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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
star scroll
Teehee ok every one don’t pay any mind to the last post till about Thursday and I might tell you what I was talking about ^^
Now this is out to Rin…that is if she even comes to my site any more hey Rin you know that little date you and I have planed for the 19th of June well guess what my star scroll said it sayed that tis my lucky day (Yay I have 2 lucky days in a row it says)
Any way the words…”a special gathering delivers a banquet of good feelings and, as you set aside some time for yourself or to be with an amour ,insights show how to make a delicious wish real. A confidential tip is lucky.” ~. - What do you think sound good?
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Monday, June 6, 2005
What if i told you that i may not be who you think i am…

would you hate me?
Do you know what im talking about?
Should I lie to you all?
And keep it so you don’t know what I talk of ….
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
today sucks i am crazy i dont know if i should tell you guys why but i dont think Rin will be to happy about it^^ speaking of her im going to her school tomorrow she said she has a something specal to give me just seeing her would be just that but a little thing on the side is ok ^^ oh um yeah every thing is so messed up um lets see is any one finding there is so problems in there life right now other than me?
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Monday, May 30, 2005
Ok this is for my good friends Ghoon Hahm and jung (sorry I spell your names badly)

his name is Tao Ren he is mean cruel and Fucking HOT!
And a quiz redo with my last name ^^ oh and Rin I really miss you *sighs* I love you^^
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Thursday, May 26, 2005
Love is a blind ambition.....
but i still love Rin
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
nothing really
 The Scholar!
What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
oh and i also got told i look like Trowa Barton today by a teacher^^

how did i get this one! wow cool^^ i love this song:

what bôa song are you?
this quiz was made by YinYangTwins
I AGREE! hahahahaahahha!:
 Quick, agile and fast witted, you'd make a great thief. You are also good at blending in with the crowd and slipping by unnoticed. Your main concern when in a group is when you will get paid, and when will you get the treasure. You can also be quite a charmer and are good with the ladies/men, that is until, they find once you've left, all their valuables are gone.
If you were sucked into a fantasy anime, what part would you play? brought to you by Quizilla
this is cool:
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
I feel really ill
Rinny told her mum about us going out her mums pissed and Rin is very sad i’m not going to school today cause i’m going to see her i’m typing this at my old school cause I had to come bring tatsuha his lunch well I hope you guys are having a good week and Rin if you can read this some how I will be coming to your school soon love you forever^^
and now a poem ish thing i wrote for her last night :
I haven’t any money, i’m going nowhere and nowhere fast, all I can give you is my life and love and hope that they will last, how can you love me when I am but a shell of what I could or can be, but life chooses to come down so hard on me I come from a poor family and have no real back up plan how can you love a life that’s been hated since it began
I’m a tool used so many times; can you really love some thing second hand? So broken and worn….
I have nothing toy give you but my life ,my love and a promise to always be there, these things are yours and yours alone I hope it stays this way because with you is where I belong I refuse to be with another cause if couldn’t be with you id rather be alone. I can’t really change my past or the things i've said and done but if you’d like I’d change my tune and make my life move to the lyrics of your own to keep myself at your side because you’re where my life and love truly reside.
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Erey ones a bitch to me latly....
not rin however my glasses brokish kinda like i can still use them however they is cracked and every ones bitch to me like my mum mostly she said i will not be going to see rin for a long time well she can kiss my ass cause i will go and see my Rin this friday ^^ if rin can /wants to see me that is oh well um not much happening school is also bein a bitch ok heres a pic of Rin and i last weekend^^

and a cool song speaking of songs what does it mean to have a song when your going out ?... Rin do we have one? oh well i leave you all(for today) with concrete blonde's mexican moon
Oh, amigo
Here we do things slow
Money, art, a broken heart
Where did you want to go
Senor, por favor
To the hotel, zona rosa
What did I come here for
Oh, senor
I run but the damage has been done
Miles have gone away
And my amore he never come
I look up at the sky
I am tired and dry
Uno tecate and lime.
Thinking of you underneath the mexican moonlight
Thinking of you underneath the mexican moon
Thinking of you underneath the mexican moonlight
Thinking of you underneath the mexican moon
Senor, you are wise
I can see a million years
A million tears behind your eyes
Take me home
Take me to the zona rosa
Mariachis and tequila
I will dance the night alone
Just some time
Just a little kiss of mine
Take me where I can forget, senor
You are so very kind
I look up at the sky
I am tired and dry
Dos tecate and lime
Thinking of you underneath the mexican moonlight
Thinking of you underneath the mexican moon
Thinking of you underneath the mexican moonlight
Thinking of you underneath the mexican moon
I look up at the sky
I will try not to cry
Tres tecate and lime
Thinking of you underneath the mexican moonlight
Thinking of you underneath the mexican moon
Thinking of you underneath the mexican moonlight
Thinking of you underneath the mexican moon
Thinking of you underneath the mexican moonlight
Thinking of you underneath the mexican moon
Thinking of you underneath the mexican moonlight
Thinking of you underneath the mexican moon
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Monday, May 16, 2005
not much
well not much is going to happen to day tis monday after all im just thinking about Rin and sitting in class doing my book that Rin and i are writing together i feel ill oh well um bye i guess, love you rin

You're Quatre Winner!
Find out Which Gundam Wing character you are.
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
Well to day i’m going to see Rinny at her friend’s school, i’m some what dressed up and Greg or “Rugby tank” is going to help me get her a cool flower( )
just one oh and in a few days is Rin and I s 3 month anniversary ^^ oh cool look at that there is this really cool poem next to me on the wall.. And it says
You are like a Rose
That I keep watering
Over and over so you will live
I love you with all my heart
I care for you with all my strength
If you are sad, I am your Kleenex (that’s a funny line ^^)
If you are weak I am your chair
If you are lost, I will find you
If you are scared, I am your protector
If you are mad, I am there to calm you down
If you need to talk i’m there to listen
Cool no?
Oh and just cause Rin don’t know the lyrics to this song here you go:
Joey, by: Concrete Blonde
Joey, baby - don’t get crazy
Detours. Fences... I get defensive
I know you’ve heard it all before -
So I don’t say it anymore
I just stand by and let you
Fight your secret war.
Although I used to wonder why -
I used to cry till I was dry.
Still sometimes I get a strange pain
Inside Oh, Joey, if you’re hurting so am I.
Joey, honey - I got the money
All is forgiven. Listen, listen
and if I seem to be confused
I didn’t mean to be with you.
And when you said I scared you,
well I guess you scared me too.
But we got lucky once before,
And I don’t want to close the door
and if you’re somewhere out there
passed out on the floor.
Oh Joey, I’m not angry anymore.
And if I seem to be confused
I didn’t mean to be with you
And when you said I scared you
Well I guess you scared me to
But if its love you’re looking for
Then I will give a little more
And if you’re somewhere out there
passed out on the floor. Oh Joey i’m not
Angry any more (repeat x 3)
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