Birthday • 1989-01-05 Gender •
Female Location • Under your bed... Member Since • 2004-10-14 Occupation • writer Real Name • Colt
Achievements • Waking up this morning Anime Fan Since • i was #ws3 Favorite Anime • Ask me if you want to know so bad Goals • to find happyness Hobbies • music,sewing, cosplay Talents • jumping outta no where. yuki-sama
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
This long week end...
i was tied up to Rinny s bed with belts don�t ask how� and any way I might go to chapters today and buy only the ring finger knows manga and a shonen jump.
Well not much to say except if your planning on being one of those people that go to schools and talk about that dangers of sex and what not( of if you are already ) please leave your Navi ( compy ) and soot your self in the head thank you^^ and another thing Maburaho is like one of the coolest anime EVER!
hey i dont have school today , im here at my old school with my cool little sister Hope she laughs at me any way she is talking to her self lol^^ i might post a pic of her soon too well im going to my Rinnys today i better get Tatsuha his lunch and go home so i can get there on time ...nah hanging with hopes awsome^^ Comments (6) |
Thursday, April 21, 2005
ooooooooook this is my "brother" colin he did not want me to post this pic however i did anyway^^: and this is my "brother" greg:
anid this is me a few days ago^^ im studying not im makeing the anime list^^ : Comments (10) |
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
well i dont know im kinda makeing a rush post i have 195 anime listed on my list of anime i hope to have more soon i have some im sure none of you have hurd of to maybe some day ill post it^^ well i hope you all have a good day and Rinny i love you ok and i leave you with an quiz: Kurosaki Hisoka - The youngest of the main shinigami, you often feel like you're being unfairly treated like a child. You may seem harsh or cold, but it's only to keep people away from how vunerable you are inside. While things in the past may not have been that great, you now find yourself surrounded by people who care about you.
Well I have been with Rin for 2 months now^^ and yes thanks to every one that sent me a list of anime I am still putting together the list a bit so yes my knowledge of anime is not complete I must know a lot more I shall one day and I will have a huge list and any one that wants to know about an anime and or wants to find out a new one could ask me^^ Comments (7) |
Saturday, April 16, 2005
well i sleeped with rin last night ...
not like sex or nothing just in the same bed and well im still here^^ and i enjoyed my time here i think her mum likes me enough.. im not to sure about her brother...oh well that might be i keep speaking in french to him^^ ok and ... my mums pissed^^ ah..hehehe i did nothing i swear! love ya's all chawi! Comments (11) |
Friday, April 15, 2005
Jail break!
Ok i�m breaking out of school today so I can get to Rin^^
I will escape this prison and be free wahahahaha... hum� anyway I don�t know how to get there really �hum and I have to do it when i�m in class so yeah�I don�t know�still waiting for anime lists though and where is every one I only had five comments on my last post I thought that people would give me a list^^ oh well bye bye have a good day/ weekend? *_*
Anime and Rinny i love you^^
ok people i am makeing a anime list and i need some anime if youd please send me i dont know like an e-mail with a bit of your favorites and what not cause im also looking up anime i might not know of so um yeah that would be great love you all oh and heres my e-mail:
oh and i maked a puzzle um hey no one is commenting i fell so unloved...
oh hey im making a list o0f anime and need some names so please send a list to me
Well tis the day of silence to day and its really not working... um lets see oh sorry I did not post in a while just I have not been at class lately. Because i�m not felling well infact I still am not feeling all so good however there is hope I get to see my Rinny-chan on Friday i�m really looking forward to it^^
Oh how is every one? I missed you in my not being here^^
Cool quiz but how the fuck do I keep getting her I have not really even seen it >< You are Hyatt!
Some find you strange, seeing as how you are prone to passing out from time to time. You are normally very calm and reserved. You are a hard worker and will go long as you stay alive.