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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
ok all i have to post is pix
i think i was 2 months old^^

this one i think im about threeish

this is the day tatsuha came home for the firist time

and this is Hope and i for those of you that dont remember hope is like my "little sister" shes the coolest

ok My dear Rin i have to pst this im sorry ...this took me a half hour to pick what on i wanted to up up cause theres two that i really like i know tis a little small however heres My Rin

pweez Rinny dont be mad i love you so much i want others to see what you look like pweeeeeez dont be mad ><
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Just like when I was four^^… almost....
Well today at lunch Tohma wanted to get hold of my book pages this being my personal book of memories and such she has some peaces of it and I had a lot in my pockets and so she got Pan and Lizzy to get them from me so they both jumped me and started touching me and Pan anciently elbowed me in a siren place that kinda hurt any way then they started touching me in un wanted places *shivers* I can hardly walk and i’m in pain I cant believe Tohma did this to me, I thought she was my friend *crys* she just stud there and watched as they did this to me then after I get up I go to get my floppy disc back and she nee s me in the lower part of my body you all know what i’m talking about I can hardly move and i’m on the verge of tears I swear …..Oh well Rinny I love you…. and if your wondering what i may post tomorrow i might put a pic of me wen i was like 5 and or a baby and also a pic of Lannie for those of you that know here^^
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Monday, May 9, 2005
My mum took me back home last night
What do you do when the one you love wants to know more about you but you don’t know how they might see you after you have told them. Would how they already see you change. Is it right for them to know how you think and feel? Should you fallow what they have done like them telling you there feelings even though you know they still hold thoughts and feelings inside. Not wanting to keep something from the one you love is what most says however there are so many things left unsaid. You want to trust however your past may not let you do such things...completely...would it endanger love if you kept it to your self? Or is it just best to lay every thing out and become weak. Would it be better to write your thoughts, feelings and memories in to some one other than yourself to entrust them with your very life...and the secrets you hold.
any way on a lighter note todays lunch was kinda boring tis a nice day out however but lunch got a little better about the end of it cause i went after pan tickleing her twas funny then i stoped Tohma thought some thing was wrong with me today i dont really know why she said i looked like i did not want to be in "the corner" oh well^^ how every one had a good week end^^
and i have to add this tis a bit funny^^
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Friday, May 6, 2005
Ok i cant go to shops to day damn oh well i also dont get to see people today oh well …
Um I don’t know what else to put um lets see …im going to see Rinny today *sighs*
Ow my hand hurts sooo much I was writing all day yesterday and I mean all day and today will be the same^^
So since theres not really much to post heres some pix^^:

sorry most of these might be Utena pix im getting in to that anime again^^ just cause that one AMV

