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myOtaku.com: yugiohotaku

Saturday, April 16, 2005

   Hey guys!!!
Hey you guys!
Sorry I haven't..well updated.
Okay,I have to tell you guys something.
I really love all of my friends here on myO,because this is the first journal site that I've ever actually had and updated and kept up with and have met people and talked to them with.
It's been a really awesome 5(almost 6!)months on myO and everyone has been super appreciative.
I really hope I can continue to update,because I am going to move to New York!!!!!!
The city that never sleeps x)
I bet you guys probably thought I was going to quit myO or something x)
Trust me,I won't quit myO until I'm old and break a bone moving or something.
And Ishi-chan!!!!
Cool(or as you would say,'kewl') new layout!
Oh yah,on America's Next Top Model,one of the girls did a photo shoot and was dressed up as a Korean mom! I'll post the pic here soon,once I get it.
Well anyways guys,have you ever been to teenflirt.com? If you guys go there and click on the 16-19 chatroom you'll find me there as 'xxmeligurlxx' so if you guys want to chatz with me that would be uber-cool!
Well I have to go watch a NEW episode of Yu-Gi-Oh!,since of course they have been showing nothing but re-runs and I want to be up to date!

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