Birthday 1991-08-25 Gender
Female Location In my cave... Member Since 2005-06-29 Occupation Classified Real Name Classified
Achievements Graduating from the eight grade... Anime Fan Since Cannot remember... Favorite Anime D.N.Angel, Fullmetal Alchemist, Ai Yori Aoshi, Love Hina, Les Bijoux, Psychic Academy, Paradise Kiss, Inuyasha, Paranoia Agent, S-cry-ed, Trigun, .Hack//sign, FLCL and many more... Goals To survive this year in highschool... Hobbies Writing, trying to draw, watching anime, and being with my friends... Talents I have none... YumeTenshi
Sunday, August 7, 2005
I just came back from Kyoko's (Saku-chan has a new name now.^_^)We watched D.N.Angel and Gunslinger Girl. Krista was being a brat. She got Kyoko in trouble. We played DDR, too. Then I played Runescape for a while. I'm building up my stats good now. I found out that Starbucks Frappuccino tastes very good. ^_^ That's all I have to say bye. Here's a survey I took from LiquidSilver's site. o.o hehe