Hello welcome to my SITE! The layout for this site was created By 311. It is not my own.
But the friends, blog, and introduction is my own thoughts.
Now i little about me!
I love to say Pie! My favorite phrase is "Hiyaz" or "see yaz"
E mail me at any time! My Email is
IM FINALLLY 14!!!!*dances* so far i opened to of my presents and got the ninten dogs game and a picture of either a links and a bobcat from my grandma!...oh by the way i never mentioned this before but im tottly into art and profeshinal art!:O and this one is a native american type. its really cool!
In the game a got a shebi inu that i named koga! and he's really good at disk catching! and then i let my sister pick one and she choose the toy poodle...I dont like it really much though. well anyway. i found out that black hiatie (the dog that riza owns in FMA) Is a shebi inu! becuase koga and black hiatai look exactlly alike!
annie_b XO
angieanime XO
silentlucidity XO
dream_wings XO
sephiroth XO
darkelf1335 XO
im2kawaii4u21 XO
juggalo2violent XO
maiden_of_life XO
Vampire_legion XO
Layout By 311
Image From:DeathGod.Org
Brushes From 5th Muse & AnimeRain