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myOtaku.com: Yunet

Saturday, April 2, 2005

So... Cramps (yes, I did find out what the "pain" is called) are still picking on me but I'm fine now. ^^

Nothing much to say, except that I've been taking care of the house, and organizing my room... Which isn't news, as I have to always organize my room somewhere, cuz it's just too much stuff for too little space ^^

I watched two movies.

The first is called Birth with Nicole Kidman. It's that story where she just lost her husband, and some years later a boy shows up saying he's "Sean" (her husband). I expected something different from the movie, actually. The director's overall idea is really smart, but he wasn't able to make a good movie out of it... So, what I'm saying is, watch it if you will. But you won't get anything spectacular from it.

The second one I saw today, Resident Evil 2 - Apocalypse, and I won't explain the movie as all of you probably know the story ^^

Oh yeah, Guess what?! Today my parents are going to this party, so I'm staying alone almost all night ^^ Ok, not completely alone... I'll still have my brother, but he's actually pretty calm sometimes. Just put a pc with games and internet in front of him and he'll stop acting dumb right away ^^

That's all for today. Here's another pic I got in the net:

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Later! ^^

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