Birthday 1989-03-23 Gender
Female Location somewhere O_o... Member Since 2005-03-23 Occupation student Real Name yuki roche
Achievements a crap load! lol Anime Fan Since I was 3 years old Favorite Anime everything! Goals to be a manga artist and a physician Hobbies cosplay, draw, practice my violin, play video games and etc... Talents my violin playing, drawing, cosplaying, and whatever I can think of later yukiroche
Well, I'm an asian girl who loves to cosplay, draw, play videogames and practice my violin. Ya I love anime too!
This is the intro to Bluebird's Illusion! ^^
HAHA Man its been a while since I posted here ^^;;
Well well what did I miss? ^_^;;;; haha DUDE I'm totally excited to go to Tales of Anime at San Francisco in April 2007!!! I'm gonna dress as Lady from Devil May Cry 3 :P my sister would be Trish from Devil May Cry 1 and my mom wants to dress as Singer Yuna from Final Fantasy 10-2 ^^;;. hehe well yeah GO TO THIS SITE!!! and :P the best sites in da world!
I've got a myspace now ^^;;;
yup thats all :P
Here's a Sig I made ^_^
I Love Devil MAy Cry 3!!! It's just totally awsome! I can't wait to beat the game ^_^. Oh and in two weeks im going to a static-x concert! WHOOOO it's gonna be FUN! Well I guess that's all for now ^_^. Hope everyone has a great weekend! Comments
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I Love Devil MAy Cry 3!!! It's just totally awsome! I can't wait to beat the game ^_^. Oh and in two weeks im going to a static-x concert! WHOOOO it's gonna be FUN! Well I guess that's all for now ^_^. Hope everyone has a great weekend! Comments
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Thursday, October 13, 2005
Whoooo ALIVE!
hiiii I'm back from the DEAD!! Woot. I'm sorry for not existing for like a couple months but forgive me! Well I went to two anime conventions so far and counting since anime expo. It's been a fun year but I'm in cosplay withdrawls!! I NEED TO MAKE COSTUMES! ^_^ But im poor so that aint gonna help ^^. Here's a picture of what I'm gonna make next. I'll eventually make it (cloud's shinra uniform) but hopefully I'll get a job before AX 2006 so i can pay for the damn thing :P. I'll post more fanart soon and I've posted some cosplay pictures of me in the edward elric section. So check it out!!!!
Hey This is Mike taking over YukiRoche's page for a sec ^_^
Anyway now that I have taken this over I would like you guys to see my new fan art. I don't do fan art often so let me know what you think? Constructive critism only. Thanks in advance.
This is my Character Aero from the video game "Phantasy Star Online"
Yuki isn't the only one good with MSpaint ^_^
ps. YukiRoche and I are going to be collaberating on a new website. I think many people will be pleased with the results. Keep checking back here for updates and url name ^_^ Comments
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You are the twin blade hero of dot hack. All though you are new to the game, you want to help your friend bad, and are a loyal person, you sometimes try to be what your not, but thats ok...just level up some more and you'll be good