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myOtaku.com: Yunet

Friday, April 1, 2005

Hi. I'm so pissed at some people. It's like I don't even exist. I mean, I'm a human being, and they think they can just topple me over a trash can or something!
By the way, no, I didn't get thrusted into a trash can, no, I'm not pissed at anybody, and yes, that was just a vain attempt of April Fools. ^^ Actually, it's more like an introduction to the subject, and... Yeah. Too much English classes affect your brain O_o

Now, to the real stuff. Today I got out of school kinda earlier because of that ache girls get when they're on their period. Donno the term for it, so I'll just call it "Pain".
So, I had Pain, but of course, it has happened many times before, etc, and I don't really need any medicine because it's usually just some hours with it... And I can handle that.
However, when I get to the 5th period... I swear. It was just hurting SO MUCH. I couldn't stop myself from crying. And I'm not a person that cryes a lot... For anything. I go to the Nurse (I hate that woman!), take some medicine, and voila! It still HURTS! Then I call my parents, bla bla bla, Get out in the middle of English (yay!) and come back home... But it didn't get much better, either.

I was like a living corpse. I walked, ate, breathed, sat, read... But at the same time I did nothing. It just hurt too much, and if I opened my mouth to talk, or walked just a bit more, or did anything that would waste me a little more, I'd cry or start crying in a matter of seconds. God, I hate to cry! I just wrapped myself in a blanket, ate as much chocolate as I could (although I'm not supposed to), and brainwashed myself with TV. Now, I'm better... Still hurts, but much less than before. *Sighs*

Changing the subject, I'm sad cuz of the Pope. I'm not totally religious and stuff (I have been baptized and am a Cristian, but I haven't really decided that yet), but I do respect the guy, he's an amazing man. I'm just a little happy that he can finally meet eternal peace with the One he loves, instead of suffer all that he has until now. May he rest in peace.

For those who don't like long posts, I'm sorry. Here's a random really cute pic I found on the Internet:

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Again, Happy April 1st. Bye! ^^

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