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yuki roche
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I was 3 years old
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Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, April 8, 2005
Today and MY BOYFRIEND!!!
Oh my GOD it's FRIDAY!!!! YAY!! I finally get to sleep and play videogames! ooo I can't wait till I play Sonic Advanced and Sonic Mega Collection Plus.
Today at school seemed a little too long for me cause I wished I was at home. But thank GOD my boyfriend was here today!! OOO I LOVE MY BOYFRIEND!! He's such a hotty and sexy person! ^_^ yea I'm in Looooove with my boyfriend :P. (Like everyday eh?)
Today at lunch my boyfriend and I tried to imitate Matrix moves and try flyign in the air. But it didn't work out so well :D. I'll eventually get around to doing my homework heh heh.
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Thursday, April 7, 2005
Hart Track and Field team
Well today we went against Canyon (the unbeatable!!) and yes again we lost. It sucks though because they NEVER lost and they are always in league finals for state!! We've been there every year but EVERY YEAR we get beat. That sucks.
It waa a weird day today because when the 800m for varsity girls is going on, the sprinklers decided to go off in the middle of the race! That was CRAZY! Another thing was when Flora passed out in her last lap of the 800m run. She literally fell to the floor and didn't move for like 20 minutes. Then the ambulace came and took her, later the track meet continued. But STILL .... I've never seen ANYONE pass out during the race. It was a long day today and I just got back at 8p.m. with more homework to do. DAMN! oh well, :P.
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I LOVE this song!!!!!
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Wednesday, April 6, 2005
A good pic of ME!!!! MOI!!!
My daddy took a pic of me in Universal Studios so here I am! Oh and another pic of me and my sister! I usually don't wear blue, I wear black most the time like EVERYDAY!

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School and Track
I... hate... school... homework... and tests. I wish it's Summer Break already!!! Awwww I just wish that I can make my costume now. It's been freakin' HOT outsite and I don't want to go to the Track meet tomarrow. Grrrrrrr... oh well ^_^
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Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Ooo piccy of my boyfriend!!!!
Here's the order of my pics!:
Mike (my boyfriend), Me, Aki (my sister), and Alex (Aki's boyfriend)

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My day today
I love my boyfriend! I also can't wait till some anime movies come out like Final Fantasy: Advent Children and Fullmetal Alchemist: the Shambala (shit I forgot the rest). Oh MAN I want to finish up my costume of Edward SOON! If I can't make the deadline, then WTF I'll cry! I just don't know how to make the automail correctly....
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My boyfriend!!!
Awww I LOVE MY BOYFRIEND!! He's such the sweetest ^^. Everyday I see him, I want to run up to him and sqeeze him!! He's SO CUTE! Not only that but in Universal Studios on Sunday, he casualy talk to my dad like they were old college buddies. ^_^ I love him! He can talk to anyone and be sooo sweet!!! He also can't live without video games :P. He's an addict with video games and I ^_^. But he's like 6'3" and I'm like 4'11"!!! AHHH Im SHORT compared to him lol. Anyways I just wanted to talk about how great my boyfriend is. See ya'lls later.
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