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Another post. quite that icon. LOL
Well I'm not up to much. Just continuing to help out a good buddy on his site, and I posted up the rest of chapter one of my story at my original site, gwinggirl100. You would have to read yesterday's post if you want to read it from the beginning. It's rather long...when I printed it, it turned out to be 8 pages!! LOL. So I reall hope that you guys check that out. Tell what you think about it! Later! ^_^v
~Yuffie Fan 10
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Monday, April 16, 2007
~~~~~~~~~~ \_/ >_< \_/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
What's up, you guys? Besides the sky...LOL. I'm really bored right now. I'm just watching a bunch of music videos on TV and, nothing much else. LOL. I would like o know if any of you would like to make some comments so I can post them on this site. I posted my story on my original site, gwinggirl100 (click on the button in my profile). Please tell me what you thought about it, and I will post them on my site the next day. Thanks! ^_^v ~Yuffie Fan 10
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Saturday, April 14, 2007
<--------That icon looks scary doesn't it? LOL
Well, I'm not up to much today, just doing some tweaks to my story, I know that you guys are dying to read it. I'M REALLY SORRY! >_< The part of the story that I have written and posted on MyO awhile back was meant to be from another chapter. So I have to write a whole new beginning so it would make much more sense to everyone, and ME! LOL. I think that I'm going to make my own site on MyO for all of my stories and other stuff that I made. I was going to use THIS one, but...I don't know. I probably should. Or Maybe I'll delete this site and rename it something else. What do you think? O.o?
~Random thought of the day~
What are kosher foods?
~Yuffie Fan 10
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Thursday, April 12, 2007
?????What's up?????
*****What is the most unusual thing that you have ever seen?*****
(> <)
ME------------> THIS POST!!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! \_/ >_< \_/-----ROCK ON!
Love ya, peeps!
~Yuffie Fan 10
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Monday, April 9, 2007
Yo, everyone...
Well I'm changing the BG to this site by the end of this week. I'm hoping to add more stuff to it, though. Well come chat with me if ya want I'll be on for a while. Later! ^_^v
~Yuffie Fan 10.
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Wednesday, April 4, 2007
gwinggirl100's button.
eh...well..i just wanted to post the link to my other site, today. Just PM me to get the code. I hope that you all take it and post it on your sites!! Laters! ^_^v

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Saturday, March 31, 2007
What mangas should I read?
Well the only set of mangas that i have ever read were Love Hina. I would really lie to get into reading mangas, but I don't know where to start...I thought about Gundam Wing mangas but i don't really know where to find them...( Or perhaps don't have the time to...*sighs*)
Maybe all of my faithful buddies here can tell me, because man, I'm stuck!! LOL. Oh, and I also thought of buying some Fooly Cooly, too. A friend lend me theirs, but I would rather have my own. LOL.
*********TOTAL RANDOMNESS***************
What are your favorite sounds?
Mine are:
1. Rain drops
2. Motorcycle engines
3. Cats meowing
4. Random sounds that people make because of boredom.
Your Biggest Turn-ons?
Mine are:
2. Fooly Cooly!!
3. Vacations
4. Kindness
5. Loyalty
6. Friends
7. Rock music
8. Food that's well done
9. Sensitivity
10. Laid back people
11. People that like me for who I am.
That's all the randomness for today. I love randomness!! It's good for the mind!! LOL.
later! ^_^v

~ Yuffie Fan 10
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Friday, March 30, 2007
Ha-Ha!!!!!! Ha!!! Ha!!! eh....yeah, I'm crazy. I'm just really bored right now. Aren't there times when you just feel like screaming, because your having a really bad day? (or boring?) well I didn't have the GOOD spring break! I did absolutely nothing!!! nothing!! NOTHING!!!! GRRRRRRRR!!! I'M REALLY MAD!!
um.............yeah. Well I'm glad that I got that out of my really mad me feel relieved. Well at least the Raconteurs will help loosen the all of the tense feelings. Aright guys I'll catch you later! ^_^v
Yeeeeeaaahhh!! The Raconteurs Rock!!
*skips off singing*
~Yuffie Fan 10
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Thursday, March 29, 2007
Well I'm just doing some random stuff. My anime friends, are...
Haruko Haruhara ( FLCL)
Duo Maxwell
Quatre Winner
Heero Yuy
Lacus Clyne
Naota (FLCL)
Sasuke Uchina (I spelled that wrong) LOL
I have many many more, but the list will go on forever! so If any of you guys had a chance to hang out with anyone for the rest of your life, who would it be?
~My Answer~
Haruko Haruhara because she's just out there, and fun! and very sweet when you get to know her. She would be a very loyal friend of mine and beat up anyone who messes with me with her crazy guitar! Whooooooooooooo!!!!

~Yuffie Fan 10
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