Hello welcome to my SITE! The layout for this site was created By 311. It is not my own.
But the friends, blog, and introduction is my own thoughts.
Now i little about me!
I love to say Pie! My favorite phrase is "Hiyaz" or "see yaz"
E mail me at any time! My Email is
today I switched from dish to cable! so it was pretty busy around here.
First: I wake up to the sound of mom talking. And then her and the cable man walks into MY ROOM! witch at that momnet i was still in bed and drosy so i pretty much had my hair sticking up at all ends and was only wearing a big T can understand how embarasing that is.
second: We had absolutly no food in the house that wasn't stale so me and my sister both went shopping for donuts. and we had to walk...and i was still half asleep. And my feet still hurt.
And last but not least! They mixed up heathers and my room. So heather(who doesn't watch TV) Got the cable box were as mine is hooked up to hers! and now in order to change the channel i have to direct the remote through the second gap in my ventalation system! lol
BUT i'm happy! I got a fast computer now and I got my music channals back!!^^ (along with 3 extra VH1's and 2 extra MTVs channels.XP)
annie_b XO
angieanime XO
silentlucidity XO
dream_wings XO
sephiroth XO
darkelf1335 XO
im2kawaii4u21 XO
juggalo2violent XO
maiden_of_life XO
Vampire_legion XO
Layout By 311
Image From:DeathGod.Org
Brushes From 5th Muse & AnimeRain