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In my cave...
Member Since
Real Name
Graduating from the eight grade...
Anime Fan Since
Cannot remember...
Favorite Anime
D.N.Angel, Fullmetal Alchemist, Ai Yori Aoshi, Love Hina, Les Bijoux, Psychic Academy, Paradise Kiss, Inuyasha, Paranoia Agent, S-cry-ed, Trigun, .Hack//sign, FLCL and many more...
To survive this year in highschool...
Writing, trying to draw, watching anime, and being with my friends...
I have none...
You all may call me Yoma.(yes, I do know that means monster) Hello and welcome to my Otaku site. Please, sign my guestbook and enjoy.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Damn Computer
Well, my computer has finally been fixed. I think we got a virus and my harddrive crashed. My mom took it to BestBuy, they fixed it, and now I'm going to make it crash again! Yeah right, I almost died without the internet. Nothing much has happened, Jesus (a friend) is freakin me out and teasing me by calling me baby, sweetie, and what not ever since I told him I liked him a little bit. That weirdo's getting a big head now. Whatever, I've got stuff to do. Bye.
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Sunday, August 7, 2005
I just came back from Kyoko's (Saku-chan has a new name now.^_^)We watched D.N.Angel and Gunslinger Girl. Krista was being a brat. She got Kyoko in trouble. We played DDR, too. Then I played Runescape for a while. I'm building up my stats good now. I found out that Starbucks Frappuccino tastes very good. ^_^ That's all I have to say bye. Here's a survey I took from LiquidSilver's site. o.o hehe
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
^_^ Bweeh!
 C:Your Beauty lies
in Nature. Down to earth, laid back and a natural beauty. You have no need for
make-up or accessories that most others do. In fact you most likely find them a
nuisance. You are probably a little tom-boyish in your jeans and tees with a
great love for nature. You probably know more about plants and animals than most
people and you'd rather spend your times outdoors and in the sun, independent
and free. You can be a bit distant with people, preferring the company of
animals over people, which isn't always the best thing. You can be kind and
sweet, but not many see that side of you as you often have misunderstandings
with people. You are very go-with-the-flow sort of person and usually try to
avoid fights even if it means changing your opinion or belief. Still, you are
you look your best actually without make-up and in casual clothes. Very few can
say that. Be proud.
Some Things
That Represent You:
Earth, Wind Animal: Horse Color: Green, Purple, Earth Tones Song:
The Memory Of Trees by Enya Expression: Cool Smile
Emerald Mythological Creature: Fairy, Elf Planet: Earth
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color:
Bright Green
"Horses love me. Cowboys fear me."
Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::.. brought to you by Quizilla
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D.N.Angel and Gunslinger Girl
Well, I bought D.N.Angel 5 of the anime and Gunslinger Girl anime. I've only watched D.N.Angel because after it was over I just went downstairs on the net. Ooooh! I love it! Riku and Daisuke forever anyone? Jesus was online so I talked to him...well, for a long time with long pauses. Then Ali came on and started bugging me saying "oh ur talking wit ur lil boyfriend". Ugh! No way, me and Jesus! Psh! In my dreams! >.< lol Well, he is kinda perverted too asking if he could kiss me to see how I kiss knowing fully that I've never been kissed and that I wouldn't know how! That idiot..then asking...other annoying and disgusting questions guys ask. I'm listening to I Don't Want To Miss A Thing by Steven Tyler. ^_^ I love this song. I'm meeting up with Josh, Ali's ex, at her house tomorrow at two. haha He thinks it's weird because we only talked on the net. :P Whatever... I need to get outside.
Quince practice was on Thursday and I was paired up with Mikey. We learned how to enter and waltz in a circle (12 steps) before turning our special turns. The girls have to know all seven turns because we move from guy to guy. It's fun so far. Then we're going to learn how to dance some dance and that's how we're going to pull people from the crowd and get them all to dance. ...I hate dancing! Just remember you're doing this for a friend...calm down... Well, I'm going to watch Gunslinger Girl now so bye!
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Monday, August 1, 2005
New Mangas and Pants
Today...woke up very early because of my sister!! I was up at about..nine in the morning. Do you know how early that is for me?! My wake up time is from noon to two. I went downstairs and found some pancakes from Mickey-D's. ...Whooopie...I wanted the sausage patty more than the freakin' pancakes. When I was done my sis asked if I wanted to go to the mall with her. Meh, I needed some pants and mangas. Took a shower first since I was sweating like hell from so much DDR last night and my room and the whole freakin upstairs is like Hell itself.
