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Under your bed...
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Waking up this morning
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i was #ws3
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Ask me if you want to know so bad
to find happyness
music,sewing, cosplay
jumping outta no where.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Well to day i’m going to see Rinny at her friend’s school, i’m some what dressed up and Greg or “Rugby tank” is going to help me get her a cool flower( )
just one oh and in a few days is Rin and I s 3 month anniversary ^^ oh cool look at that there is this really cool poem next to me on the wall.. And it says
You are like a Rose
That I keep watering
Over and over so you will live
I love you with all my heart
I care for you with all my strength
If you are sad, I am your Kleenex (that’s a funny line ^^)
If you are weak I am your chair
If you are lost, I will find you
If you are scared, I am your protector
If you are mad, I am there to calm you down
If you need to talk i’m there to listen
Cool no?
Oh and just cause Rin don’t know the lyrics to this song here you go:
Joey, by: Concrete Blonde
Joey, baby - don’t get crazy
Detours. Fences... I get defensive
I know you’ve heard it all before -
So I don’t say it anymore
I just stand by and let you
Fight your secret war.
Although I used to wonder why -
I used to cry till I was dry.
Still sometimes I get a strange pain
Inside Oh, Joey, if you’re hurting so am I.
Joey, honey - I got the money
All is forgiven. Listen, listen
and if I seem to be confused
I didn’t mean to be with you.
And when you said I scared you,
well I guess you scared me too.
But we got lucky once before,
And I don’t want to close the door
and if you’re somewhere out there
passed out on the floor.
Oh Joey, I’m not angry anymore.
And if I seem to be confused
I didn’t mean to be with you
And when you said I scared you
Well I guess you scared me to
But if its love you’re looking for
Then I will give a little more
And if you’re somewhere out there
passed out on the floor. Oh Joey i’m not
Angry any more (repeat x 3)
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