Birthday 1988-08-31 Gender
Male Location California Member Since 2003-09-22 Occupation student/ in College
Anime Fan Since 1997 Favorite Anime Samurai Champloo, FLCL, Scryed, Cowboy bebop, Samurai X, Naruto, Gundam seed, yugo
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Hey Everybody!
Hello guys whats up? I got to finish my essay. It actually didn't take that long hehe :D I'm glad. thanks you guys for your comments.
To Naota: Yeah I'll try to squeez in some guitar time to so I won't get rusty. Its one of my favorite things to do. Sometimes when i play I end up playing ramdom things like weird chords and loose my flow of playing a solid song ahahah but its cool.
To ISA: :D thanks for your comments and that sweet comment ahaha I think your right about the tea its exactly what I meant. And I'll try to get some free time. Yeah its no good to overwork yourself, (that goes to all of ya ahaha ^^) I'm still trying to get over things too =_=
Well the week is almost over...just waiting for friday to come, and other things, like ajikan's new single ahahaha which will be coming out this october 25th I'm excited :)this next one will hold alot of tracks plus 2 new ones and extras like lives and a DVD!
Seen any good movies lately? I haven't...maybe its because I don't have time to sit down and stair at a screen for 2 and half hours ahaha just kidding I do have time but ehhhhhhhhhh.
Other than that I hope you guys have a great weekend because I'll be gone for the weekend soo I'll visit your sites after :D
To end my long post:
Here's the video of ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION'S new song
Kaiga Kyoshitsu
its a nice song and the video is great ;D it almost sounds like one of their old songs "Entrance"