ok and im also trying to make a support Yoai and Yuri on the web sign so you might see one of those soon^^ well have a good weekend every one on otaku IS THE COOLEST! Love you all chawi ^^
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Thursday, May 5, 2005
*crys* i cant believe it im actualy crying im such a loser >
Well Rinnys done it again this time with her post.
She’s going off making me want to see her really bad and I can’t wait I need to see her I feel really ill with out her. any way there’s a song she got me in to that I cant get out of my head called like “gravity of love” or some thing like that I am listen to it now^^ um not really much to post um oh I went up to Nakamarus house that’s my cousin and we looked at Yuri and yes that was fun we did some real cousin bonding^^ I was showing him all the really good places cause he was on Google i’m all no man go to yahoo. And we did and I got dubbed like his favourite cousin ever^^
Anyway heres the song:
Turn around
And smell what you don't see
Close your eyes
It's so clear
Here's the mirror
Behind there is a screen
And with wings you can't get in
Don't think twice before you listen to your heart
Follow the trace of a random star
What you need
And everything you feel
Is just a question of the day
In the eye of storm you can see a lonely dove
The experience of survival is the key
To the gravity of love
The path of excess leads to the Tower of Wisdom
Try to think about it
That's the chance to live your life and discover
What it is
It's the gravity of love
Look around just people
Can you hear the voice?
Find the one who'll guide you
To the limits of your choice
If you're in the eye of storm
Just think of the lonely dove
The experience of survival is the key
To the gravity of love
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Wednesday, May 4, 2005
Rinny mum thinks im gay
I don’t know how or why but that’s what Rins brother sayed any way in other news pan was sitting on me all lunch I did not know why however twas funny we went out side and I was lying down on the grass and then people was attacking me, then pan comes with mika and sit by me then some how we got on the subject of the Uke and the Seme
Pan did not get it so I explained with a little bit of show >< sorry Rin don’t worry I did not do any thing really all I did was say would you like to know? And she sayed yes or some thing then I pushed her down and got on her I did nothing I swear it well then I got off and lied back down on the grass, then a bit after Pan sits on my back ( I was lying on my stomach ) and starts playing with my hair NO! Wait! that was after I showed them how to make out with girls they found it interesting ( Pan and Mika both girls) however Tohma was all “ Eiri stop showing them stuff like that !” or whatever she said and then pan sat on me and played with my damn hair *sighs* when I got up I felt like really light headed and out of breath I don’t know if I was cause I was in the sun or cause pan was on me oh well I guess this lunch was a fun one^^ and I miss Rin sooooooo etc much right now *sighs*
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
Ok I forgot to send Rin an e-card yesterday. I send her a or more e-cards a day however yesterday I forgot -_-“ well I really did not forget tis just went and saw some French plays yesterday and was not really at school. Um lets see…I went food shopping with my Grandma yesterday too… twas funny cause when I lived at home my mum did not go monthly food shopping. So I was all hyper and I stole 2 mushrooms a bit of garlic grapes and some other things until some guy that worked there started fallowing me about oh yeah I got a kool add pack^^ any way…like I was saying twas funny cause I was all oh oh grama can we get this and that and what not ( I know I spelled grandma wrong but that’s how I say it) and I was all ill cook if we can get this and this … yes I cook and according to most quite well too like Tatsuha most of all he loves it when I make one of my sauces or my mushroom meat balls *crys* Rinny I REALLY REALLY miss you. You have no idea, and um sorry for branding you or whatever you called it... I hope it does not hurt too much. And ill send you a lots of e-cards today ok^^ ok I hope every one has a good day cause mine already is crapish cause one I don’t get to see the one that will help my sadness and two Tema sayed I smell like I was smoking up ><
and i have not done so since 7th gradeish
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Monday, May 2, 2005
Why do girls like to play with my hair?...
I mean come on tis like greasyish and odd. Like Pan and Rin (mostly Rin)...however Rin likes to model it I oddly cause she says I look like a rock star or whatever, *sighs* now the little bit of depressed news I was kicked out of my house yesterday so now I have to stay with grandma for a bit. *sighs* well this always happens I have an awesome week end and I mean awesome ^^ then it all goes down hill Sundays always. Oh and my cat went mad last night and she slit my neck and gum and poked a hole in my face.
I cant wait to see Rin again I wanted to see her yesterday when I was crying so maybe she could clam me down however I cried so much I got really sleepy and almost fell asleep when I got to grandmas, however I did not fall asleep I went up stairs to visit my cousin Josh and we played Yu-gi-oh s I won 4 out of 6 duels ^^’
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Friday, April 29, 2005
Ok the school division of Louis Riel can see every thing I type on otaku this pisses me off, look people that can see this that are from the division I said that I would not kill myself I was only thinking but it geeeez…. Why can’t my life be my own? I mean what gives them the right to see my word that I type? That must mean they see and know all DAMN! I’m so pissed not sad really any more just mad oh and a bit happy cause I get to see My Rinny today and her creepy brother and her mum and dad won’t be there ether ^^ so yes sorry to all those that actually thought id kill my self but i’m not about to leave just yet, oh and Tohma is planning my life for me she already has my wedding and what not planed out tis kinda creepy yet I thank her that she at least thinks of me^^ well thanks to all my friends see you soon. WEEK END! ^^’
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
Life is not worth it…
I’m thinking of killing my self again ah so many ways, don’t worry I won’t actually do it because I don’t want to leave Rin. Tis just I don’t know, sorry I wish this was a happy or a mad post however i’m REALLY depressed *sighs* I should go write depressing poetry yeah I think I’ll do that. Wow I don’t even fell like being on the Navi I just want to crawl back in to bed and die. Well I had a shower to day and went out side with wet hair ... bad idea…my hair is frozen. Oh however there was some thing funny more odd however... I got a puzzle piece in the mail odd huh? Yeah well i’m going to change my site to my mood now have a nice day.
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