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Vivian A. Williamson
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Saturday, August 13, 2005
Yea after waiting two whole weeks i finely got my spike collor it may of not been the one i wantd but it is one alsmost like the one i wanted but it is just as cool.
Today was a good day i got along with my bro and sis for the first time with out a fight from them and that is kinda warid cause we normely fight alot but today i am glade whe did not. My best frined has a bf now and i am so happy that she does casue it does my heart good to see after so long she has found the right one for her.
Well i guess later today i will post my picture i want i a soon as i find it
Well have a great day eveybody
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Friday, August 12, 2005
Well i have had my evil fun for the day. Some lady Keep calling for my mom. My mom was cutting grass so i told the lady so i hunge up on her and then she keep calling back so we ignored her and then she gave up on calling so that was fun to hange up on her thow.
okay i need too ask you all a quistion: Do eney of you think i am bored and that my mood changes to much when i do posting??

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Thursday, August 11, 2005
Im lovein memoery of the Jrocker Hide

Hide you may og left this world with out saying good bye. But alot of pepole still rember you adn how good you were before that fatile day. You did not know nor did eneybody else know you were going to pass away at the age of 32. Meny Jrock bands have started to form in your honor of you a the band you were in before they splite up. You wrote songs that told a story adn spoke out to pepole. You had a gret GirlFriend who loved you a whole lot and some one from the X Japans who looked at you not as a friend but also as a brother to. every body you were colse to is suffering do to that fatule day. Onced you passed it was like the Whole world just stoped moveing for that day you left. May you songs and memoeris never be forgoten Hide. Now you are in a better place looking down adn watching the world.

Rest In peace Hide
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
I surrender on my bg every time i go to change it. the stupid thing stays the same even when i know i changed it and all so maybe i can figure out the problem today.
So how is every one doing this day?
I have been buesy around the house latey but i am going to kill my lil sis and bro from yeasterday after the lil fight the decided to start with me yeaterday. Mainely my lil sis calling me a spoiled lil brat just casue i do not get in trouble. Well unlike here i am the one who perpes to stay out of trouble not to get into it like she does. I mean she has no respect for my privacey waht so ever. Unlike her who is just about geting in trounble all the time and all so unlike here i am more responsabile that is wht i got more stuff then she does
Enjoy the pics

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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
I can not think of eney thing to say at the moment.
Waite yea i do have soemthing to say the punk Roack band is now completed two of my otaku friends here have joind as the last two mebers i will not revely there names but they know who they are.
I also got but by a spider yeasterday adn still have no clue what kind of spider it was that bit but all i know is if i see a spider i am going to KILL it when ever i see one
I also got to talk to my lil sis sindalla and my other otaku sis yeasterday. I had to break up a fight beteewn Sindalla and another on of her friends on msn so hopefully all that is shorted out between thoes Two for now.
Well i got a few new pics i would liek to show you of Dir En Grey and Ray from beyblade

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Monday, August 8, 2005
if you are a Kai fan from beyblade let me know i have founf soem intersitng stuff on him an if you like kai of beyblade pm and let now
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Duno know what to realy say is all that i did was saty up late to watch Hard Rock live Good Charlotte that was awsome to see. Then stayed up even later talking on the phone to madden lover17 till 12:45 last night man me and her are so evil when it comes to talking about guys we like from differnt shows and bands. I have now ideal what time i went to bed last night but i went to bed realy late and stuff. Eney way i had a good day yeasterday and all even thow i had to clen house i did not care it needed to be clean so my dad would not yell at me. When i seen that Good Charlotte hard rock live last night i was jumping up and down as if i was sugar high. But i can not help it Joel Madden is Hot. well hope every one has a good dat today talk to you all later

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Sunday, August 7, 2005

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Hopefully today will turn out better then yeasterday. Man i mad my dad so mad yeasterday. Revenge is all that i got to say becasue it was his faulte that he got mem mad and just keep on pushing my buttons so its all his faulte that i keep diseing him casue he started it and would not stop so nither did i. Then it did not help when i had my bro and sis agravateing the s**** out of me and makeing me mad then they decide to start a fight with me i am flat out tired of it but in one more year i will be out of here and will not have to worrie about this two.

Well i hope that every one has a good day today and enjoy the pics of the day
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
First off my lil sis Vana needs to leave me alone and stop calling me a suck up just cause i do what my parents as me to when it coems to cleaning up the house today. Second my younger bro has realy gotten on my nevers by sleeping in to were i he did not have to do house work today. So that has got me mad and i hate them both for it. Today is so far i am mad but i am okay. My bro and sis just need to leave me alone. Hopefully this will be a good weekend for me and i will not have to worrie about my bro and sis makeing me mad but they are good at that. Even when i am nice to them.
Well guess i will be on later to post soem more if i have the chance to

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