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myOtaku.com: YugiohYamy

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Chapter 2....

Do not remove credits!

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If you need help with the comments please email me at puppyinuyasha311@hotmail.com

Yugioh: hi is us again... and if you are reading this and you did not read Chapter 1 please press Archives and then you will see all of my posts inclouding Chapter 1...

Ninetails: look they get it!!! now could we finish this!!!!!!

Maya:will it kill you to be quite!!!!!

Yugioh: I will begin the comic....


The hospital.....

Yugioh: no shots!!!!

Ninetails: just be quite!!! at least you dont have a broken leg!!!!!!

Yugioh: yeah!!! at least you dont have thousands of bandes from all of your Flamethrowers!!!!!!

Maya: could you guys clam down!!!!!!

Then someone came in......

Mrs.Joy: oh dear are you two alright...?

Yugioh: i will be better if Miss. Yell Alot would not yell alot!!

Ninetails: well i would not yell alot if Miss. Girl With Weird Name would stop talking soo much!!!

Yugioh: For the last time it is not my fault that i have a weird name!!!!! and that the only reason i am talking is that becuase you are ...... OUCH!!!

Mrs.Joy: stop it you two!!!!!! (pulling on yugioh's and ninetails's ears)

Maya: now you are going to get it!!! (smiling)

Yugioh:one more word and i will..........OUCH!!!

Mrs.Joy: ok thats it you guys are going to have separent rooms!!!! Ok Mss. Yugioh and ninetails..

Yugioh: fine

Mrs.Joy: what about you ninetails..

Ninetails: fine.....

Mrs.Joy: ok then....

A few hours later...........

Yugioh: this is not a room it is a prison!!!!!!!

yugioh is in a room with no window or door.....

Yugioh: how did i even get in here....(trying to remember what happend)

Yugioh: after we lest the other room i followed
Mrs.Joy with Maya and ninetails to a nice room then....... umm... well i dont remember but after i found myself in this room i heard ninetails scream.........and thats it ..... i think...

... Well..umm... lets see weres ninetails...

Ninetails: i cant take this anymore!!!!!!

Ninetails is in a room with little baby pokemon with pink flowers, no door or window and things like that.....

Ninetails: this is too girly!!!!!!!!!!

Well if you do not know why ninetails is so mad becuase she is in a pink room... well i guess i have to tell you... well ninetails is a tomboy (a tomboy is a girl who rather do boy stuff than girl stuff) and she does not like pretty stuff like other girls do... ok.. now back to the story.....

Ninetails: must find door.... or i will -----!!

The --- means that someone said a bad word that i am not soppose to type

Ninetails tries to remember what happend after she have left yugioh at her room...

Ninetails:well after that i heard yugioh scream.. and Mrs.Joy smiled (you know those evil smiles you see on evil people when there plan is working and stuff like that)and then we whent to my room witch was a ok room i guess.... then ummm...

Well... ummmm... lets see weres Maya..

Maya: thank you (getting a tray of chocoalte cake form hostpital's cafteria)

Maya you are suppose to help the others!!!!!!

Maya: who said that!!!!

Me!!! and go and help the others!! (i should get a bigger pay check)

Maya: but....

No buts.......

Maya:fine... (walking away)

.....later .....

Maya is folowing Mrs.Joy ..... (dont ask why i only read the script and i cant read a head)

Maya: i must find where the others are.....

Maya remembers how she folowed the others to each of there rooms and everytime right after Mrs.Joy press a button in a walkie talkie (or somehting like that) she hears someone scream.....but why..

Mrs.Joy enters an office.....maya still follows..
What maya sees inside is top secret........

the following is top secret and you will not say anything about it... if you do you will be turn into ............... Mayo!!!!!! i told you i only read the script....ok.....

Maya saw was this..... a huge lab with clone pokemon, a huge collection of stamps, a pickle, some weird bottle that has something that looks like water but different colors, and a ......... HAM!!!!!!! (well i told you i only read the script in witch it is very weird)

Maya was of course confuse but not for the lab but what it had inside (like tha mayo and pickle but who wouldn't be)

Mrs.Joy: the mission is almost complete.....

Maya looked up and saw Mrs.Joy and someone else.

Someone else: Good....when we finally done we could finally take of these weird disguises...

