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Saturday, January 29, 2005
hello, you know i was ok with the english dubing of other anime and always thought i dont see any thing wrong with it like inuyasha however i just today went and bought gravitation english and japanese and i was very disapointed. i always hurd people saying Eiri your voice is messed up in english im all ok i got to see it right well haha tis messed up how ever..ALL THE CHARACTERS PRETTY MUCH SOUND THE SAME!!! this is the crappyest dubing i have every seen in my life and if i see any more of that crap i hope my life is shorter fuck i hate english! but gravitation japanses is all good^^
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
Thoughts. ( this is kinda what i think Eiri thought when he kissed shuichi well kinda how i see it any way...)
Im not always there
i dont even care
about the things you say
to me
think as you may and wish
the day away
but this is just one small kiss and means nothing to me
at least not today.
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Wednesday, January 26, 2005
youll piss your self my friend rachy showed this to me lol^^
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cool i lied a bit in this one however i dont know what kingdom hearts is just i know
cerra-chan played the hell out of it^^
 What Kingdom Hearts Character Are You? Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
at lest i think twas this game i dont know.
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Tohma can be evil.
hello every one. my like best friend Tohma is evil she wants me to beg her to give me good yaoi storys and pix howevr i dont know ho to beg im usaly not the one begging if you know what i mean ok so last night in IM i did and she said that it was not good enough and she wanted more i was all ill make you cry out for more you little-- and forgot how tohma is if you insalt her she wont lisson so i stoped and dropeed to the digital floor and tryed begging again she was like ok Eiri beg like you need them so yes i tryed and she still wants more*sighs* i think she might want me to do it in persone *sighs* me begging thats funny.

thats so totaly true *sighs*
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Monday, January 24, 2005
damn bubble gum Crisis is the best!
 You are PRISCILLA "PRISS" ASAGIRI! Bitchin' rock star!
ANIME QUIZ - Which Bubblegum Crisis Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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thats so true it scares me^^
 A dream... you are sensitive, shy, and can become attached to others when they get to know you. Perhaps you should try making new friends, or joining a club. After all, you can't live life alone.
~ What Location Represents You? (cool pics)~ brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, January 23, 2005
a quiz^^
 You'd wear a black uniform! You are quiet and is protective of your friends! You are strong and is great at thinking of a way out of problems! You usually stay around your friends so they'll be ok if anything bad happens!
What color school uniform would you wear? anime pics Gilrs only brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, January 21, 2005
a funny quiz
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for fun cause i have righters block lol i liked this quiz *runs off laughing*
 Vamp! You can call me femme-fatale.Woho, you're a dangerous lady. You're dark and full of riddles. Men can't resist that. Sometimes you're moody and you can freak out very easy but in general you are gentle... Fact: You're the most mysterious girl ever!
What's your female appeal? ( with pics! ) brought to you by Quizilla
ok and anothere i liked this one however i thought id get duke i mean i keeped saying stuff about dice oh well kiba is cool to^^ but me as kiba thats kinda funny..oh well...
 You are Seto. Now remember to visit http://www.independent-thought.net/ygo/main.php ^^ quiz by Taryn
Which Yu-Gi-Oh character are you most like? (contains pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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