Mom wanted to go with us to the mall...damn her. First stop: Eyebrow Threading. That shit hurts like hell. I fucked up my eyebrows so my mom made me get them fixed. They look better now. Waldenbooks was right next to it so big plus. I bought four mangas. D.N.Angel 8, Confidential Confessions 4, Eerie Queeries 1, and Peach Girl 1. DNAngel rocked as usual, but I'm starting to get the feeling that Risa will fall for Satoshi and Riku will be ok with Daisuke being Dark. o.o;; Meh..
Confidential Confessions fucking rules! I love all of the stories in there. Some make me cry some make me want to scream because adults are such idiots! Telling us we're just children who can't comprehend anything. Psh, look at them!! Eerie Queeries was so hot, cool, hilarious, and sad. I am so continuing this series. The art in the first two are perfect, EQ is kinda...weird but still a great manga. Peach Girl....ROCKS!!! The art! The story! The characters (Kiley is so funny and hopeless)! Ah...all of them I'm continuing. I need to continue Paradise Kiss, Ai Yori Aoshi, Psychic Academy, Vampire Game, and Les Bijoux. I've been ignoring those. I'll need to go to a bookstore by myself because if my parents see the coveres to Ai Yori Aoshi and Psychic Academy..they'll freak! Well, I must be off. See you later.
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Friday, July 29, 2005
Letter From The Highschool
I got a letter from my highschool. It was reminding me that I entered myself into a Leadership program. On August 9th I have to go to Gaelic Park and that's where all the highschool Freshman in the Leadership program will meet. They'll get us all aquainted (sp?), then tell us what we'll be doing throughout the year, yada yada yada. I found out I'll be helping out with Homecoming and the Homecoming Float. Meh, I doubt I'll be able to actually give ideas. Whatever, I'm only in the program and my whole Honors and AP classes so I can get a full scholarship or as many as I can get. My mom can't afford a good college and medical school for me, I think, so this is what I must do. My...uh, talk-to-sometimes friends Katie and Sarah are going, too.
And on other news, I almost threw up my dinner from playing too much DDR. Seriously, I was dancing to the song Saku-chan did very well and I bent down to fix the mat and I nearly threw up all over it. Good thing it was a small amount so I held it back and...swallowed it. Yes, I ate my own vomit. It was disgusting... Well, I'm off to write, read, play DDR, and try not to vomit some more. ^_^
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I've Got It
Finally, I got DDR MAX. Ugh, I had to call the place up to see if they had it in stock first. Damn, they kept redirecting and redirecting and redirecting. I was on the phone for ten minutes full of redirecting. The last two I actually got the answers I wanted. Then I forgot to ask for the price. The BestBuy website is down and won't show the freakin price to the actual game DDR MAX so I just went on the DDR website and guessed! I was actually right. The game and dance pad was 30.00 and 20.00. Altogether it was 54.00 plus a free sneak preview DVD of Stealth. O.O I didn't watch it yet. After we bought the stuff we went to my Tia's (aunt's. I'm mexican here you're gonna see some spanish words and I ain't gonna help you out on 'em) house. Claudia, Lexi, and 'Livia were there. Lexi is so cuuuuute! Then I went to go look at the kitties. Aww, there are four boys and only one girl. Lizzie(the cat) was really fat when she was pregnant but now she lost the weight and her skin is sagging! XD The one girl kitten lost her foot because Lizzie was stupid and bit it off. Fortunately she's ok and it healed over. And strangely she's the fastest runner out of the five. I went back outside after playing with Princess(zeh handicapped[XD] kitty) for a while. I showed Claudia DDR and she wanted to play it. XP She sucks, then my mom-eck!- wanted to play too. Damn, is she embarrassing and stupid as fuck. They sucked balls to say the least. We went home and I ran upstairs and started practicing DDR. ^_^ WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! It rules! Tomorrow I'm going to Vali's house to play it with her. She wanted to try it out. So now I have to bring my PS2 and DDR mat to her house. Stupid, doesn't have a PS2. I better not get jacked in Harvey. I'm bringin a knife just in case. XP Bye! Need to practice to beat Saku-chan!
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