Hello welcome to my SITE! The layout for this site was created By 311. It is not my own.
But the friends, blog, and introduction is my own thoughts.
Now i little about me!
I love to say Pie! My favorite phrase is "Hiyaz" or "see yaz"
E mail me at any time! My Email is
looks like i'm finally!! done editing my site!^^
...or am I..XD**evil cakcle!**
in other words i just came up with this! its small but it will help when i finally post up my begining pages of my webcomic!^^
"WHAT!" This day couldn't get any worse!...scratch that, it could, but luckly kevin was sick today so now i don't have to worry about hideing from him! and i guess that puts a plus on MOVEING AWAY FROM MY PERFECT NORMAL LIFE!
Did i say normal. sorry about that i ment my perfect EMO life. Yep i'm emo! but i'm also the hottest kid in my class..((i'm nothing like the character>.> except i'm emo...hmmm emo kids are hot!)) well thats the only explination i have for all the scary fan letters i find in my locker! guess thats plus two.. that i think of i even have any negatives?..well that would be a quick arguement...looks like i'm moveing! GOOD BYE LITTLE TOWN AND HELLO TO BIG CITY! oh by the way my name is Riuko i ahve black hair and black eye's that have a distant look to them and i have black ears and tail! i'm half cat!((in the web comic everyone is half an animal, but mostly cute cudely animals..))
annie_b XO
angieanime XO
silentlucidity XO
dream_wings XO
sephiroth XO
darkelf1335 XO
im2kawaii4u21 XO
juggalo2violent XO
maiden_of_life XO
Vampire_legion XO
Layout By 311
Image From:DeathGod.Org
Brushes From 5th Muse & AnimeRain