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Saturday, November 20, 2004
i like this do you?

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Thursday, November 18, 2004
Whos hotter
Ryoga Hibiki from ranma1/2
Ren Tao from shaman king
Keitaro from love hina
Sasuke uchiha from naruto
Yuki Eiri from gravitation
Hiei of the evil eye from yu yu hakusho
Ryo Bakura from yugioh
Sanji from one piece
Duo from gundam wing?
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Monday, November 15, 2004
im be ing kid naped again!
i dont know what to do every one keeps kid naping me ACK! oh well i dont mind as long as im not ill or sleepy wait thay dont care! >.< whatever
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Sunday, November 14, 2004
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Thursday, November 11, 2004
Dream Land
Life somber ways
cause me great misery
involuntary i run out
of my reality to a place
where none can see
the torture inside
thats killing me my dreary thoughts shall not get to me
this place risides
in my dreams.
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Friday, November 5, 2004
Friday *sivers*
Friday? Ok im scared Shuichi and Ryuichi said there going to kid nap me and do some nasty stuff to me Ryuichi said they have wipes and there going to do some stuff and you know where im getting with this im gonna die *sighs* I asked what they were going to do to me like tie me up and throw me in a closet and Ryuichi said no we are gonna tie you up to a bed ack what am I to do?
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to all Mega otakus!
if you had to go out with a character from anime and or manga which one would it be and why? i know there just paper and ink but still come on if you had to pic one...
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Thursday, November 4, 2004
The little evil black bunny
Yuki;ok im here with the stupid bunny again.
Bunny;your stupid! just shut up and ask me the new questions!
Yuki;OK! fine 1st question...have you always been the little black bunny?
Bunny: No once i was a 7 year old and a buckit of toxic wast fell on me and now IM THE LITTLE EVIL BLACK BUNNY!
Yuki:um ok...what do you do if someone sees you brining the dead bodys back to walmart?
Bunny:drop it and run.
Yuki: how do you get in to walmart if its closed?
Bunny: i cant tell you stupid! they might fix it!
Yuki:What do you do if someone wants to buy your couch that you live under?
Bunny: i tie them up and hide them in the dungon i have under the couch.and if you were to look there now you ll see past people that wished to buy the couch. i bet now they wish they didn`t.
Yuki: whos your next victom?
Bunny: i dont know. Got anyone in mind?
Yuki: how were you born?
Bunny: my mother...what a stupid question!
Yuki:what are your mother and father like?
Bunny: my father is a crazy black magic guy and my mothers the tree of life!
Yuki:ok and now a few questions from your fans...
Bunny: grrrrrrrrrrrrr... enough with the questions!
Yuki: your the one that wanted them asked you idiot!
Yuki:*sigh* ok no more quistions than...
Yuki: but you just said...*yuki gets cut off*
Bunny: KEEP GOING!!!
Yuki: ok! a question from Rae-san of the my otaku sites asks: are you ever a nice bunny?
Bunny: well maybe when im eating...
Yuki:Mme: ida viselli(i hope i spelled that right) asks:what is your name?
Bunny: the evil black bunny. although there was a time when i was human they called me Joe some thing of the rather.
Yuki: Ok thats all today kids if you have any questions for our friend ..*gets cut off*
Bunny: im not your friend!
Yuki: P.M. me and ask away im sure the bunny would love to hear from you...
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Monday, November 1, 2004
the bunny
if you have any comments about dissing the bunny please leave your full name address, phone nomber,and he will get back to you as soon as possible, thank you
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the evil black bunny
Yuki:the little evil black bunny is begging me to write about him.
bunny: dont say begging it makes me look bad!
Yuki: Yeah whatever.
bunny:so then lets talk about me! muhahaha!
Yuki:no this is my otaku im not letting you promote your self on my site do it on your master's!
bunny:NO!*gives yuki an evil look* im going to kill you! *jumps on yuki with a knife in hand*
Yuki:ack shit get off of me you little freak!
bunny:NO! tell them about me!
YUki: OK FINE! ok i ll start of by asking you some questions ok?
Bunny:ok*gets off yuki* ask away.
yuki:so what are some off your hobbies?
bunny: my hobies are running aroung town killing people by stabing them then guting them.
Yuki:ok no thats it no more!
bunny: damn you bitch! keep going !
yuki:ok fine than...what do you do with the corps after your done with them?
bunny: i eat their souls then i take their corps back to my place.
Yuki:where is it you live?
bunny:under a couch at walmart.
Yuki:ok...?... more next time kids with the little evil red eyed black bunny
stay tuned...
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