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myOtaku.com: YugiohYamy

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

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Hi everyone! I know I haven't updated much..but I was busy. >.> as you all remember..and if not oh well..I have to wear a unifrom to school and well me and my mom couldn't find it..

Seki: You have to find a polo shirt and some navy blue pants in some store..but since it was all last minute back to school shopping everything was sold out.

Yep..me and my mom were jumping to store to store..and me trying to put my zipper up when I am changing and guess what!!

Seki:YY's mom sometimes be such in a hurry she would sometimes forget about YY so she left her for a second or two

I was waving my arms and yelling "MOM!! I AM NOT IN THE CAR!!HELLO MOM!?!??! DON'T LEAVE ME!!" not lieing and I would be so pissed off by that and then it was the middle of the night and then my mom "Sears!! I completly forgot!! there must be open..and have the pants!!" We're just looking for the pants..I guess I forgot to mention that..I still can't believe that in every store the isn't one single navy blue pants!! oh well back to sears..well lets see..

Seki: YY's mom and YY just came in before they were about to close in 5..and well they found the pants and well >.>

me and my mom went all around the store (and it wasn't those small ones..its the huge ones and such..) to find where to buy it and then after waiting..and there was this little girl who kept on staring at me.. I was like O.o

Seki:kids are weird these days...

yep..okay lets move on..lets see after be bought it well the annoying voice in the speakers came up and sayed all the doors are locked!! Me and my mom was "NOOOOOOOO!!" we had to walk around looking for the back door..and well >.> we had to walk all around cause the car was the other side of the buidling..>.> dam store..

Okay yesterday was my first day in school and was pretty boring..oh heres my scheduele..

Period 1: Study Hall
Period 2: Science
Period 3: Math
Period 4: English
Period 5: World Cultures
Period 6: PE
Period 7: Spanish

I don't know why I got spanish I mean I am a Mexican!! I should know how to speak spanish! I admit it I have sometimes have trouble speaking it but I can understand it just fine and about the reading well I have trouble but I can read just fine..and its the same with writting! grrr..

I hate math..>.> we got this work sheet..and well I think i lost it...not good..I am the kind of person who likes to bring their work to school on time..I am so in trouble..mostly since its the second day..bad start..

Oh my friend Erika..well unfortunatly we don't have any classes together but Rosa have a lot of classes with me..so I am okay..but..*sob*

Seki:Remember Itzel?? YY's best friend in school..well

She is not going to the same school as me!! I miss her so much! We were such good friends!! Well I just hope in the near future we see each other again..

I think thats it..wait! I forgot to tell the today is my mom's birthday! YAY!! well I have nothing to give her except the card my dad bought for me to give her..

Oh yeah my dad took me and well my sis (she only came cause she was bored) and I bought Fruits Basket Vol. 2 and Bleach Vol.1 and Vol.2 and I ordered this book..since I wanted it in hard cover..okay on with it..I got a hot dog in a stick, I know I should say corn dog..but its not corn! I mean corn dog?? for one thing its not made of dog and its not corn..so why should we say corn dog?? I rather say hot dog on a stick.. and some lemanade with my dad and my sis. I really like when me and my dad go some place together and well I rather not have Jessica (my sis) but oh well..then we bought some cards. then on our ride home I was joking around and told my sis that when she was born she was a monkey and well they just gave my sis some surgery so she doesn't look like a monkey..Ha my dad and me were laughing so hard!!

Okay since I still got time..here are some poems I made while I didn't updated...just for you guys to know these poems are depressing or well not cheery..ha I know I should write some cheery poems for once..but oh well..


I am alone
in this room of confusion
I thought you and him were together
but now everything is going too fast

You never told me anything
until the last minute
and now I am here
in this room that might not have a door

There's a window
I can't stand looking through it
what I saw was something I wont forget
I can't stand by and know whats going on
but what can I do?

Is there a door that will take me out of here?
I don't want to be here
but I can't bear to see you two separated

I try to understand
I am here alone
in this room of confusion

Here I am
so why wont you look at me?

I gave you everything I have
so why aren't you satified?

Every night is the same
I sleep alone
while you stay with another women

I am alone with no one to hold
while you are with her
holding her, being with her

The tears I cry will never bring you back
so why I'm I still here
alone in the dark?

The waves always return
but you will never return to me

I gave you everything
and in return you have me pain

I trusted you
and in return
you used that trust as your advantage

You playes with my emotions
like a spoiled child's toy

You said you will never want to see my tears
so why are you still there
just watching me dorwing in my own tears?

I gave you everything I had
and you still want more?
how much suffering must I go through
to bring you happiness?
How many lies must I listen to
until you tell the truth?

Will this world of suffering
come to the end when your happy?
How many lies must I go through
till you tell the truth?
I will never forgive you for what you did to me...
all the lies you told me will never be earased

so why are you still there
just watching me suffer
with the pain you gave me?

See I told you the poems are depressing..okay I don't have time to answer any comments..so straight to the questions!!

1)Do you like my poems?

2)Do you have to wear unifroms to your school? If you go to school..

3)Did you ever been locked in a store when its closed?

4)Have one of your parents almost forgot about you and were about to leave you in a store?

See ya and take care!!^^

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