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myOtaku.com: YugiohYamy

Thursday, June 8, 2006

Do not remove credits!

All you have to do is copy and paste the layout.You will need to paste everything in your Post Styles and check the Slow but advanced customization.Also you will need to remove everything in your profile.Then go to your Edit Styles and put #XXXXXX in all the boxes.that should do it.

Pretty much everything on the layout is hosted as far as images and whatnot.

Replace the Navigation and Link to anything you want.

You may remove the Introduction part if your not going to use it.Remove everything from the < !--Start Introduction-- > to < !--End Introduction-- >

If you need help with the comments please email me at puppyinuyasha311@hotmail.com

Hi everyone!!SO whats up!! Sorry it took me a while to write a post but i was busy with my priject and guess what!!I finished it on time!! My project is a battle field and everyone liked it!!And with my paper...well..it was late..-_- but i finished it...oh well...


Ok well today or yesterday (I HATE TIME ZONES!!) I asked one of my online friends to add some posts for me when i am in camp...oh yeah i will be gone Monday-Firday becuase of camp...I wish i can brig the laptop..but then i will just be in trouble...well let see there is nothing else to say...this week is boring nothing new...-_-


1)Have you ever gone to camp?

2)Do you like pie?

3)You talking to one of your friends...and then when ask your friend something your friend turns to a demon..and the demon tries to get you...What do you do??

See ya!!

Your Site Name � Your Name
Layout By:311
Images From: DeathGod.Org
Brushes From: Deviantart

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