Mrs.Joy: yes i am tried of wearing this Mrs.Joy costom, Matty (dont think this is a spelling error for matt that guy name is realy Matty)

Matty: how many times i told you Jess to not call me Matty!!!!!!

Jess of course is the person we use to call Mrs.Joy

jess: i know i know (sitting down on a chair)

Matty: hey be careful whith the pickle!!!

Jess:its just a pickle!!!!

Matty: maybe for you but for me it is the inter world!!!!!

Ok now it is getting weird but a job is a job....
Now back to the story.....

Maya of course confuse with what she was hearing form Jess (who seems normal) and the Pickle Lover(no offence to Pickle lovers in the world its just that i beat you would not beat that one of you will risk your life for a small pickle).and then while she whent near the door so she could get out of here she trip over the collection of stamps...


Jess: what was that?

Matty: i dont know.... go and look what was it...

Maya: i have to find a place to hide....

Jess: you are the same pikachu that i saw with the weird girl....

Maya: you are soooo lucky Yugioh is not here or she will have kick your --- (i think you could guess what word would have been there if my mother would have grounded me if she ever found out that i used a world she told me never to say)

Jess: you mean thats her name? well too bad....hey!!!!!!

Maya used thunder bolt on Jess and whent out side

Jess: come back you!!!!! Go mankeys!!! (25 mankeys came out from 25 balls)

Maya: so it was your Mankeys that attacked us!! (still running)

Jess:of course we needed a two lab rats for our test, but of course we could not get any, but your friends will atleast be some use.aaaahhhhhh!!

Maya used another thunder bolt on jess after defeting her monkeys...

Maya: hey i know you...

Of course Jess's custom fell of and showed her unifrom (in witch she always wears [even at night])...

Jess: i guess you have already seen one of my wanted posters

And it was true... you see when Yugioh whent out to see the world they saw a wanted poster for a woman named Jess Atyoert (dont ask) for $400000. it said she worked for a group called The Monkeys (dont ask please).

Maya uses thunder bolt on jess..

Jess:aaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!! hey thats not fair!!

Maya: well life is not fair....tell me were are my friends..

Jess: you will never know!!!

Then of course you will expect a huge fight and then Maya wins and gets the information and saves the day.... well...... ummmm.... this is what happpend next.........

Matty: Jess hurry up we have to go to rooms 67 and 54 to get the ninetails and yugioh.. remember room 67 is to the right of the increble and betiful pikachu and room 54 is to the left to the Quen all pikacus...(ok well the increble things i added becuase Maya wanted everyone to think she is the best so she told me that if i added those things she will give me money)

Maya: thanks.......(and whent to save her friends)

Jess: hey!!! what the ---- did you do that for you ------- -----

Matty: sorry

.............. ummm... this is what happend next

Yugioh was still thinking of what happend when Maya came and grabbed her and whent to get ninetails while the others fought...

Ninetails was going to faint when they (yugioh and Maya) came...

Yugioh: what is going on here!!!!!

Ninetails: and why are you taking us outside!!

Maya: didn't you guys read the script!!!

Yugioh: we are not soppuse to read ahead!!!!

Ninetails: or read anyone elses script...

Maya: fine i tell you....

Maya told the guys what Jess and Matty plan was..

Yugioh: oooooohhhhhh!!! ok

ninetails: so i guess i have to say it.....

Yugioh: yes

Ninetails: fine... maya...umm

Maya: what is it....

well you will of course you will expect ninetails to say thank you well....... ummm....

Ninetails: you look like a yellow marshmellow!!!

Maya: hey!!!!

Yugioh: what does that have to do with the story

Ninetails: i dont know i am only reading the script

OK i have to go soo umm... thats it...

Hey when i am going to get the money you owe me for saying what you told me, Maya

Yugioh:what is he talking about (looking at Maya)

Yugioh looks at Maya script and what i said ...

Yugioh: hey i told you to never do that!!!

Maya: well ummm

Yugioh attacks maya becuase Maya is broke and she was going to pay me with Yugioh's money (Maya owed me this much money $900000000)

Maya: looked i am sorry!!!

Yugioh: sorry wont cut it!!!

Ninetails: this is better than wreseling!!!


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