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myOtaku.com: YugiohYamy

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Do not remove credits!

All you have to do is copy and paste the layout.You will need to paste everything in your Post Styles and check the Slow but advanced customization.Also you will need to remove everything in your profile.Then go to your Edit Styles and put #XXXXXX in all the boxes.that should do it.

Pretty much everything on the layout is hosted as far as images and whatnot.

Replace the Navigation and Link to anything you want.

You may remove the Introduction part if your not going to use it.Remove everything from the < !--Start Introduction-- > to < !--End Introduction-- >

If you need help with the comments please email me at puppyinuyasha311@hotmail.com



Hearing:"Houston" (its country ok..)

Hi everyone, sorry that i did not add a post sooner..but my mom came late and she had the laptop so i couldn't add a post until now...

Things that rhyme

Zack Sack

Monkey money

Cat Hat


well the reason i put that is becuase me and my friend were hyper and for some reason i put that Zack and sack rhymes becuase she put something that rhymes...

Yesterday at school:We had to change were we sit so i have to sit next to Micheal who is one of the class clowns (we have more than one...) and behind me is Larrien (i think i spelled it wrong) who talks alot to the girl next to her...it is going to be horrible!!!Well at least one of my friends sits next to me..

Home:I took a nap right after i finished eating becuase i am going to wacth Inuyasha and other anime shows...and my sister said that people are saying my name wrong like instead of Ivon (E-von [von sounds like savons just ignore the sav part) they say Evan or Ivan... in real life everyone says my name wrong and online everyone thinks I am a boy...

ok i have nothing else to say so I am going to add a post later...(hopefully)

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Layout By:311
Images From: DeathGod.Org
Brushes From: Deviantart

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